Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 317: MV (top)

Chapter 317 MV (Part 1) (Page 1/1)

November 11th is a holiday created by merchants. China calls it a "Shopping Festival" and "Singles' Day", while South Korea is another "Valentine's Day". That's right, November 11 in South Korea is Valentine's Day, but it was made by merchants. February 14th is Valentine's Day made by chocolate merchants, so November 11th is Valentine's Day made by a Korean biscuit.

After more than ten years, this company has finally formed such an atmosphere. On November 11 every year, it presents 'PEPERO' cookies to lovers. The gift is: .Day is like a prelude to Christmas, Lots of fun on a cold day. If Junsu was in Korea, he would have received a lot of these biscuits.

I don't know if Junsu is celebrating this day's 'Valentine' Day. His English prelude song "Treasure" (Treasure) was released. In the lyrics of the song, he uses an undisguised emotion to emphasize that his girl is his own. Treasure, Venus. In this song, Junxiu used just the right harmony, classic retro and quirky MV shooting techniques, the whole song is very addictive.

Immediately after the song was released, it swept the top of the English charts of major music websites in Asia, and surpassed Taylor's song to occupy the first place in the download list. It can be seen that in Asia, in the base of Junxiu, his popularity is very high. How terrifying. Of course, Junxiu's songs in the United States were only ranked in the top 30. It is estimated that it will take a week or two to reach the top ten.

After the MV was released, everyone was saying that Anne Hathaway's figure was too good. She wore a tight hip-packed skirt and danced slowly and twisted dance, making countless Asians exclaimed about her beauty. The only pity is Junxiu There was too little time for her to appear on the scene, and it was said that Junsu was filmed with a video camera from the 1980s? This "super clear" is a bit embarrassing.

And the United States was also brainwashed by Junxiu's new song this time, and countless netizens said, "The song is good, but Annie's dancing is too ugly." ’ This prelude didn’t take the world by storm as it was released the year before and last year. But the quality of the songs is not bad, at least catchy.

Shopping malls and cafes in Korea are now all playing Junsu's new song. Compared with the "OK" in Europe and America, the Asian side really likes Junsu's retro-style songs this time. And many variety shows have adopted Junsu's song as 'BGM'.

Junsu's every move as a world star will arouse heated discussions, not to mention the new album this time. After the song was released, the Internet quickly became lively, and the group of Girls' Generation also became very lively because of Junsu's new song: "Wow, 'Treasure' Junsu oppa's song this time has something to say? Tai? Yan, come out and give us an honest account. Does the 'treasure' in the lyrics describe you?"

Taeyeon looked at everyone's chat content speechlessly and replied: "...what's the matter with me? Do I need to be responsible for the title of a song, really, if he writes another "Baby" song, right? You want to say that this 'baby' is also me?"

"Of course, who else is there besides you? You are his sweetheart. By the way, isn't this song the prelude to the album? Who knows what style the title song of the album is? Shouldn't it be retro? @ Shungui, did you know?"

Lee Soon Kyu said, "Hee hee~~ His title song in this album is a 'congratulation song' style. Didn't many media talk about oppa before, saying that he wrote a song "Marry.You" and sang it to Taeyeon This song has never been sung at a wedding venue since one time, but many weddings use this song as a 'BGM'. So this time.. tell you, oppa, weddings all over the world."

"The title song is a congratulatory song? He attended weddings all over the world? What is it? Shun Kyu, can you clarify?"

"The 'MV' of the song is the wedding, the wedding of the fans, and he is now running the wedding scene all over the world."


At this time, Junsu is in a beautiful island called "Hawaii". Today, an American couple got married on this beautiful island. The beautiful bride is a fan of Junsu. Before the wedding, she wrote a message on Junsu's fan website, saying that it was Junsu's first music release in the United States. Then I fell in love with the music he made. After the English songs attracted her from the beginning, she gradually began to understand the Korean songs released by Junsu, Japanese songs, and so on.

Now this fan says that she is getting married, and she will continue to support Junxiu's music in the future, and she left a message saying, "This "Treasure" is a very pleasant song for her. ’

Don't underestimate the word 'Naudi', because all songs only have the possibility to become classics ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the music circle, there are many songs that have become popular overnight, and some songs are even inexplicably. Just like Junsu's song "Jiang/South Ribbon" originally made for satire. At the beginning, I heard it once or twice, with funny dances and so on. At the moment of that time background, everyone may think that the song is not bad.

But after waiting for a long time, or listening to the song for a long time, the song becomes boring. After waiting for the hot time to listen to it again, the song can no longer bring the excitement to the audience, and even inexplicably feel that the song is not so good, why did it become popular in the first place?

This fan's message touched Junxiu, so Junxiu sneaked to this beautiful island without informing the parties concerned. He was going to sing a congratulatory song at his fan's wedding, of course, to shoot the MV of his title song! !

Although it is November, the sunshine on the island of Hawaii is still so beautiful. Junxiu leads the band.. Well, the band is the live band member of Taylor's concert, because Junxiu doesn't have his own live band here, so this group Everyone was seconded by Junsu to Taylor. In the United States, the band is a little easier to find, if it is a backup dancer, it is the most difficult. Fortunately, this time it was just to run the scene, so I just brought the band with me.

Hawaii's great weather, romantic islands, breeze and sunshine make everything so beautiful today, yes, the wedding day is of course beautiful. Junsu departed from the hotel with his band just before the wedding, each in formal dresses and bow ties, as a group of five sat in an open-top sports car for the wedding.

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