Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 314: New company JS.C#C

Chapter 314 #C (Page 1/1)

The three men's leisure time is actually quite boring. The three of them just sat on the street drinking coffee, eating some snacks, looking at the beautiful women passing by on the street, and talking about women and other topics. Because Junsu wanted to go home and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with his family ahead of schedule, the party broke up before dinner.

In the car on the way home, Shun Kyu handed a new fruit phone to Jun Xiu: "A present for you~ the new fruit 5, several hundred dollars, or am I okay with you?"

Junxiu took a look at the phone and said thank you with a smile. Shun Kyu nodded contentedly, and then she asked casually, "What is it that Senior Kim Jong Kook asked you to go out?"

"He is a one-man agency now, but the workload has been relatively large recently, so he is thinking of joining the company, which is convenient for contacting the schedule. So he asked me if our company would recruit male artists."

Hearing Junxiu's words, Shungui laughed, because Junxiu's agency also has a very special presence in South Korea. Their company has developed quite well so far, but they still maintain all female artists and no male artists. After the contract expires, I will return to my brokerage company.

Shun Kyu smiled and said, "Then you rejected him?" Shun Kyu thought that Junsu might not make an exception for Kim Jong Kook.

Junxiu shook his head and said, "No, there are still some things to discuss. Because he gave me the news that 'looking for a company' is not only him, but also Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen!"

The second sister, Yin Gui, used to run a brokerage company. So she knew the influence of the name 'Liu Zaishi' in Korea. When Junsu said that he was still there, she immediately said to Junsu: "Sign, you must sign them, and you can spend more money. Because senior Liu Zaishi is in Everyone's heart is not only the national MC, but also his positive image."

"Well, I also want to sign, but there are still a lot of things to discuss. Oh, second sister, I have the shares, and now I am the second largest shareholder there. So even if I want to sign Liu Zaishi, I can't be cheap. Shareholders. I was thinking of going home and calling my second uncle to see what his plans are?"

The second sister smiled and nodded: "It's worthwhile for you to exchange shares, and the development momentum is very strong. You only need to master the shares of your company, and don't be taken away by those people. And your student. IU, she is very valuable now. Protect her and she will be your company's 'Boer' in the future. Now your company's only shortcoming is the men's team. To be honest, the men's team is more profitable. The men's team is more profitable. It just happens to be a strong point, and you can make up for the shortcomings of your own company.”

"I also know that the men's team makes some money, but it's too difficult to control the men's team when they mature. I didn't always say that the 'seven-year itch' military service is the biggest trouble for the men's team."

Yin Gui smiled and said, "It's been seven years as a group, it's not bad, the company has made all the money, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? Besides, don't think about controlling the artists in the current brokerage contract, this is the control. After a long time, it will eventually break up unhappily. The men's team will fully mature after seven years, and the latter depends on their personal development, either successfully transforming into an actor, or successfully becoming a solo singer, which can be transformed. It’s not so easy to do. Once the transformation is successful, the company will try to win over, just like you, aren’t you the second shareholder now?”

Junxiu smiled bitterly and complained to the second sister: "Me? I used my own contract and real money to exchange it. If I don't have shares to keep me, how could I stay there, right? I'm not stupid, I make money for my own company, and in the end the money still flows into my pocket. Half of the money I make has to flow out.”

"So, what's your plan? Find your second uncle to set up another independent agency together?"

"Second sister, your proposal is not bad. Under the banner of setting up another agency, this company specializes in actors and comedians."

Junxiu took out the phone and wanted to call Li Xiuman, and the second sister immediately said, "What are you doing? Calling at this time? It's still dark over there, isn't it disturbing you to call at this time? Dream? Let’s fight after dinner.”

"Eh... that's right, fight after eating, hahaha~~"


In order to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in advance, Li's mother cooked a large table of dishes in one afternoon. The reception banquet at noon was considered a rich one, but the 'Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet' in the evening was even richer. Livestock, seafood, poultry, you name it. The meal was very lively, and Junxiu also drank several glasses with her eldest brother-in-law and father Li.

As a result, both Li's father and eldest brother-in-law were both drunk at the dinner table, and only Shungui could keep up with Junxiu's pace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li's mother sat next to him and slapped Junxiu in annoyance: "You, you, What do you think is good for you. You poured out your father and your brother-in-law, are you still proud? And you, Shun Gyu, are you good at learning, and learn to be addicted to alcohol like your brother?"

"o-ma, how much do we drink now? We are such a large group of people who drank four bottles of red wine, and we didn't drink a single bottle of red wine. Who knew they went to the bathroom twice and came back like this?"

"Yeah~~ You don't even look at how old your father is. Do you want him to be compared with you young people? Junxiu, hurry up, we will carry your father up to sleep."

The red wine drinking started after an hour, which made Li's father unable to resist the violent wine and got drunk. The mid-autumn family banquet also ended after Li's father was drunk. After Junxiu carried Li's father and brother-in-law to rest, he returned to the living room and continued drinking with his red wine glass.

While drinking, he called Lee Soo Man, who was far away in South Korea. He explained the situation of Kim Jong Kook, Liu Jae Suk, and Ji Seok Jin, as well as Eun Gyu's proposal. Lee Soo Man immediately replied Jun Soo: "I see, I will inform Min Hyuk to set up an independent agency, and the company will be under the banner of your JS, &C, if it really becomes Liu Jae Suk , I will be the representative of the company there."

The artist director over there, he is not the executor of the company, so he can also serve as the representative here.

If Yoo Jae-suk is really successful, then the newly established '&C' will push JS Entertainment to the status of a top agency, which is also Lee Sooman's plan.

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