Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 249: Spring in the karaoke room (Part 1)

Tokyo is a city full of all kinds of temptations, but at this moment Junxiu's heart has become less peaceful at this moment, and there is always a devilish voice in his heart that bewitches his mind. . The last bit of sanity told to stop moving forward, because once that line was crossed, he might step into the abyss!

Many people say that men will become bad when they have money, but for Junsu, the heart will only change after having 'time'. When he was busy in the past, he didn't have the slightest free time to think about the 'mistakes' that men were prone to make. After all, at that time, he didn't even have enough time to sleep. The only respite he got was on Yui or Taeyeon. On the body, he really didn't have time to seriously look at other women around him.

So when he gradually became less busy, and they were busy with their careers, there seemed to be a feeling of 'students on vacation' or 'girlfriends on business trips', and that's how this feeling appeared. Then comes the real danger.

Fortunately, Junxiu still retains the last trace of reason, and he did not take Matsunura Sa Yuri into Prada's famous boutique to choose gifts, otherwise the relationship between the two would be completely changed. Compared with the on-call mistress, the relationship of 'ambiguous/ambiguous' is more intoxicating, so Junxiu chose to maintain this inexplicable relationship.

The relationship is not explicit, but maintains an "unusual" relationship, this is ambiguous/ambiguous! Originally, this was a relationship definition for those who dared not confess to each other, but had a good impression of each other, but it was later used by some conscientious people. Ambiguous/ambiguous has gradually become a derogatory term for not wanting to take responsibility.

So Junxiu didn't say go to the Love/Ren Hotel next door at this time, but said to go to the karaoke room. Everyone knows that it is impossible to install any cameras in the karaoke room, and no one will come in when you don’t ring the service bell, so even if there are some intimate actions in that private karaoke room, no one will interfere. . Of course, you can't be too outrageous in it, kiss and touch. But it's a bit too much for you to "shoot" in it. Well, even if you really come to that step, there are bathrooms in the higher-end singing rooms. cough cough~~


It was Junsu's first time to come to a karaoke room in Japan. When he was in Korea, he had been there twice, with everyone from Girls' Generation. To practice the karaoke room with them is really like coming to a nightclub. After the music starts, they all sing in a roaring way, singing out of tune and dancing strange dances at the same time.

Anyway, playing with Girls' Generation in the karaoke room for two hours is comparable to the physical exertion of a concert. And playing with them in the karaoke room is absolutely not allowed to order lyrical songs, because they are all 'booms' and can't be idle. Last time Taeyeon wanted to sing a lyrical song by Bai Zhiying Ying was stunned, Xiuying's original words 'Taeyeon, go open another private room, I'll pay you, and you can sing it yourself. ’

Junsu understands Taeyeon's thoughts very well, because after going to a place like that, everyone always has one or two super-favorite songs that they really want to sing. But their team is full of 'booms' who like to make noise. Who would sit down quietly and listen to what lyrical songs you sing? Doesn't this spoil the atmosphere?

After being harassed by them twice, Junxiu will never go to any karaoke room with them again. In the karaoke room, they can make trouble for you even if they are brainy. Not to mention the bombardment of eardrums, but also forcing you to dance that super weird dance with them, it is simply torture for Junxiu who likes a little quieter~!

And today Junsu and Sa Yuri came to the karaoke room in Japan. Of course, the equipment is not perfect, and the structure of the room is also different. There is a 'dance floor' in the Korean karaoke room, which is a stage for those who love to sing and dance. The Japanese side is a circular sofa, and only two people can stand in the blank space, as if the people here only sing, not dance.

And the karaoke room in South Korea has gorgeous neon lights, while the karaoke room here has only ordinary lights. Junxiu, who was a little disappointed in the karaoke room, ordered a beer and began to flip through the song list.

When the waiter went to get drinks for the two of them, Sha Youli sat down a little in the direction of Junxiu. She almost only had a fist position with Junxiu. She smiled generously and said: "Senior, you Why do you feel so disappointed, isn't that the case in Korean karaoke rooms?"

"Korea's karaoke room is just a bit bigger in terms of the structure of the room, and everything else is about the same."

"We also have a bigger karaoke room here, but it's just the two of us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't think such a big room is needed. Today, I can listen to the senior's singing at such a close distance. Is it a private concert for me?"

"I also said to watch your Nogizaka live concert."

After coming to this private space without a third party, Sha Yuri's mood was also relieved a lot, because no one would interfere with their romance here. So at this time, her mood became extremely relaxed. Facing Junxiu's words, she smiled very happily and said, "Hee hee~ I'll sing my best song for senior in a while."

"Well, if your singing skills are good, maybe I will have the opportunity to find you to collaborate on a song." Junxiu ordered the first song as he spoke. He wanted to try the equipment in the karaoke room? The first song is "Until the End of the World", the theme song of "Slam Dunk" that Junsu watched when he was in elementary school.

When the music sounded, Junxiu began to sing, and Sa Yuri, who was sitting beside him waving the handbell, was stunned. A singer is a singer, even covering other people's songs is so good. Junxiu's singing moved Sha Youri. The lyrics of this song, matched with Junxiu's singing, somehow made people feel like crying. This is the first time I heard such a beautiful voice..

As the theme song of a classic cartoon, of course she has heard this song before, but I don't know why this song has another flavor in Junxiu's cover? That indescribable feeling hits the chord deep in my heart.

Maybe when I listened to this song, I didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics. Now she has entered the society from the school days, and she has experienced the bitterness of life firsthand, so when Junxiu put the first lyric "Wandering alone in the big world" The city, like a discarded empty beer can, her nose was inexplicably sour after she sang.

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