Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 313: Kim Jong Kook's Gift (Part 2)

Signing Liu Zaishi, Kim Jong Kook and Ji Shizhen, the biggest problem is the signing gold. Not to mention the identity of the national MC, just the three of them have been very successful in the development of the show "Running Man", so Junxiu doesn't know how much he should give? over there. there?

If they want to take advantage, they have to pay the price, otherwise there will be no advantage for them? Although Junxiu is the second shareholder of the company, there are many shareholders in that company. After a major event like signing Liu Zaishi appears, it will definitely increase the company's stock price. Junxiu will not be stupid enough to use his favor and pay a large amount of signing fee to increase the stock price of the company there.

So even if there are a lot of things that need to be discussed to sign the contract, there are also many things that Junsu needs to prepare for. Signing a contract, this is not something you and I can settle by sitting here in a sentence or two. Today, Kim Jong Kook just told Junsu about this, and just told Junsu that they had this plan and intention. You must know that Liu Zaishi wants to join any big company, and the company will rush to ask for it. Because Liu Zaishi can not only make money, but his social reputation will also give back a certain positive image to the company.

However, if you want to sign Liu Zaishi, the most troublesome thing is the issue of his signing fee. How much is the payment, and how many years is it appropriate to sign a contract?

Facing the question of Liu Zaishi signing gold, Jin Zhongguo also laughed, because he also knew that it was a difficult problem: "This needs further discussion, signing the contract is not a trivial matter, discuss it slowly, there will always be a result that both parties are satisfied with, right? What's the point of you sitting here worrying about these things, you have to take a step before talking about such things. I don't have that much trouble, just bring Jiazhen over. I don't want any signing money or something."

Kim Jong Kook feels that he owes Junsu a lot. When he was desperate, if it wasn't for Junsu's songs that won him honors, how could he have achieved what he is today? All of this has his own efforts and Junxiu's support at the beginning. If it weren't for Junxiu, maybe his life would not be so smooth today. He feels that the two people he is most grateful for in his career are Junsu and Liu Zaishi.

Junxiu stopped and said, "Don't be like this, Brother Zhong Guo. I'm very happy that you trust me. However, our personal friendship is a personal friendship, but this contract is equal to our artist's 'selling contract', you hand over your future to us Company planning (you make money for our company), then we still follow the normal process."

After Junxiu finished speaking, Kim Jong Kook laughed and stretched out his hand to his agent to ask for something: "Hahaha~~ Bring it, 100 yuan."

Kim Jong Kook's manager shook his head speechlessly and took out a hundred knives from his bag and slapped it in Kim Jong Kook's hand. After Kim Jong Kook got the money, he laughed very happily, and then he slowly explained to Jun Xiu: " Junsu, I made a bet with Jiazhen before you came. I said that even if I offered to not sign the money, you would still follow the normal procedure. And Jiazhen said that if he was a representative of the agency, an artist would offer to Don't sign Jin, he will 100% agree, he thinks you will happily accept my proposal. Hahaha~~ It seems that I know you a little better."

Seeing Kim Jong Kook and his agent betting with him, Junsu could only helplessly laugh.


It’s enough to talk about joining the company, because there are still many questions that need to be communicated with South Korea, and then they will be sent to contact the two of them. Junxiu will not come forward. In this way, the two of them don't need to look at Junxiu's face. When the time comes, they will have a formal negotiation, and they will negotiate how they want to negotiate, and then it will be a bargain.

Kim Jong Kook took the $100 won, and the three of them went from the cafe to the hot dog stand next to them. The three of them sat on the street with a hot dog and a glass of Coke. Junxiu smiled and said, "A town, a beautiful woman in Los Angeles. So many, you didn't say to strike up a conversation with one?"

Jiazhen wrapped a hot dog and said while chewing, "Me? If I could speak English, I would have chatted up a long time ago, but I can't. Today, a blond beauty approached Brother Zhong Guo to chat up, but he left without saying a word. , his muscles are very popular in Los Angeles."

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said: "Los Angeles is really easy to strike up a conversation with, if you have time, you can go to the beach in Santa Monica to see the single beauties, and you can be swayed at night, and you don't need to strike up a conversation here. I'm worried about the paparazzi finding out. They don't know what Kim Jong Kook is doing anyway."

"Yeah~~ I'm not interested in the beauties here. Seriously, I think the women here are much more realistic than Asian women~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the conversation is successful, stay here I don’t think it makes much sense to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for the beauties here.” Jin Zhongguo shook his head and said about the reality of the women here. If you want to play with beauties here, then you at least spend Lost a lot of money.

But Kim Jong Kook is notorious for being 'stingy', and he is definitely not willing to let him spend such a large sum of money for the woman he strikes up with. Even if he is really looking for a woman, he is looking for a girlfriend, not a 'playmate'.

Junxiu took a bite of the hot dog and said with a smile, "Brother Zhongguo, Ha Dongxun is about to get married, what about you, are you going to stay single like this? Would you like me to find you? I know quite a few actors." Junxiu usually tells Taeyeon and others that he doesn't know any women, but he has plenty of 'women's resources', after all, he has worked with so many actresses. Although he doesn't communicate much on weekdays, he can call out a lot of single women in the circle of friendship or something.

Jiazhen immediately followed Junxiu's words: "That's right, Brother Zhongguo, you should also think about your own affairs, HAHA is going to get married soon. You still plan to go on like this alone? You plan to keep shouting like this when you go out on a trip. I, called Auntie?"

Kim Jong Kook is a well-known dutiful son, and he often travels overseas with his mother. Or he would take his mother with him when filming a show overseas, and after the filming was over, he would choose to play with his aunt for a few days and then go back.

"Yo, I asked you to travel or something. Don't you want to? That's ok, next time I go overseas, I won't call you."

"Brother~~ You know that's not what I mean, I sincerely hope you can find a good other half."

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