Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 290: press conference (middle)

Junsu, Han Hyojoo, and the two of them both took their seats after expressing their thanks to the reporters present, and the next host began to guide the reporters' questions as much as possible toward the film this time. The host standing in front of the stage smiled and said, "Junsuxi, this is your second time working with Han Hyojoo? Back then, the two of you's "Brilliant Legacy" was well received by the people. This is the second collaboration. , have you ever looked forward to the box office results?"

Junxiu looked at the reporters in the audience and responded to the host's leading questions with a smile: "Wow.. Are you looking forward to the box office so early? This.. Hyojoo, what do you expect from the box office this time? ?"

"The box office? Of course it's full of expectations. Some time ago, Junxiu-senpai, the TV series you starred in has created a new record in the ratings in recent years. So I hope our movie this time can also continue your popularity and increase the box office. Bring it with you, the exact number. Of course, the more the better."

After Han Xiaozhu answered, the host took the initiative to take over the host, and after the introduction, he began to say to the reporters in the audience: "The director has also talked about the script in general, and then everyone will talk about the 'movie' (accent). ) If you are curious, you can ask our starring directly. We have 15 minutes of free time to ask questions. Please raise your hands to ask questions. This one~ The one in the blue jacket in the third row! Please pass the microphone to him, thank you."

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the entertainment edition of 'N Station'. I would like to ask Junxiu, did you really quit the variety show this time because of the movie?"

Not long ago, it was announced that Junxiu got off the bus from the variety show. The official statement from the show team was that Junxiu got off the bus because the schedule of the movie could not be used as the filming of the show, but more outside suspicions were that Junxiu got off after his relationship was exposed.

The reporter's question is very artistic, because the host said that the question revolves around 'movie', but isn't the reporter's question centered around 'movie'? At first glance, it revolves around the movie, because he is asking if Junsu got off the car for the purpose of filming? There are also some doubts in it, and asked Junxiu if he got off the bus because of the exposure of his love?

However, Junxiu lightly picked up the microphone and responded to the reporter with a smile: "Yes, because there is a conflict between the filming time of the movie and the filming time of the variety show, and the program team has waited once, I can't let this movie go. The show crew is all suspended and waiting for my movie to end, right? So I can only choose to temporarily withdraw from the show."

Junxiu's answer completely ignored the hidden love part of the reporter's question. He answered all truthfully, because he really got off the variety show for his personal career, not the reporter's implicit 'love' question. of. In Junxiu's heart, there is no problem with love, but he feels that his love will give him countless creative inspirations.


Junxiu has been an artist for so many years, as long as you don't ask directly, then he can accompany you around slowly. But this is at the press conference of the film, no matter how excessive the reporter is, there is still a sense of proportion. At least not during the 15-minute free question-and-answer time given at the film conference to ask about personal matters, because everyone knows that the host will come out to stop them when they ask about private matters during this time, and it is impossible for the artist to answer.

Just when the host said that the next question was the last question, the reporters present began to get excited one after another. They were not concerned about who would ask the last question, and what to ask? What they care about is how to get something worth the price of the ticket out of Junxiu's mouth at the moment when the press conference is announced.

However, when the host said "the last question", the reporters in the audience were silent for two seconds and no one raised their hands. Because they already know everything they need to know about the movie, and when they ask them what they are 'curious' about the movie, they really don't have any curiosity. It is estimated that the only remaining curiosity about the film is the 'final box office after the release'. But we'll have to wait until the movie is released to find out, right?

There were no active reporters in the audience. When the reporters were silent for a few seconds, the director sat next to him and smiled bitterly in his heart. How many questions will there be about their film tomorrow? Maybe it's just a random mention before describing the 'Junsu problem'.

After a few seconds of silence, no one raised their hand, and just when the scene was about to become awkward, a reporter finally raised his hand. After he got the microphone, he said to the stage, "I'm a reporter for 'Dispatch', and I have a question for Junsuxi."

The company "Dispatch" is as terrifying as Japan's "Weekly Bunshun", but their coverage is not as broad as that of Japanese weekly magazines. "Dispatch" is dedicated to all kinds of news in the entertainment industry. The paparazzi raised by their company are definitely the most in South Korea, and they are also the most powerful in South Korea. At the beginning of the Zhang Ziyan incident, no media dared to follow up and report it, but they did.

When the incident happened, they published the list of many famous people in the weekly magazine. Because of their gossip weekly, the famous people they reported were criticized by some "regular media" and said they were spreading rumors!

After the Zhang Ziyan incident, the media reported a lot of exclusive news about the entertainment industry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who is dating late at night, who is in love, and so on. And every time the exclusive news comes out, they announce the photos they took and how they were taken, which surprises countless insiders. In short, this media is inexplicably scary to people in the circle, because I don't know when they will be followed by their paparazzi, and I don't even know it.

Junsu frowned when he heard it was the 'notorious' media outlet, then picked up the microphone and waited for his questions.

"Junsuxi, someone filmed your date with Taeyeon in Itaewon this time, is your relationship going to be public?" This media used 'your relationship', which means that their company has confirmed it. Junsu and Taeyeon are in love, but they haven't broadcasted it because they can't provide absolute proof, otherwise Junsu and Taeyeon's love would have made the headlines long ago.

Junxiu smiled and said: "Because this is the last question of today's press conference, I will answer you, even if this question has nothing to do with the movie.." Junxiu said here and continued, "I don't know. Why does your so-called 'dating' have to be related to 'love'? As long as a man and a woman have a cup of coffee together, it is called 'dating', I think, I may have dated many people. Then according to According to your logic, have I fallen in love with so many people?"

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