Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 271: long-lost date (5)

When choosing a date place, Junsu will not foolishly choose Hongdae, which is full of young people, nor will he choose the crowded Cheongdam-dong and tree-lined road. He chose Itaewon, South Korea's 'Global Village'. Almost foreigners who come to South Korea, as long as they are not with the group, choose to live in Itaewon temporarily, because people from all over the world gather here. First of all, In terms of language, as long as you can speak English there is no big problem here.

Generally, foreigners who come to Korea for free travel rarely speak Korean, so when you live in other areas, you can only choose expensive star-rated hotels. However, when ordinary backpackers choose cheap hotels, you cannot speak Korean. Next, Itaewon is the best choice. Not all travelers are in groups. For example, most of the trips in European and American countries are mostly independent trips.

If you choose to live in Itaewon, you can find out a lot of news. After all, everyone in this global village uses English, so there is no problem in language communication. And in 2012, most of the people in Itaewon were foreigners, and there were fewer young Koreans coming here on weekdays. Maybe it was because of English phobia? Therefore, most young Koreans still choose the fashionable boulevard, or Hongdae in Taeyeon's mouth.

And Itaewon has the existence of this "world village", and slowly, food from all over the world has developed here. If the streets of Hongdae are full of young Koreans, then Itaewon has more than 70% foreigners, which is quite a disparity. And this is also the special culture of Itaewon, because it used to be the station of the US military!

For someone like Taeyeon who doesn't speak English, she almost never chooses to go to Itaewon. On the contrary, Itaewon is a good place for foreign artists such as Pani, because the chance of them being recognized here is several levels lower than that of Hongdae. Not all tourists who come to Korea to travel know Korean artists. Even if they know Korean artists, they may not be recognized off stage.

Even if you are recognized here, you can at most say hello, sign your name or take a group photo. They won't surround you all the time and interfere with your private time. You know, after a popular Korean artist appeared in Hongdae, then~~~ just like Taeyeon described Gwangjang Market, you can get in, but you can't get out!


The two got into a taxi at the door of the Porsche store and headed to Itaewon. Walking on the streets of Itaewon during the daytime seemed particularly deserted. It was the first time that Taeyeon came to this place full of foreign characters. She saw Zhu Junxiu said, "oppa, did you come here often before?"

"I came here a few times before I debuted. The children from the foreign language school I attended often come here to eat, perhaps because of the language. They come here to chat freely and eat familiar food. , wait. I haven't been here since my debut, but nothing has changed here. Only those stupid people who talk about Itaewon can only laugh that this is a bar street opened by foreigners, and there is nothing here. Expensive, there are bars everywhere. I think these people are fools, don’t foreigners eat? Foreigners only know how to drink? It’s just stupid, and I can’t find a place and say Itaewon is a mess. I'm sure in two years, this will be the next 'Hongdae', because language can't stop good people from looking for good food, and here is hidden food from all over the world! Tell me what you want to eat?"

In this place full of exotic atmosphere, to Koreans, it seems that there are monsters and monsters from all over the world living here. However, it is because of the fusion of world cultures that it has infinite vitality, and for the whole world, 'wine' is the best way to make friends, so there are so many bars here. But there are also a lot of world cuisines hidden here, but many people don't know it yet.

Just as Junsu and Taeyeon were chatting, many foreigners passed by them, which made Taeyeon feel as if she was overseas: "Wow.. It's the first time I've come to Itaewon. I I just heard people say that all the people living here are foreigners, and it’s really rare to find Koreans coming after getting off the bus.”

"Korean people won't come here, they will choose to go to the bar street to see if they can meet single foreign beauties. This is the name of the former 'Manager Tuanlu', which has not been used for a long time, all I know is People who have lived in Seoul for more than ten years. There are all restaurants and cafes here. Because those signs are written in English, most people passing by will not know what is going on in the store unless they go to the store. They don't know those 'English'."

Taeyeon listened to Junxiu's sarcastic words, she blushed and said, "Who... who said they don't know each other, isn't that English written in Burger?"

Junsu listened to Taeyeon's Korean-English, he couldn't help laughing: "Puchi~~ Yes, it's really a burger. Craft.Burger is what we call a handmade burger, how about it, do you want to try it? Just right , your publicity period is over, it’s okay to eat hamburgers, right?”

For singers who are in the promotion period, they generally do not eat super-calorie foods such as hamburgers. Because eating hamburgers and cola today will directly reflect on their weight tomorrow. Those whose physiques are prone to change during the promotion period are very sensitive to their weight.

Looking at the burger shop with the red sign~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taeyeon pouted and said, "Oh, then~~ what else is there to eat here?"

"There are authentic pizzas from Italy, as well as Thai, Indian, French, Mexican, and Chinese dishes, but I still choose to go to Chef Li Yanfu's place to eat Chinese dishes. His cooking is really good. eat."

"It's really dishes from all over the world, shall we go eat pizza?"

"Aren't you going to eat pizza at night now? Let's go, I'll take you to a cafe we ​​used to go to when we were studying. It's Italian-style refreshments. It tastes very good. Order a bitter espresso. Coffee, paired with sweet pastries, this is the real date!"

Junxiu walked towards the cafe with Taeyeon Yuzai wandering, and the two did not seem too close on the road, neither holding hands nor arms. It's like a trip between friends~

Although it is said that there are few Koreans on the road in Itaewon, it is not that there are no Koreans. For example, there are three young women walking towards the two of them at this time...

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