Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Spring in the karaoke room (Part 2)

The same song, listening to each age group will have different feelings. Maybe when I listened to songs in my youth, I paid more attention to the words of love and love written in it, but when I experienced certain things and lived a life that belonged only to her, I naturally understood the words that were described. The living state of my life, those slightly humble lyrics are so heart-wrenching when I listen to them again.

Cartoons are a place to help you store your childhood memories, and the familiar theme songs in cartoons will always take you back to those beautiful years inadvertently when you grow up. The childhood memories came to mind along with the theme song. Junxiu was holding the microphone, but his mind was full of memories of the years when he was waiting in front of the TV and waiting for the cartoon.

Just as Junsu was singing the chorus of the song loudly, the waiter who brought in the beer knocked on the door and entered. Junsu didn't take off his mask, but his singing entered his ears the moment he opened the door. The singing gave the waiter an instant shock. I have been a waiter in the karaoke room for so long, and I haven't heard someone who sings so well for a long time.

After the waiter came in, Junxiu also took the microphone away from his mouth, and politely smiled at the waiter and said "thank you". The waiter smiled and said, "I'm very happy to serve you. If you need it, please ring the service bell, and we will come in time."

After the waiter withdrew, Junxiu put down the microphone in his hand and sat back. He took a bottle of beer and drank it. Sha Youli looked at Junxiu drinking and she smiled sweetly: "Senior's singing is really~ nice. I was moved by your singing. If the waiter hadn't come in, I would have been moved to tears. I don’t know how many years have passed, but when I heard this song again, I felt completely different from when I was a child. When I heard the song, the scene of the cartoon was naturally in my mind, but I didn’t take it seriously until I heard the song again today. I looked at the lyrics, and it turns out that the lyrics of this song are also very well written."

Junxiu also nodded and said, "Well, the lyrics are pretty good. You can sing a song you are good at for me."

"Huh? Senior, do you really want to cooperate with me?"

"The premise is that your singing is good.." Before Junxiu's voice fell, Sha Yuri immediately said: "That's fine, I'm not so blindly confident in my singing ability. Otherwise, , I'm a singer, not a girl group idol, so I'll sing for entertainment."

Sha Youri also ordered a comic song, the song is the cute type "Love Cycle", Junxiu immediately dismissed the idea of ​​collaborating with her after listening to her singing. As she said, she can only be regarded as an out-of-tune person, and it is not enough to rap 'good'.

While she was singing, Junxiu sat next to him and drank a bottle of beer on his own. In this room with only the two of them, there was a passion that was about to explode. Maybe singing and drinking at this time , all of which are accumulating power for the next second of intense discharge.

After Sha Youli finished singing, she returned to Junxiu and sat down. When she was beside him, she raised her head slightly and looked at Junxiu with a full smile: "Senior, I sing really bad, right?"

Junxiu turned to look at Sha Youri beside him and said, "Well, it's not hopeless..."

At the end of Junsu's words, his voice was almost inaudible. Because after he turned his head, the eyes of the two were intertwined, and the addiction revealed in each other's eyes had completely foretold the next thing. The heads of the two slowly fit together, and Junxiu's lips took the initiative to print on...

After the first kiss, the enthusiasm in their hearts was finally ignited, and the two did not continue to order songs. Instead, they kept entangling each other's fragrant tongues, constantly sucking each other, and Junxiu's hand also pressed on the peaks.

Her "murder room" kept changing shape in Junxiu's hands, and her tongue kept catching up with his entanglement. From time to time, the petite panting seemed to ignite the flame in her heart, Junxiu's hand started to move towards the private area below, Sha Youli was wearing a dress, so Junxiu's hand quickly touched her lower abdomen, slowly down..

Just as Junxiu's hand was placed in the last line of defense, the 'forest' area was rubbing against his hand, and just as Junxiu was about to set off towards the depths, a loud 'kakao~~' message sounded This sounded in the room where the music had stopped, and just such a jolt of spirit came back at this moment.

Junsu braked from the hidden zone that was about to unfold, he pulled out his hand, and Sa Yuri also felt Junsu stop their kiss and parted at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sa Yuri after separation With a blushing face, he said to Junxiu, "Senior, let's read the information first, it may be an important matter."

Junsu nodded and took out his mobile phone and looked at the letter 'Gakki', the name made Junsu a little bit away from Sa Yuri, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the message from Yui 'oppa, I'm going to the TV station to shoot our drama now The publicity program can end in an hour at most. ’

At the last moment, Yui's text message made Junxiu wake up. The demon voice in his heart disappeared without a trace after Yui's news arrived, and his hot heart also cooled down super quickly at this moment, which made him quickly The return to plain.

Junsu began to edit a text message to Yui, ‘Got it, I’m going to the TV station now, and I’ll call your agent when I get there. I'll wait for you in your car first. I won't drive if I eat and drink a little at night. ’

After Junxiu's message was sent, he put away his phone, then turned to Sa Youri and said, "I have something to go."

Hearing that Junxiu was leaving, Sha Youli was a little disappointed, but if Junxiu was leaving, she couldn't let him stay, so let's talk about leaving first, right? She could only nod her head and say, "Well, okay, senior, just go to work first, I'll go back by myself later."

"Where do you live? Why don't I take you home first and then I'll go to my business. The agent said he was having dinner with the Nissin manufacturer, and happened to talk about the new advertisement. So..." To make each other so embarrassed, he had to simply tell a lie, using the manufacturer's people as an excuse.

When Sha Youli heard it was about the advertisement, she said understandingly, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll just go back by myself in a while. Senior, go and do your business."

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