Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 360: visit (below)

Yui looked at Junxiu and her father had a good chat, and her mood became more comfortable. Because the parents of China, Japan, and Korea in Asia will have headaches because of their children's marriage problems. However, families in Japan are slightly more relaxed than those in the other two countries. Maybe this has something to do with Japanese traditions.

Because Japan has more serious problems than China and South Korea. That is, if women from the Japanese side get married, they will follow their husband's surname, and they must live in the man's house. This kind of feeling is like my daughter has completely become the man's person, and even the surname given by my father will be removed.

In fact, if you think about it, you will feel that this is unfair to women, but this is a tradition in Japan. Because most women in Japan will become housewives after marriage, even including many stars. After they get married, they automatically become housewives and quit the showbiz. Not to mention his surname, but also to give up his job, this would seem a bit too much in modern society.

Therefore, the marriage of a daughter in Japan is relatively easier than in the other two countries. Generally, Japanese parents want her to find a suitable one for her. As for what requires the man to prepare a 'marriage room', there is no such thing in Japan. I wonder if young people are used to renting a house now? The same marriage, in China, in South Korea will not work.

There is also a saying on the Korean side when the man prepares a 'marriage room'. However, it is easier than Huaxia's side because the Korean woman can accept the man's 'full rent' method. However, in Huaxia, if the man does not have a "marriage room", he will not mention marriage. The minimum requirements for marriage in Huaxia, a new house must have! (I don’t know if this is the case in other cities, but in my city, ‘marriage room’ is the minimum requirement for a woman to get married. Maybe it’s more appropriate to call ‘marriage’ in my city as ‘selling a daughter’.)

Yui sat with Junxiu and her father for a while, and then went to help in the kitchen. The table was set in less than half an hour. Yui said that it was a simple family meal, but in fact, Yui's family prepared quite rich, rich seafood sashimi, fish soup, beef and pork, Yui's mother said with a smile: "These are Okinawa. The specialties include Agu pig, Ishigaki beef, sea grapes, bitter gourd. I don’t know if you eat bitter gourd? Yui has never liked bitter gourd since she was a child.”

Junxiu smiled and responded to Yui's mother: "I ate it, I ate it last time I came to Okinawa. The slightly bitter taste is like drinking coffee on weekdays. It's acceptable, and I don't particularly prefer it. My sister usually says I am a primary school student, and I prefer some sweet, salty and umami dishes that have a stronger taste.”

"Oh, it's no wonder that when Yui asked me to stir-fry pork after I woke up this morning, the taste was stronger." When Yui's mother said this, she smiled at her daughter, and it seemed that she knew Junxiu very well. taste.

As a woman truly understands a man's taste, it's almost time to get married. Of course, Junxiu and Yui won't get married so early for the time being. As for the cohabitation of the two before marriage, Yui's mother is very open. She feels that marriage is a lifetime thing, and living together before marriage can know everything about this man. Suitable, inappropriate, can be found as soon as possible after cohabitation.

As for Yui's advice to cook dishes that are biased towards Junxiu's taste, it is because Japanese people's tastes are generally milder, so I have to take care of Junxiu's taste. Of course, it was also because Yui herself had been with Junxiu for a few years, and after his "infection", her taste gradually changed, becoming very similar to Junxiu, with a larger taste.

At the official meal, Junxiu and Yui’s family sat together and ate a sumptuous lunch, and Yui’s mother chatted about travel: “This is the first time Yui has gone overseas without any work. Travel, she has no travel experience, you two have to take care of each other. By the way, where is your first stop in Europe?"

“The first stop was Rome, Italy. I think the three most important elements of travel are: beautiful photos, delicious food and people to share with. And Rome has always been a dream city for many people, and it is also European history. The center of culture is also the world's three major food countries."

The Japanese don't know why they have a Paris complex, so they prefer to go to Paris, Milan, such a fashionable city, when they go to Europe, they will hesitate to compare with a historical and romantic capital like Rome. As a result, Yui's mother said, "Rome? I heard that the security there is not good. You have to pay attention to safety."

"Um.. there is no problem with the security over there. Italy is much better than the United States, but there are a lot of thieves over there. We just need to be careful."

There are more pickpockets in Europe than expected, so after the past, just put your wallet and passport close to your body.

"Then you have to pay attention. I heard that it is very troublesome to lose your passport overseas?"

Junxiu nodded and said: "Well, it's okay to lose money, but it's really troublesome to lose your passport. You need to go to the embassy to re-apply at that time, and it will take 15 working days if the re-apply is fast, and the waiting time is too long. It's too long. The most important thing is to affect the mood. I originally planned to travel to many countries in Europe, but I lost my passport, so I can only stay in that country. "

"How many countries are you planning to go to this time?"

"There are only a few countries~www.wuxiaspot.com~, just Italy and France, mainly because time doesn't allow. I only have a week's vacation here, and I can only stay there for four days on the way back and forth. If you look at Rome, you should come back if you look at Paris.”

"Yes, it's very good for your profession to take a week's rest time, so you can only go later in the future."

Junxiu nodded and said, "Yes, I also want to go out for a walk while I'm young. Knowing different countries and cultures, I think it's worth our lives!"


After a meal, Yui's mother chatted about travel issues. Maybe it was because Yui was the first independent travel overseas, so she was still a little worried. Fortunately, there was a reliable handsome beside Yui, which made her feel a little more at ease.

If Yui is only going to travel overseas alone, unless she quietly goes abroad without saying anything. Otherwise, it is estimated that Yui's mother would not agree. After all, she has no experience traveling overseas alone!

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