Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 272: long-lost date (6)

Relatively speaking, most of the pedestrians here in Itaewon are foreigners, but it does not mean that there are no Koreans here at all. After all, this is also the Seoul of South Korea, and it is impossible to say without Koreans. Moreover, food from all over the world gathers here, and the decoration also presents the styles of various countries, otherwise it would not be called a "world village". Therefore, there are still some people who know Itaewon, and they themselves know some foreign languages, and they all know that there is a "global cuisine" hidden here.

They come to Itaewon because there are dishes from different regions around the world, so there are always some people who want to taste authentic foreign dishes. After all, foreigners live here, and itaewon is definitely the best choice when it comes to choosing foreign cuisine. What's more, the chefs here are all foreigners cooking their country's cuisine, and the objects they sell are not changed to cater to Korean tastes. Can such dishes not be authentic?

Just when Junsu and Taeyeon felt as if they were walking on the streets overseas, three young Korean women walked towards them. Why are they sure they are Korean, because they speak Korean. Junsu and Taeyeon heard them laughing and chatting in Korean from a distance, which made them both become careful for the first time.

Taeyeon lowered her head slightly and walked on the ground, so that the brim of the peaked cap she was wearing could slightly cover her appearance, so that they would not be easily discovered when they passed by. But it was Taeyeon's hidden action that caught their attention. Because people walking on the street don't say they have to hold their heads up like a model, but they shouldn't be evasive, right? Unless you are some kind of "criminal" afraid of being found out.

So the more nervous, the more weird it looks, which will attract the attention of others. Often the best way to meet such a situation is to be natural, because the more natural you are, the less pedestrians will pay attention to you.

Taeyeon's small gesture of bowing her head made the woman walking towards them notice them both from a distance. And Junsu didn't act like a thief like Taeyeon. He was natural, confident, and casually made eye contact with the three young women walking towards him. After watching each other's eyes turn to him, Junxiu smiled politely and smiled at them.

Just when Junsu's eyes and smile caused them to fall into a brief absence, Junsu and Taeyeon passed by their side. The woman whose eyes met Junsu stopped and quickly turned to look at Junsu and Taeyeon's backs. She looked at the backs of Junsu and Taeyeon in surprise and said, "The guy who just passed by seems to be JS. So handsome?"

These words made all of them look at Junsu and Taeyeon's backs, and one of the excited women stared at them suspiciously and said, "Junxiu? Could it be that you are wrong? Or are you hallucinating? How could Junxiu appear here? Even if you come over for dinner, it's a little early now, right? Or does he look like Junxiu?"

Facing her companion's doubts, she frowned slightly and began to recall whether she was wrong? She tilted her head and said, "Does she look like Junxiu, oh, um~ I made eye contact with that person, and I really think he is Junxiu!"

"Junxiu? How is that possible? He dared to take a woman out to go shopping in the daytime. Could it be that that woman is Shungui?" It is estimated that only Junxiu can be a woman who can swagger and go shopping with Junxiu in broad daylight in Korea. 's younger sister, Shun Kyu?

"But looking at the back, it doesn't look like Shun Kyu. If you look at the height, it is similar to Shun Kyu, but Shun Kyu's figure should be a little rounder. Forget it... let's go, they have all gone so far. "Seeing Junxiu and Junxiu's backs getting farther and farther away from them, even if they discovered Junxiu by chance, they completely lost the idea of ​​catching up.


Junsu and Taeyeon cleverly avoided the first 'random encounter'. Junxiu smiled and said to Taeyeon next to him: "You were like a thief just now, why are you bowing your head? Doing such a weird behavior in front of others will attract attention. Be generous, even if you find out It's okay for the two of us. What are you worried about?"

Taeyeon also knew that her actions just now caught their attention, especially after passing by, she turned her head slightly and looked at them who stopped walking behind her. She nodded and said, "Got it, am I nervous? It's the first time I'm out with you at this time. Hee hee~~ oppa, when I talk about Itaewon, I think of the movie "Itaewon Murder Case" "Have you seen this movie?"

"I didn't watch it, I didn't have time to watch it. I don't even remember that I haven't watched a movie for a long time. Why don't we go to a movie later?"

"Forget it, let's go home and watch a movie. The movie theater's current screen highlights are still easy to recognize us, unless you watch horror movies or something, the kind of dim light. Hey~~ The last time I asked them to watch a movie, I'm actually ignoring one of them, hum~~ **** me off."

The last time Junsu went overseas to film "The Jungle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Girls' Generation had just entered a rest period, so Taeyeon thought about asking anyone to go to a movie while everyone had time." of. But after she sent out the title and screening time, no one answered her, and even Pani didn't choose to watch it with her. Because Taeyeon wanted to see the **** movie "The Hunger Games".

"Okay, I'll watch The Hunger Games with you when I go back tonight."

The two arrived at the Italian Cafe after talking. After entering the door, the pastry display cabinet was displayed in front of them. Those exquisite pastries caught Taeyeon's attention as soon as they entered the door. She didn't pay attention to the store. The comfortable decoration style, instead, focused all the attention on the pastries of different colors in front of them, and the delicate pastries on the glass still exude a tempting deliciousness.

The aroma of coffee in the cafe is mixed with the creamy aroma of pastry making, which is a mixture of sweet and mellow, which is an irresistible temptation. And the colorful macarons are particularly attractive, and Taeyeon's eyes widened unconsciously at this moment.

There are not many seats in the cafe. There is a long row of chairs. There are three small tables on the long row of chairs. In addition, there are five scattered double people by the window, three people..

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