Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 318: MV (below)

Chapter 318 MV (Part 2) (Page 1/1)

The hotel where the wedding was held in Hawaii today is an extremely romantic hotel because of its location by the sea. This is a typical American wedding, the lawn, the priest, and the people who came to bless watched the couple enter the wedding hall. After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds took everyone to the restaurant of the hotel. Just as the newlyweds and all the guests dined, suddenly a group of people wearing dresses and various stage arrangements entered the scene without greeting anyone present. Just started setting up the stage.

The groom, the bride, the whole person was stunned, including the guests, who looked at the person who was setting the stage with a dazed expression. The groom's father immediately came to ask what was going on, but Junxiu had already made arrangements, and someone stepped forward to stop the driver and said, "Today, the hotel has prepared a surprise for the couple, so please forgive me. ."

There were also discussions among the guests, what is the situation now? In the middle of the hall, the stage is set up but the curtains cover everything inside. I really don't know what this is for? The whispered remarks were also heard by the groom's father, who explained to those sitting that it was a 'surprise'. As for the surprise, he is not very clear now, but it seems that it should be some kind of blessing performance, right?

Soon Junxiu and the band arrived at the scene. They secretly sneaked behind the curtain through the passage of the waiter. After adjusting the instruments, the person in charge of communication in front called the bride and groom to stand not far from the curtain. , Just when everyone was at a loss, the drums played the prelude, and the curtain blocking everyone's sight fell instantly. Junxiu took the microphone and stood in front of the newlyweds and said the words of blessing: "I wish you a happy wedding!!"

When the bride saw that it was her favorite singer 'JS', she instantly burst into a high-pitched dolphin voice: "Ah~~~!!! D~~~~!!"

Many of the guests present also know Junxiu. After all, Junxiu is also a world star. He has released so many English songs, and he also occupies the number one spot on the Billboard chart. It's almost impossible to say that you haven't heard Junxiu's songs. The only possibility is someone who has listened to the song but hasn't seen his MV, so I don't know what he looks like, right?

But more people still know Junxiu on the stage. Because today he is going to stand on the 'stage', so Junxiu will not hide his appearance. Even the old beauty, who can't tell the difference between Asians, recognized Junsu without any cover.

At this time, there were also bursts of exclamations from the guest table: "Oumai~!" Especially the bride's girlfriends, they all knew how much the bride liked this singer, but no one thought that in the bride's life On the most important day, her favorite singer appeared in person and sent his blessings in the form of singing songs.

Of course, there are still people in the guest room who don't know Junsu, just like Korea, there are uncles and aunts who don't listen to popular songs. So they inquired about who was performing, and when they learned about the songs that Junsu had sung, they also said that they knew, maybe they had heard Junsu's songs by chance while watching TV or listening to the radio.

However, the one who was most surprised at the scene was Junxiu's fans, the bride, the heroine of the wedding. She screamed again and trotted in front of Junxiu with her wedding dress.


At the end of the wedding, it became a dance. Junxiu sang three songs at her wedding, and the atmosphere of the whole wedding was also driven by the arrival of Junxiu. After finishing the concert, Junxiu urged not to post with the group photos for the time being, because the new song has not been released yet.

Junsu returned to the hotel after the surprise performance, and while lying in bed, Junsu received a call from his Korean agent. It was said that the 'MAMA Music Ceremony' was held this time, and the organizer sent Junsu an invitation letter. During this period of time, Junxiu has been occupying one of the major English lists in Asia, and his influence is very high throughout Asia.

In this overseas place, the organizers of course want to use Junxiu's influence here. And Junsu doesn't know how many years she hasn't participated in the 'Asia Awards'. After the relationship with M-net was repaired and reconciled, all idols attended the MAMA awards ceremony in Singapore, but Junsu didn't go to participate. .

This time, in China, a country where Junxiu is very popular, the organizers even more 'hope' Junxiu can participate. Only then did the manager call, and the company asked Junxiu to attend this ceremony. Participating in this award ceremony is also a good thing for his upcoming English new album~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But here comes the problem, because this award ceremony will be held on the same day as Ha Dongxun's wedding. Junsu promised Ha Dongxun a long time ago that he would go to his wedding to sing congratulatory songs, but now that he does so... he doesn't seem to be able to go?

The agent heard that Junxiu was silent for a long time and did not answer. He also guessed that Junxiu was hesitating because of Ha Dongxun's wedding, so he said, "Ha Dongxun's wedding is at noon, as long as you attend the wedding at noon and don't drink alcohol. It's too late. And the organizer has promised, you don't have to participate in the rehearsal."

Because this year Junxiu also released a mini album, although he did not participate in the song, but the results are really there. And that ceremony was a 'pork split'. Those who came were rewarded, and those who didn't came did not. Junxiu, who came to the stage to accept the award, would naturally be the performer of the night. How could the organizers let go of such a world-class performer as Junxiu?

Originally thinking that it was He Dongxun's big day, he also planned to drink one, but he had to participate in the show at night, so the wine was not enough, Junxiu said helplessly: "Okay, here's your ticket. Gotta get it done for me."

"That's for sure, by the way, when will you return to China?"

"Didn't I say, I'll be back on the day of my wedding? Isn't there a week left? I still have two 'fields' to catch up on. Although I've shot a few now, I still need to do the final screening. "

"Well, that's pretty cool~~ I hope your title song will achieve better results. Have a look at the bulletin board ranking update? It's in the top ten, and it should improve a little next week, right?"

"Who knows? What happens next week, wait for the update next week, and it's useless for me to guess."

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