Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 230: Are commercials really going to be a series?

Junxiu was sitting in the living room of Taeyeon's house, looking extremely restrained and nervous. The moment he stepped out of the elevator, his heart was beating wildly. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa, but Taeyeon's brother, sister, and his father all focused their attention on Junsu. Their eyes really made Junxiu feel a little hairy.

Taeyeon's brother and sister both thought it was very miraculous that Junxiu appeared in front of them, because the TV series "Embrace the Moon" that Junxiu performed in this time period has just ended, and his popularity has been pushed to the top again. Peak state, so when Li Xuan in the TV series they were chasing appeared in front of them, an inexplicable sense of magic naturally rose in their hearts.

Fortunately, this embarrassment was quickly broken. Taeyeon and her mother packed up the gifts Junsu bought and walked over with water. Taeyeon's mother always had a smile on her cheeks, she handed the water cup to Junxiu, and the first sentence was not a greeting, but: "The most recent TV drama of yours made me cry, your acting skills It's really awesome! This is definitely another improvement and breakthrough."

"Hey~~" Taeyeon's mother's first sentence made Junxiu almost think that she had met a big mom fan, because this drama really made Junxiu capture a lot of big mom fans again. And during the filming, many aunties came to the studio to visit.

Seeing Junsu's embarrassed appearance, Taeyeon said depressedly, "Is this a fan meeting? Why do I suddenly feel that the atmosphere is not right? O-ma, he is not the Li Xuan in the TV series. He is Junsu, Junsu!"

"I know it's Junxiu!" After saying this, Mother Tai turned to look at him with a smile and said, "Is it okay if I call you that?"

"No no no, auntie, just do whatever you want, and thank you for liking my TV series."

"Hehe~~ I always heard that you and Taeyeon have been dating for a long time?"

Taeyeon's mother didn't go around with Junxiu and went straight to the topic, because she knew that the two of them didn't have much time to stay here. So she had to ask everything she was curious about.

Junxiu saw that Taeyeon's mother was so straightforward, he put down the water glass in his hand and looked at Taeyeon seriously, and responded seriously: "Yes, we have been dating for a long time. We have established our relationship since 2008, and it counts now. It's been four or five years since I came down. It's just that I'm too busy on weekdays, so I don't have time to visit you, I'm really sorry."

Taeyeon's mother nodded and said, "Understand, Taeyeon rarely has time to come back on weekdays, not to mention you who are busier than Taeyeon. You've been running around the world recently, right?"

"Well, running all over the world. My current variety shows are mainly filmed overseas. I personally have some overseas events to attend and participate in, and my career in the United States can't be left behind, so I have always been busy. Usually in a month I can rest for two or three days at most, and if I add TV dramas or comebacks or something, it means I haven’t rested for several months.”

"Being busy, you two have to keep in touch with each other more often. Once there is less contact in love, the relationship will cool down quickly. Are you saying that? Junxiu."

Taeyeon's mother's remarks made Junxiu twitch the corners of his mouth awkwardly: "Well, I have spent a lot of time in China in recent years. As long as I am in Seoul, we will meet more often. Don't worry, Auntie, our relationship is very stable."

Taeyeon's father finally spoke at this time: "Let the young people's feelings be handled by themselves. It's fine if we give blessings by the side. Don't teach people how to fall in love! After all, both of them have jobs. They are very busy. It’s better to work hard while they are young, and wait until they stop being idols. Their conditions have also laid a solid foundation, and they can do whatever they want at that time.”

Taeyeon's father's words really touched Junsu. After Taeyeon's father finished speaking, he raised his watch and looked at the time: "Okay, don't drag Junxiu all the time to chat, they have to go back before dinner, it's already past three!"

"Didn't I chat yet?"

Taeyeon's father immediately said, "Don't delay your child's work. If you want to chat, take some time to have a good chat next time, or you can go to Seoul someday."

Taking the time to go to Seoul is like saying it to Junxiu, and Junxiu immediately followed it up and said: "Auntie, you can see when you have time to come to Seoul. Recently... um, I have to go to Japan the day after tomorrow, There may be a delay of two days there, and there will be no arrangements after returning to China. You are welcome to come to Seoul."

Taeyeon knew that Junsu had only returned from Japan yesterday and will be there again the day after, so she looked at Junsu in surprise: "Going again?"

"Well, after the commercial aired this time, the food company over there proposed a contract for a new product. The Japanese company has also signed a contract. I have to go over and shoot a new commercial."

"Oh." Taeyeon nodded.

Since Junsu invited Taeyeon's mother to Seoul as a guest, they did not delay their return trip. Taeyeon's mother took some of the kimchi she prepared for Taeyeon to bring back to Seoul, and also prepared some for Junsu. , and then sent the two away.


Back in Seoul, Taeyeon began to devote herself to practice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Junsu's performance today is very satisfying to her. Although I went to her house to simply make a display, it was generally decent.

Two days later, Junxiu came to Nissin Foods again. This time, the script was already written and placed in front of Junxiu. Junxiu looked at the screen shot of the script and looked at Yui next to him and said, "Wow. .It has really become a TV series, how many are you going to shoot?"

"We plan to run this advertisement for 30 seconds, and the ramen of the Tombei Guard series has two flavors, one is oil tofu and the other is tempura."

Because the pronunciation of fried tofu and winter fox in Japanese is the same, Junxiu misheard and said, "Winter fox? What is winter fox? Is it a fox demon?"

"Donghu? Fried tofu? Hahaha~~~" The director laughed when he heard Junxiu's mistake: "Are you going to name Yui-san in the script Donghu? It fits very well." "Beiwei Fried Tofu" is this product!"

Junxiu also laughed embarrassedly because of the joke he made because of his hearing problem: "Then why don't you just let Yui-san play the fox directly."

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