Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 359: visit (top)

Yui drove Junxiu toward their house in a vehicle. Today, the two of them booked an afternoon flight to Europe, and it was still early before the plane took off. In addition, Junxiu had already arrived at Yui's door, so her family planned to give Junxiu a simple treat at home at noon. The last time Junxiu came here was when he visited by himself, but this time with Yui, the meaning is different.

Looking back, the two of them have been in love for so many years, and now everything can be said to be a matter of course for the two of them, but they have not taken the final step due to their professional relationship. Yui's family also understands that whether it is Yui herself or Junxiu, if the two of them announce their marriage, 100% will have a certain impact on their careers.

Moreover, Yui's family also feels that their emotions are very stable now, so there is no need to worry too much. After all, they haven't entered their thirties yet, so it doesn't matter if they wait another two or three years. After all, Yui has just reached the top position in the Japanese entertainment industry. This period is the most glorious moment for Yui, so they also feel that they can wait.

Even if the two of them don't get together in the end, they won't worry. After all, Yui can fully support herself without relying on a man, and if she makes money for her own use, she will live a very comfortable life, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about.

Sitting in the car, Junxiu looked at the streets of Naha City outside the window and said, "How many years have you not been back?"

"I don't remember either. It's been many years, right? After going to Beijing, I rarely have time to come back, mainly because the work is always so intensive on weekdays, even if it's a break, it's only a day's time, just running back and forth. It’s too much tossing, so I’d rather sleep at home for a while, and I don’t want to run back and forth. It’s too troublesome, and I don’t want to come back and disturb my parents’ lives!”

Although the Japanese have the tradition of Asian Confucianism, they have been influenced by a lot of Western culture. The Japanese seem to have become an independent individual after adulthood, which is very similar to the style in the United States. Young people who have participated in the work as adults rarely return to their parents' homes. Because parents have their parents' lives, and they have their own lives, it may be that their living habits are different, so they are still relatively finely divided.

Junxiu nodded and said, "Yes, running back and forth is really tiring, but your mother still comes to Tokyo often? I remember she said she was from Tokyo."

"Well, she comes here several times a year, to meet her friends, and also to meet my sister and me. She also said that I will not be in the show business in the future, and it would be good to choose to go back to Okinawa to take care of my life. The life here is good. The rhythm is much more comfortable than in Tokyo.”

"I am very sure of that."


After chatting all the way, he soon arrived at the door of Yui's house, and Junxiu realized that he was empty-handed at this time, he said to Yui: "Well... I didn't bring some gifts when I came, why don't I go nearby? Can you buy some at the supermarket?"

Yui shook her head and said, "You don't need to be so troublesome, just have a meal, you don't need to prepare anything specially. Let's go, let's go in, we have to rush to the airport after dinner!"

"Okay. I thought we were going to stay in Okinawa for one more day, and I wanted you to show me the city you used to live in."

Yui said with a smile: "A lot has changed now, except that the original school is still there, and many things in my memory are gone."

The two entered the courtyard of their house like this, and Yui rang the doorbell at the door to remind their parents that they were back. After a while, Yui's mother appeared at the entrance, and she personally prepared it for Junxiu. The slippers in the room, and then said politely to Junxiu: "Junxiu-jun, long time no see."

Junxiu returned the salute and responded to Yui's mother: "Long time no see, Mrs. Aragaki, how are you recently?"

"Fortunately, please come in." Yui's mother invited Junxiu into the house, Yui's father sat on his knees in the living room, and when he saw Junxiu, he got up and smiled happily: "Junxiu-sang, long time no see. ."

"Long time no see, Mr. Aragaki, I came to disturb you today."

Yuyi's father greeted Junxiu to sit down: "Please sit down, Yuyi will serve Junxiu tea first. Eh, Yui said that you prefer Chinese tea, and we specially prepared oolong tea from Taihai for you."

Yui went to prepare tea soup for Junxiu at her father's order, while her mother went to the kitchen to prepare food. Junxiu knelt down in front of Yui's father and said, "Thank you, Japanese matcha is actually pretty good too."

"People who like Chinese tea art always think that Japanese matcha tastes strange? I just heard about it."

"It's okay, maybe the scent is different? I can't tell the specifics. It's convenient at work, and I usually use coffee to refresh myself. Tea, I only make a brew when I'm idle at home."

"Tea, you can only taste it in your spare time. Oh, by the way, I went outside some time ago and heard an English song playing everywhere. Yui's mother said, you sang it!"

"Well, at the end of last year, I was busy with music in the United States. I just came back, so I thought about taking advantage of the vacation given by the company after I came back, and went to Europe with Yui to see."

"I also know that the fame of the two of you makes it very inconvenient for you to travel in Japan. It is also good to go overseas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Last year, Yui's mother and I went to Hawaii to play for more than a week. After that, I also felt that there is not much difference between Hawaii and Okinawa, and there are many Japanese there. The only difference may be that old beauty can be seen everywhere on the street.”

Junxiu nodded and said: "Well, they are all leisure islands. Perhaps the difference is the buildings left over from cultural history. In Europe, the architectural style is completely different."

Junxiu doesn't know why the Japanese are so obsessed with Hawaii, and many immigrants choose to go to Hawaii, which also makes the number of Japanese there very large, accounting for at least one third of the total population!

"Well, next time we have time, we also plan to go to Europe to see it. When that time comes, we will go with the tour group. If you go by yourself, our English will not be good."

Just when Junxiu and Yui's father were having a simple chat, Yui came out with the tea she made for Junxiu. She was used to making tea for Junxiu in Tokyo, so she had a good grasp of the accuracy of the tea.

She smiled and saw that the chat between the two was so harmonious, and she felt very comfortable, because it represented the family's recognition of Junxiu. Yu Yi sat beside the two of them with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

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