Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 316: Junsu's new album

Junsu's new movie "Gwanghae" has achieved tens of millions of box office, and everyone also found the 'JS' logo printed on this Taylor album. Only then did everyone realize that Junxiu, the music producer, has become an international producer. In the past, Junxiu didn't print his LOGO when he made an album for Taylor, but this time he discussed it with Taylor. Who knew that Taylor agreed immediately after he said it, because Junxiu is the best music producer she thinks! At least in the US she has yet to meet anyone who is so enthusiastic about album production.

For a few days, the Korean media have been broadcasting news about Junsu, those with his film achievements, and those about Junsu's logo on Taylor's album. In short, Junsu's movies and Junsu's news have dominated the online world during this time, but this is only the start.

In November, JS Entertainment held a press conference and issued a statement that JS Entertainment will establish a new brokerage company with a registered capital of 50 billion won. The company is under the name of JS Entertainment, but operates independently. Artist director Lee Soo-man served as the director. On the day the company was established, the company also announced the signing of Yoo Jae-suk, Shin Dong-yup, Kim Jong-kook, Ji Shi-jin, Jun Hyun-moo, Jung Hyung-don, Jung Jun-ha, Ha Dong-hoon... It's like Junsu's new company has wiped out all the ace MCs in the weekend variety show.

On the day of its establishment, Li Xiuman said with a smile: "A new company integrated by entertainment, the company is owned by Junsu and I, and Li Xiuman holds 51% and 49% of the shares respectively, and I, as a representative, hold 51% of the company's shares."

After Lee Soo Man said about the company's structural shares, he continued: "The new company does not involve works in the music industry. Our company specializes in the business of comedians and actors. Currently, we are also negotiating with MC Kang Hodong, and there should be news soon. "

The company became a first-line brokerage company in the first moment after its establishment. However, the company does not engage in the music business, but this does not affect the status of the new company. This is a new large-scale agency formed by Junsu's connections and the ability that Lee Sooman has accumulated over the years.

The brokerage company specializing in the entertainment industry is after Liu Zaishi's previous brokerage company closed down, and no brokerage company can combine so many top MCs and comedians. After its establishment, it swept the ace hosts of all weekend variety shows at once. It gave the media the impression that the company's market value exceeded the registered 50 billion in an instant after 'signing contracts' with so many big names. It is all worth 200 billion. Cheap too.

You must know that variety shows have all raised their heads recently, and the status of variety artists is no longer as low as it used to be. Therefore, the market value of the company soared a lot after the MCs joined this group of top comedians, and the company has not yet been listed.

You must know that a single Liu Zaishi can hold up half the sky. He is such an exemplary MC who has won the title of "The Most Influential Person in Korea" many times, and Liu Zaishi has surpassed the hottest Junxiu to become one! This is what everyone is convinced, including Junsu of course. Because Junxiu feels that there is only such a 'Great God' in the world, and his self-discipline is impossible for ordinary people, so he is called a 'Great God' by everyone, right?

Before the company went public, it was difficult for everyone to guess Junsu's worth, because the potential value of this company definitely surpassed many companies, and even surpassed the current parent company 'JS Entertainment'.


Junxiu's deity disappeared from everyone's sight for two months, and this time he finally appeared, but he updated his Twitter, and attached a photo to the Twitter, the photo is of Junxiu and Annie Hathaway's 'Catwoman, Queen, My Lady of the MV. On November 11th, the MV for the prelude to the album is looking forward to your subscription. ’

In fact, when Junxiu chose her as the heroine of her MV, Taylor gave Junxiu advice, saying that Anne Hathaway in the United States is a black physique. Many Americans hate her, she has very few fans, but she has won many awards for her works, which is very contradictory.

Tyler's suggestion of course is that it is best not to use it, of course, it doesn't matter if Junxiu insists, anyway, the music is his, he can do whatever he wants. Junsu also asked Taylor if he wanted to invite an Asian to appear in the MV? Taylor said, if you release a Korean album, it doesn't matter if you invite Asian actors. If you release an English album, you either don't have a female lead, or it's better to use European and American actors.

After thinking about it, Junxiu finally decided to use Anne Hathaway. Although she is easy to recruit in the United States, but at the same time as she's recruiting hackers, can't she also attract everyone's attention to her songs in advance? Although Anne Hathaway is easy to recruit in the United States~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she is very popular in Asia, especially the movie "The Queen Wearing Prada" played by her many years ago, which is still a classic. Junxiu has seen it several times on the plane.

This time Junsu's album adopts the same model as Taylor, sending a prelude first, and then sending a regular album. The songs on the album were collected with the help of the company, and he composed two title songs himself.

Prelude "Treasure" (Treasure), a retro-style disco, used early 1980s techniques to reflect the 'retro' Junsu's MV, in which Junsu and his dance partners wear red suits in a black There is a simple synchronized dance in front of the background, there is a disco ball on the top of the background, and there are old-fashioned stage lights scattered in the background. The MV gives a retro feel.

The title song of the regular album is "Suger". During this period of time, he ran around the world handsomely, in order to shoot the MV of this title song.

The song is very sweet, so Junxiu's ideas are also very sweet and novel. He plans to use the wedding scene of people of different skin color to sing a new song blessing, and then record it and add some post-positions to become the MV. So during this time, he has run a lot of times in Asia, America, and Europe. He really lost a lot of heart for this MV.

He raided the wedding scene selected by his own fan site, and even Junsu's arrival was something that fans didn't know, and the excitement after all kinds of surprises were all recorded on the camera.

It's just that before the release of this album, Junsu's wedding was still kept secret. Those at the wedding also promised Junsu not to disclose any news about Junsu's arrival.

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