Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Music Bank (middle)

Junsu entered the backstage of the show alone after giving the fans drinks money. He didn't even know that his heart-warming move triggered a relay race of 'Junsu's warmth' on Twitter. Because the fans standing in front of the TV station are not Junxiu's fans, they are all fans from various families, including Girls' Generation fans. It is reasonable to say that Junsu cooperated with other fans to take a few photos, but he invited them to drink coffee because of the cold weather.

First of all, fans of Girls' Generation posted an article on the official cafe: "Wow, today is a big luck. While waiting for the opening of the show at the door, I met Shun Kyu's brother who came to visit the class backstage. Junsu Oppa not only cooperated with the fans waiting at the door. They took a group photo, and told everyone not to sit on the ground when it was cold. It was too warm. You must know that none of the fans waiting at the door were his fans. And at the end, Junxiu oppa gave a heart-warming gift to more than 20 people present. A fan of each family paid 150,000 won and said, 'It's cold, so let's go to the cafe and wait for the admission time'."

Another one also published an article on the official cafe: "What is a big star? A big star cares about everyone, no matter whether that person is a fan of his own family. Today Junxiu Oppa came to KBS to visit Girls' Generation and met various families at the door. Because of the cold weather, Junsu oppa gave us the drink money, 150,000 won, and let us go to the warm cafe to wait for the admission time. Junsu oppa's actions warmed not only our cold bodies, but also We have our hearts!!"

Someone replied below this message: "oppa has always been very kind, I remember that one summer we went to the company's door for a 'pilgrimage' and met oppa who came to the company. When he saw the weather was so hot, he asked his agent to go to the company. We bought ice cream."

"As far as I know, in the entire Korean entertainment industry, only Junsu's personal donation has exceeded 1 billion won, and he continues to make donations every year."


Junxiu didn't know what happened on the Internet at this time, but when he entered the backstage, he saw a lot of idols standing in the corridor talking and laughing with each other. Junxiu hasn't played songs to the show for a year. He suddenly found that the song-playing scene has become like a networking scene. Men love beans, women love beans, one by one, in twos and threes with beautiful makeup. to chat with?

And the backstage of this song is full of fresh faces that Junxiu doesn't know. When the idols standing in the backstage saw the appearance of the "legend" Junxiu in the music industry, they all widened their eyes in surprise. Junxiu's arrival made the scene a lot quieter, everyone's eyes were focused on Junxiu, and when Junxiu passed by, they were so surprised that they forgot to say hello.

When Junxiu walked past the two men and two women, they just stared at Junxiu, none of them had the courage to say hello to Junxiu.

Junxiu looked at the group of fresh-faced children: "Oh, now the music industry doesn't need to say hello to seniors? What about American style, you don't care whether you are seniors or not. Not bad~! It seems that I have to keep pace with the times. Haha~ Fortunately, our children didn't learn this set of 'American Ribbons'" Junxiu cast a glance at the group of children, shook his head and left in disappointment.

The four of them were instantly stunned, and Junxiu's words really scared them a lot. When they saw Junxiu in front of them, they were so surprised that they forgot to say hello, but they were 'educated' by Junxiu. If this came out of Junxiu's mouth, they would not even have basic courtesy, and it is estimated that their next career will be very difficult.

But when they wanted to say hello to Junxiu, Junxiu had already left from their side. The idols in the back who heard Junxiu's words bowed 90 degrees to Junxiu, and Junxiu also responded politely to the children.

The four people in this friendship looked at Junxiu's back with some dumbfoundedness and said to each other, "What should we do? Senior Junxiu must think we are very rude."

One of the girls was about to cry, and she said, "I have to tell the agent so that the agent can take me to apologize."

"Yes, go and tell the agent first."

When the group of children who forgot to say hello to Junxiu went to find their manager, Junxiu had already pushed open the door of Girls' Generation's waiting room. The moment the door opened, a loud and noisy sound hit Junxiu's ears. As long as the nine members of Girls' Generation get together, their waiting room is the vegetable market.

Those who eat snacks, those who go crazy, those who sleep, those who touch up makeup, all kinds of styles are displayed in this super large waiting room. When they saw Junxiu appearing at the door, Yoona called out, "oppa~! Hahaha~~!!" She laughed and ran quickly to Junxiu's side, holding Junxiu's arm and facing them. Pulled in the waiting room.

"Wow~~ Taeyeon, look who's here." "Wow, when did Oppa come back?" "Yo~ Oppa is back?" "See Shun Kyu or Taeyeon?"

Junxiu entered their waiting room, and all kinds of problems hit him, and Junxiu felt a big head in an instant. And getting used to the style of the nine of them getting together, Junxiu really didn't bother to answer them. He picked up a thermos on the table where the snacks were placed and asked, "Whose?"

Yoona, who had been sticking beside Junsu, looked at the bottle and rolled her eyes and said, "...Taeyeon's apple juice."

Junxiu looked at the bottle and saw that there was no name written on it, and he opened the apple juice without any doubt and drank it. At this time, Pani, who deserted, found Junxiu holding her bottle and drinking: "Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why are you drinking my drink? No... I have a cold."

After Pani got excited, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he corrected himself by saying that he had a cold, not that he would not give you a drink.

Yoona immediately dropped Junxiu's arm and ran away with a smile, she ran towards Taeyeon: "Oni~ Look at Oppa and Pani kissing indirectly!"

Taeyeon pretended to be fighting and said to Yoona, "Ah, do you think I didn't see it? You said it was mine, and he drank it before I could say anything."

Junxiu deliberately made a vicious look at Yoona: "If I catch a cold, you will die!"

"It's okay, you have a cold, Taeyeon will take care of you."

Pani put away his bottle and asked Junxiu with a smile: "oppa, when did you come back? Why didn't you post a message in the group?"

"I sent a message, are you still coming to the airport to pick me up? Really~~"

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