Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 231: Winter Fox and Winter Soldier

Counting the time, Junxiu has been in Japan for eight years. His spoken Japanese is no longer a problem for daily communication. As long as the other party doesn't speak strange dialects or strong Kansai accents, he can basically do it. understand. But today's director, with some Kansai flavor in his words, speaks official words, that is, the phrase 'oil tofu' that Junxiu misheard as 'Winter Fox? ’

Junxiu made a joke because of the language problem, the director present and Yui all laughed. He is the only one who can describe fried tofu as a winter fox with all kinds of strange ideas. Junxiu looked at the laughter made by the people present to him, and he said depressedly: "Why do you have to name the girlfriend in the advertisement called Donghu, why don't you just let her play the fox demon directly, Japan is not just The legend of the nine-tailed fox? Just play the cute fox."

After listening to Junxiu's sudden suggestion, the director said: "But our script has already been written, and it is very troublesome to change the script now. Isn't the effect of these stories very warm?"

But when the director's voice just fell, the person in charge of the manufacturer immediately asked Junxiu: "Junxiu-sang, do you have any good suggestions here?" The person in charge of Junxiu's creative chicken ramen has more than once It was mentioned, so when Junxiu expressed his opinion, the person in charge immediately asked Junxiu for his advice. If his suggestion is very good, even if it is a script that has already been done, it must be revised.

Junxiu thought about it and said, "Didn't a giant panda come to Japan recently? I saw some people on the street wearing headbands with panda ears. Do you think we can make a fox ear? Yui is playing Donghu with a headband. Didn't you just say Donghu and oily tofu, the product names of the two are very similar? So you see..."

After Junxiu briefly said one of his ideas, the person in charge of the manufacturer applauded. Even the director who made the script this time felt that Junxiu's idea was much more ingenious than his own. Especially when the person from the manufacturer asked Junxiu, Dongbei also has a tempura product, not just a Donghu (oil tofu). ?

In the end, Junxiu was silent for two seconds and then said: "Donghu saw that she was eating tempura ramen instead of fried tofu series, so she looked very angry and asked me why I didn't eat fried tofu ramen. Then I said I suddenly wanted to eat tempura today, and then I took a bite of tempura. The director can add the crisp sound of tempura in the later stage. Yui screamed and said 'no', and then I took another bite. The voice made her cover her ears and scream tragically 'Don't make this betrayal'"

Junxiu cooperated with his own thoughts and covered his ears at this time, but the next second Junxiu said jokingly: "Your ears are here?" Because the fox ears are pinned, the ears should be on the top of the head! !

Simple, ingenious, and with some little funny ideas, the 'Tempura Series' also appeared in an instant. The director was stunned by Junxiu's wild ideas: "Wow... Junxiu-sang, are you an advertising planner or an artist? If all the artists are like you, our advertising company will go bankrupt, right?"

Yui, who is sitting next to him, is really happy for Junxiu, because he is just like the 'xiu' in his name, he is very good! Yui laughed and said, "Hahaha~~ Director, don't you know that Junsu was a writer before? The Korean drama "Full House" is Junsu's work, it's a popular work in Asia, but he doesn't have time recently. I've come to write a work, and many Junxiu fans feel that it is a pity."

"Full House", a Korean drama that has swept the whole of Asia, was indeed written by Junxiu, but at that time he only provided the idea and outline of the work, and it was the writers on the TV station who filled the work with flesh and blood.

Anyway, Junxiu also gave his own ideas to the work, which made the director unable to help but be surprised: "Wow, Junxiu-sang, he wrote and acted, wrote and sang, do you want to try the director's job next time? Is it? I finally understand why my teacher always said that some people are born to be suitable for this circle, Jun Xiusang is definitely the most suitable artist I have ever seen in this circle, and there is no one, absolutely!!"

Junxiu put this song in the face of the praises and said: "No, no, no, I don't even have the mind to create film and television works, let alone a director. I'm already very tired to do the work in front of me now. , I'm not thinking about finding something for myself to do."

"Haha.." The person from the manufacturer smiled and nodded and said, "Then let's go here for the time being today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yui is also busy rushing to the shooting site. Director, you are here. Please go back and redo the storyboard according to Junxiu's idea, this time the advertisement is based on Junxiu's idea. I hope you can try to do it tomorrow, so that we can shoot the day after tomorrow?"

The manufacturers who paid for it all said so, and the director could only nod his head in agreement. Who said Junxiu's idea was more clever than his own. So it's normal for his case to be rejected. The director nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back and draw the storyboard right away. I'll show it to you before tomorrow morning, and then we'll decide the shooting time."


It's only been a week since Junsu and Yui gathered at Nissin Foods again. Junxiu, Yui, and each other's agent got into the elevator together, and Junxiu started to nag at the agent: "This time the contracting company is a little uncomfortable, you don't mean that you talked about this time earlier. Do you have a product contract? Why do you have to wait for the advertisement to be broadcast before making a final decision? If you want to sign it, sign it early, it makes it really troublesome for me to run back and forth.”

"The manufacturer also needs to think about it. The most important thing is that the products are different, and the two departments are different. Although the chicken ramen is recommended, everyone discussed the preliminary, but the product manager here decided to take a look. The market's reaction after the launch of your advertisement this time. No matter what, the contract has been signed, and the account has already arrived."

"I wouldn't go back if I knew it earlier. Yui, when do you get off work tonight?"

"Me? I don't know, maybe it's still around the morning? Oppa, are you coming to pick me up?"

"Well, I'm here to pick you up. Let's have a late-night snack. I heard that there is a family of kebabs that are very delicious!"

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