Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Press Conference (Part 1)

On June 1st, the press conference of the movie "Gwanghae, The Man Who Became King" started, and reporters from all walks of life ran to the scene of the conference. Because Junsu and Taeyeon were revealed to be dating in Itaewon last week, their 'amour' was also considered to be exposed. Although the company has stood up as a representative to deny the statement of 'love', but to the public, 'the company's words' basically have no credibility.

This is Junsu and Taeyeon's first public appearance as the protagonist of a movie since Junsu and Taeyeon's "love exposure", so today's reporters are as excited as they have been beaten. Because they have many, many questions to ask Junxiu, even if the occasion is not so suitable, it is impossible to stop the curiosity in their hearts.

The rumors about Junsu and Taeyeon are not once or twice, not even a year or two. Many years ago, some netizens listed many small details on the Internet and wanted to break through their 'protective cover', but there was no real evidence. In addition, the two of them also had the existence of eight other protective characters. This ' "Love said" is only spread on the Internet.

And today, I finally caught the two of them on a street date with no cover up. This is the best chance to break their defense. Junxiu's love has always been the focus of the entire entertainment industry! Moreover, he also disclosed the news of 'being in love' on the show not long ago, and he also said what his 'love' was about in the show. Everything is linked together, and today is considered to be the right time and place, so how can the reporters not be excited?

Today's press conference was held in the hotel's banquet hall. This hall, which can accommodate 200 people, was already full of people half an hour before the press conference. The reporters set up their cameras and pointed them at the stage of the press conference. Everything was ready and the protagonist was on the stage.

At this time, Han Xiaozhu in the lounge provided by the hotel showed a wicked smile at Junxiu, and there was a little sense of 'schadenfreude' in this smile, and she began to make fun of Junxiu: "Oppa, listen to the staff. Is it? The hall with 200 people in front can't hold it. Your 'Love News' appeal is too strong? Hahaha~~"

The relationship between the two can be regarded as very close after the cooperation of "Brilliant Legacy". Although they do not meet again on weekdays, those who are familiar with each other will not be forgotten in a blink of an eye. So at this time, it's harmless for the two to joke with each other.

When Junsu faced Han Hyojoo's ridicule, he immediately hit back and said, "It's been a long time since we saw each other? It seems that our 'Silver Star' is going to develop into the host industry? Really, I think your eloquence It's getting better and better. How about I have to talk to your agent after this shoot and ask you to go to "Law of the Jungle" to promote our movie?"

The words "Law of the Jungle" were too devastating for Han Hyo-joo, she immediately opened her eyes wide and said to Jun-su, "I wouldn't go to that show to ask for trouble if I were killed. "

"Don't go? How can I? I'm a senior at school and an oppa, so I have to take you on an 'overseas public travel'. Let's go get close to nature, and eat some mice and bats by the way. Ah, tree maggots. Oh, yes, I heard that the forest tribes in Southeast Asia still eat monkeys. Humans, live forever... er... What are you running, I haven't finished."

"Can't I go to the bathroom?"

Junsu deliberately said something scary and disgusting to Han Xiaozhu. Even if she didn't go, but after listening to Junxiu's food, a round of brain supplementation naturally started in her mind. Thinking about it, she suddenly felt a sudden shock, and she suddenly felt that goosebumps all over her body were popping up quickly. When she got up, she could only choose to run away.

Seeing Han Xiaozhu's escape, Junxiu shook her head and laughed. It seems that the hard work of "The Law of the Jungle" has scared everyone in the circle.


The press conference of the movie officially started. When the two leading actors Junsu and Han Hyoju entered the venue, the flashing lights on the scene can be said to have suppressed the lights of the entire banquet hall. Junsu put on a formal suit for a rare time. He walked into the venue with Han Xiaozhu with a smile that he had practiced countless times. The reporters shouted at the two leading actors: "Junsuxi, look here." "Han Xiaozhuxi ,look here."

Wearing a fluttering dress, Han Hyo-joo showed her most charming smile in front of the media's cameras, waving her hands as she walked, and said to Jun-su in ventriloquism: "Oppa, looking at this battle, I almost mistakenly thought it was here. What an important awards ceremony."

"Yeah, you're talking like this, next time I won't throw you on the sofa, I'll just throw you on the floor."

When Han Xiaozhu heard Junxiu's words, she was depressed and tapped him twice on the back. The reporter, who was not far away, looked like Han Hyo Joo was reminding Junsu, who was walking in front, to walk a little faster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, she was hitting Junsu on the back a little harder. Because this is the second time the two of them have cooperated, the media also knows that after the last cooperation, their current relationship will definitely not be very unfamiliar, and this move of Han Hyo Joo did not make the reporter feel anything. The act of intimacy is in it.

And why did Han Xiaozhu do this, because in the waiting room, she kept teasing Junsu with the relationship between Junsu and Taeyeon, and Junsu stepped forward and put her arms around her shoulders, and threw her with one leg. on the sofa. Junxiu, who had no pity on Han Xiaozhu, said to her: "This is the man you've 'have a lover' in your mouth, because after you have a lover, you won't care about other women."

Han Hyo Joo is a super carefree woman, even if Jun Xiu used some kind of jokes on her that only occurs between men, she would never be angry. It's just a little depressing, she has never been treated like this before.

However, Junsu's manager and Han Hyoju's manager, who were sitting on the side, were completely speechless as they watched the two 'fighting' in the waiting room. First, Han Hyo-joo mocked Jun-su with some news that would have upset Jun-su like a middle school student, but Jun-su's counterattack was like a middle-school student, actually hugging Han Xiao-joo with her legs? What is this called, two superstars in their twenties are actually like first-timers in the waiting room, this is simply speechless, speechless!

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