Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Music Bank (below)

Girls' Generation saw Junxiu again after a long absence. Every one of them had a smile on their face. I don't know when Junxiu has been integrated into their lives. Although Junxiu is not absolutely indispensable, but at least he has a certain proportion, right? I don't know why there will always be some misses after a long time no see.

So when Junxiu came back today, the emotions of each of them became inexplicably high. Junxiu looked at the sick Pani and patted her on the shoulder and asked warmly: "Why do you have a cold? The weather is so cold, what should I wear? Wear thicker clothes. Don't pursue any fashion issues during the cold time. The most important thing is to ensure that you don't get sick. By the way, have you taken medicine?"

Facing Junxiu's concern, Pani showed his crescent-like smile and said, "I ate it. I only ate two in the morning, and I slept for a while after I came here. I feel better now."

"Yeah. Don't be arrogant. When you really feel unbearable, tell your agent to go to the hospital for an infusion, which will get better faster. By the way, has the house thing been fixed?" Last time Pani went with Junxiu together Los Angeles, in order to buy a house. So Junxiu also asked casually.

Pani nodded with a smile and said, "It's done, $700,000, and a villa with a big swimming pool. Next time oppa comes to Los Angeles, you can visit my house. It's much more cost-effective than Seoul."

"Hehe~~ Then who will maintain your house on weekdays? It can't be all ashes when you go there next time, right?" Because Panney's sister works in New York, it is impossible to say that in order to maintain Panney's house, every week Going to Los Angeles.

"Hee hee~ I'll ask the second sister to ask the second sister to find housekeepers to do hygiene once a week."

"Second sister? Don't you have only one sister? When did the second sister come out? You don't mean my second sister, do you?"

"Hahaha~~ Of course, only your second sister lives in Los Angeles. If you don't ask her, who should I ask?"

Yoona, this naughty child, watched Junxiu chatting with Pani all the time, she pouted to Taeyeon beside her and said, "Oni, look, oppa ignores you when he comes, he actually Went to hook up with Penny."

When Yuner's word 'hook up' was heard by Pani, Pani roared at Yuner: "Yah~! Lin Yuner, you want to die today, right? Hook up, what hook up? Look at me today. ."

Just as Pani was about to rush towards Yoona in a desperate stance, there was a knock on the door of their waiting room just two steps away. Taeyeon, who was resting on the sofa at the door, got up and opened the door, only to see a middle-aged uncle standing at the door, with a group of children behind him, he nodded slightly after seeing Taeyeon and said, "Hello. , Taeyeon. Is Junsuxi in your waiting room?"

Hearing that she was looking for Junsu, Taeyeon stepped back and said to Junsu, "oppa, I'm looking for you."

Junxiu looked up at the group of girls standing behind him led by the manager at the door. Among them were the two rude children whom he had met earlier when he came in. At this time, the agent brought them over and knew what they were doing. Junxiu waved at them and said, "Come in."

A group of girls stood in front of Junxiu and bowed to him: "Hello, Senior Junxiu, we are ''."

Junxiu tilted his head and said, "Venus? Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? Hehe~~ Goddess, it's justifiable to be a little arrogant."

The Girls' Generation nearby heard that Junxiu suddenly used 'arrogant' to describe the newcomers, which made them feel a little inexplicable. But Venus's agent was in a cold sweat when he heard it. He immediately said to Junxiu: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Junxiu xi, it's because we didn't educate the children well. Don't you apologize to Junxiu senior?"

Apologize? This made Girls' Generation even more curious, what did they do to need to apologize to Junsu? Each of them stopped making noise and watched the group of children who came in and apologized.

After their agent finished saying these words, two of the girls gave Junxiu a 90-degree bow again: "I'm sorry, Senior Junxiu, we were disrespectful ahead."

The agent also followed the children's apology and said to Junsu: "Junsuxi, it is indeed our management negligence. After we go back, we must strengthen the children's etiquette. That.. Junsuxi, we belong to Han Chengzhu's company."

Junxiu looked at the agent in surprise: "Han Chengzhu? Pledis?" Park Jiaxi's company, and Junxiu's shares in this company, so they are still a family.

"Yes, we are now managed by 'Pledis'. The children are co-operated by 'Pledis' and ''."

"''Isn't it a branch of Xi Duxi? This Han Sung Soo is really... After he came out, he founded a company, and when he was in the group'', he went to our JS Entertainment to ask for people. He is quite insightful. UIE is leaving. But now, Han Sung-soo's business has grown so much that he doesn't even have time to educate his children about manners."

Originally thought that Junsu would give a little face after Han Chengzhu was revealed, but it was a loss for Junsu to catch their representative, "I'm really sorry, Junsuxi, we will definitely strengthen the children's courtesy education when we go back~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Okay, go back, I have received your apology." Junxiu waved at their agent impatiently. Because he feels that an apology is an apology, how can there be so many relationships?

Looking at Junxiu's appearance, the agent seemed to say something again, but he just said "Junxiu xi.."

Junxiu interrupted aloud: "I said, alright, let's all go back. Just remember that 'politeness' is the basic thing, just don't make the same mistakes again."

Junxiu said so, and they were embarrassed to stay in Taeyeon's waiting room. When the agent was leaving with the child, Junxiu called out, "Wait, that, the brown-haired one. Yes, that means you. ,What is your name?"

After the tall girl was named, she looked at Junxiu in surprise, and pointed to herself in disbelief. After she saw Junxiu and nodded to confirm it was her, she bowed to Junxiu again and began to introduce herself: "Senior Junxiu, my name is Kwon Nara."

"Kwon Nara? I see. I'll leave you my private number next time we meet!"

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