Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Kim Jong Kook's Gift (Part 1)

Facing Kim Jong Kook's mention of Tara at this time, Junxiu could only shake his head with a bitter smile: "What else can I say about their affairs, all I can say is regret. I can't do anything about it now, let's talk about it. They are not the children of our company, and I have no reason to intervene in CCM affairs, right? They don't even ask the CJ group, why am I so careless? And the way Kim Kwang Soo handled this matter after the outbreak, I still feel very uncomfortable. Doubt, now I don't know what to say."

The reason why Kim Jong Kook asked about Junsu Tara is because everyone knows that Tara has become the hottest girl group under Junsu's hands. Junxiu created Tara during Girls' Generation's break, a girl group comparable to Girls' Generation. Now that such a thing has happened to them, countless fans have left messages on Junxiu's official cafe, hoping that Junxiu can help.

But how can Junxiu help? As he said, their contract is not in JS Entertainment, and he has no right to interfere with other companies' decisions. How they want to deal with it is the result of their company's negotiation. Junxiu, to put it bluntly, is an 'outsider'. Even though he was Tara's producer and planner a few months ago, it was just Junxiu who was paid for by others. Now that the contract has expired, he has no reason to make irresponsible remarks.

Besides, after this incident came out, Junxiu's agent also greeted Junxiu immediately, so that he must not interfere in this matter. Because things have been characterized as 'squeezing out' Junxiu on the Internet. If he speaks for them, wouldn't he make himself a Sao?

Kim Jong Kook nodded and said, "It's much better if you don't show up for this matter, because it's out of our control. It's their company's decision to make things like this today. After they chose who to fire, they should The truth of all the incidents is announced, let everyone see why we fired her? They all chose to remain silent, and whoever will be regarded as the weaker party. Coupled with the help of the people next to them, things will become impossible. It's cleaned up. So, if you come forward in this matter, it will only affect you! This issue is too heavy, and even an artist can't bear it."

"Yeah, this topic is really too heavy... It's so heavy that I don't even call them now, I'm afraid that my comfort will cause secondary harm. It's better to let the time instead of calling for useless comfort. to heal their wounds."

Kim Jong Kook smiled and said, "Yes, all injuries can be healed with time. Maybe it will be fine after a long time? Let's not talk about this, I called you out today, I want to ask you, your company really Are you only recruiting female artists?"

"I don't know, Minhyuk decides everything in the company. But I know from the trainee side, the company only recruits girls. Brother Zhong Guo, don't you want your niece to join our company?" Junsu knew that Jin Zhongguo's niece recently After her debut, she is a solo singer like Kim Jong Kook, and Kim Jong Kook has never come to ask Junxiu to 'take care' of his niece. Maybe Kim Jong Kook can't open his mouth? Because he knew the value of Junxiu's songs, he knew that he couldn't open his mouth. After all, his niece was not from Junxiu's agency.

"Hehe, that's not true, and I haven't given her any care since she debuted. Just like you did to Shun Kyu, there is no special care. Besides, she needs to make her own way in the entertainment industry, only herself. The fame that comes out is the real thing. I can only take care of her once or twice. It is impossible for me to take care of her albums every time, and my current song sales are not good. Take care, in addition to I really don't know how to take care of variety shows, I can't possibly let her develop into a comedian, right?"

The image of Kim Jong Kook's "ability" in "RM" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the audience. From the beginning of "Family Birth" with Yoo Jae Suk to today's "Running Man", Kim Jong Kook's image has begun to change in the direction of variety shows. Now when it comes to Kim Jong Kook, everyone first thinks of him as an entertainer, but forget that he was once popular A one-time triple crown!

So he can only invite variety shows if he can take care of his niece, but the invitation to variety shows can only be one episode at most, and Liu Zaishi and others will definitely not give up joking about Kim Jong Kook. Although everyone in Running Man said it jokingly, it would make Kim Jong Kook very embarrassed, even thinking about taking care of him.

Junxiu tilted his head and looked at Jin Zhongguo: "Brother Zhongguo, what do you mean... are you planning to join our company?"

"You know, I set up my own one-man brokerage company at Brother Shi's suggestion. Recently, the workload has become heavier, and Jiazhen is also a little overwhelmed. After all, I am the only one-man company~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is one in Jiazhen. The company formed by the two of us has a lot of business contacts and so on. He can’t run after me. So.. I wonder if I want to join the company? And in Shige, Chi Shizhen’s elder brother, They have all had this idea recently. So in Brother Shi, let me ask you, your company..."

Junxiu didn't think that Kim Jong Kook called himself out today to give him a 'big gift', a capable person, a national MC, and a king nose. With the three of them joining the company, the rank will rise to a higher level. The main one is Yoo Jae-suk, and those who join Jun-soo fully believe that Min-hyuk will set up an independent arts department. Specially recruiting other variety artists to join, I believe that with the existence of Liu Zaishi and others, many younger artists will trust their company.

"Brother Zai Shi is also planning to join the company?" Jun Xiu was very excited but also very painful. Because of Liu Zai Shi's worth, how much signing fee does he have to pay? How long does it take to sign a contract? The addition of Liu Zaishi will definitely add soft power to the company, but how long will it take for the signing fee to be earned back?

"Well, I have this idea in Brother Shi. He has more work schedules than me. After so many years, he and his agent are very tired to deal with these things. After all, a one-person company is very difficult to handle work arrangements. It's troublesome. So we were wondering if we could find a trustworthy company? I thought of your company right away, how about it?"

"Of course it would be great if you guys could join. I can even promise Minhyuk to set up an entertainment department to arrange your work schedule. Just... Brother Zhong Guo, you are not an outsider, so let me tell you the truth, you also know that in Brother Shi is a national MC, his worth... the signing gold is the biggest problem."

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