Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Tara event

Chapter 311 Tara Incident (Page 1/1)

Junsu, Kim Jongguk, and his agent, the three of them sat leisurely in a cafe on the streets of Los Angeles watching the pedestrians coming and going. It's October, and the sunshine in Los Angeles is still so good. Junxiu drank espresso to wake up dozing off. At this moment, the three of them didn't talk much, and they all enjoyed the leisurely moment. After drinking Junxiu's cup of concentrate, Jiazhen smiled and said, "Junxiu, do you want to buy you another glass of iced American?"

"Thank you, Brother Jiazhen, don't need it for now, so as not to drink too much coffee and run to the bathroom." Junxiu stretched and said comfortably: "I haven't enjoyed this leisure time talking to myself like this for a long time. No wonder Brother Zhong Guo likes to come to Los Angeles, where you can relax even if you sit quietly on the street here. Korea binds you and me too tightly."

Kim Jong Kook nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, only in the United States will there be not many people who can recognize us, so we can enjoy this freedom. In Korea, I don't want to go anywhere except the gym. Are you here because of the music album?"

"Well, for the English album. If you have to release it before the new year, you can do some activities here at the end of the year. It is estimated that you will not go back to Korea until after the new year. How about you, this time come here. Or for rest?"

"Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival going to be a holiday? I just thought about coming to play for half a month and then going back. By the way, about Tara..."


When Junsu threw himself into the filming of the movie, Tara was also handed over to CCM smoothly. After the bet was completed, Junxiu also successfully received a sky-high production fee from their company. But when Junxiu handed Tara back to Kim Kwang-soo, Kim Kwang-soo started to mess around. I don't know what he was thinking, as if Tara must be added to the nine members of Girls' Generation, and there was that scheming Ryu. A also put on a play.

Junsu has never asked Suyan what happened to them? Because things broke out suddenly, and Junxiu couldn't save Tara after the incident happened. Besides, their contracts were not in Junxiu's hands, and he had no right to interfere with other companies' decisions, so he went to ask them again. What does it mean? As if his inquiries were just rubbing salt in their wounds.

It's a pity, but Junsu is helpless. During the dinner, Junxiu noticed that Liu Moumo's psychology seemed to be a little too inflated, which is the so-called artist disease. At that time, he reminded Suyan that he must control this person. But no one expected that Liu Moumo would detonate the bomb in the end, because of her artist illness, the whole team became discordant. That is, because of her artist's illness, she deliberately pretended to be pitiful, and she had to cast a plaster even if she had nothing to do? This made everyone think that she was pretending nothing, she was simply a person without perseverance.

However, I don't know who was behind the development of the incident. After the report came out, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Instead, she, the "troublemaker", became the "victim"?

Although Junsu also wanted to help, he didn't know what reason he should use to intervene. First of all, Tara is not a child of his company, and he doesn't know what he can say even if he stands up? Did Junsu just say, 'I believe them, they're not like that. There must be a misunderstanding? ’ If it were that simple, Junsu wouldn’t need to come out and say this.

I don't know if other companies are jealous of Tara's achievements. Before they are about to catch up with Girls' Generation, who pushed this matter to the table. The use of intentional people, the assistance of the ANTIs, this matter has been characterized as "exclusion" in Tara's internal problems.

squeeze out? This is a very serious social issue. It is important to know that "exclusion", whether it occurs in school, is a deeply distressing thing for all students and parents, and it is the same in the workplace. People in any country hate 'exclusion' very much. So this matter is twisted into such a way that Junxiu can't stand out and help talk stupidly.

And Junxiu doesn't know what kind of background is behind Liu Moumou. After the incident, Jin Guangzhu has been silent. What was the original situation of the incident? There is no 'exclusion'. Now it's all fabricated evidence on the Internet, and Tara is designated for internal exclusion. What's going on? The official did not give an explanation, it just denied the exclusion, and there is no such thing.

Just because the official did not give an explanation, everyone has no way of knowing the truth. The most important thing is that even the members of Tara seem to have been given a gag order. One by one is silent at this time? To be honest, Junxiu is very puzzled by this way of coping.

The company does not give answers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ members remain silent. Fans can only see the Antis on the Internet with rhythm every day. I don't know if Kim Kwang Soo planned to be silent on this matter?

How is this possible? ? This is not a statement of discord within the team. You have already opened Liu Moumou, and the Antis seem to have confirmed that this is exclusion, exclusion. What the whole society hates the most is the case of exclusion and bullying. If you don't give the truth, you just deny it. Telling the truth is useless? Isn't this the same as asking everyone to watch online speculation?

Fans can't understand the truth, and they must really want to pay attention to the development of the situation, so they can only stare at the outrageous claims on the Internet every day. Yes, even if fans don't want to believe in 'exclusion', they still want to stand up and help to say something for Tara, but they can't find the starting point.

The company did not give the slightest chance to speculate, and the members were kept silent as if they were silenced. Things were fermenting on the Internet day by day, and Tara's team image plummeted in an instant. And the reporter wanted to interview the members of Tara, but Kim Kwang Soo took them to Japan?

Junxiu is convinced by this pig's head. It is reasonable to say that Jin Guangzhu is not too stupid to be ridiculous, right? So Junxiu's only guess is whether the two sisters Liu Moumou are serving some "super big money master" behind their backs?

The 'Golden Lord' came out and sealed Kim Kwang-soo's mouth, and at the same time asked him to seal Tara's mouth? The only way to explain it is this.

Junsu couldn't help, and couldn't help. Even if he wanted to call to comfort him, he couldn't say anything, because he felt that when he mentioned this topic, he was rubbing salt on their wounds, so until now, he has never contacted Suyan and them once.

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