Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 362: Want to be active at RB? (Down)

Yui once again mentioned Junsu's Japanese album. Seriously, he hasn't released any music albums in the Japanese market for four years. The last time "Those Years" appeared was an accident. Last year, Junxiu released a commercial song "Love" that became popular throughout Japan, but the song benefited from Yui and the manufacturer.

And he has not been active in Japan for a long time. Since the end of Yui's "Flower and Mizuki", he only appeared because of the advertising works on the Japanese side. Of course, it is undeniable that advertising is indeed the highest source of income, but the problem is that Japanese fans who have been waiting for Junxiu's release have not heard his works for many years. After the original incident, Yunho, TVXQ, and JYJ are all here. While posting a video, only Junxiu did not have any music works here. This is also a kind of regret for fans, right?

And Yui is not a time to mention the matter of his release. He released Korean albums and English albums, although they have also achieved good results in Japan. But the problem is that not all the people here can understand the meaning of the lyrics. To put it mildly, they may just listen to the melody of the songs when they listen to Junxiu's songs in foreign languages. What are the lyrics about? do not know!

In the face of Yui's 'album' question, Junxiu tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "I'm handing over here, I don't know what my next arrangement is? Mainly because I've been busy with my company's affairs during this time. If I think.. the first half of the year should be mainly music works, right? If there is a chance, I should release a Japanese album."

Junxiu himself doesn't know what the next arrangement will be, anyway, it's not a TV series, it's a music work. One thing is for sure, the company will definitely let him consolidate his position in the Korean entertainment industry! Because he has to come up with works in Korea every year, whether that work is music, or film and television. But something has to come out to increase his exposure. After all, the so-called 'mystery' is no longer popular in this era, but intimacy is popular now!

"Wow, that means I can look forward to your songs from oppa? You must know that not only fans in Japan and South Korea are waiting for your songs, but fans all over the world are waiting for your music." Yui said When she got here, she smiled and said to her agent: "Did you know? You won't know how popular oppa is until you go to Europe. I was in the Roman Forum with him, and the wishing pool was recognized by fans in Europe. Out."

Although Junxiu wore a hat and sunglasses during this trip, he was still recognized many times on the streets of Europe. This is the first time Yui has personally felt Junsu's crazy popularity overseas, especially the excited expressions of European fans after seeing Junsu are still imprinted in Yui's memory. Looking at the surprise and the unbelievable praise from the fans over there, Yui really realized what it means to be called a 'world star'.

The agent laughed and teased Yui: "This is the world star. Why do you add the word 'world' in front of the star? This represents his awareness of 'worldwide'! Do you think it is with you? In the same way, when you leave Japan, no one will know that you are a star."


After chatting along the way, Junxiu and Yui soon returned home. Junxiu slumped on the sofa in the living room and watched Yui begin to organize the "trophies" this time, and they were all souvenirs from Xiaodong and Xiaoxi. Anyway, there is nothing in Yui's 'booty' of the things in the European famous boutiques. On the contrary, Junxiu bought some clothes in Europe, and Yuyi chose it for Junxiu, because he simply carried a backpack when he went out this time, and when he came back, he had an extra suitcase.

After finishing the small ornaments, Yuyi started to organize Junxiu's dirty clothes: "oppa, I'll take out your clothes for you to wash tomorrow. I'm a little tired today." Because Junxiu's long suit jacket and designer clothes need to be taken out To clean according to the above requirements, not just throw it in the washing machine at will.

Yui said and then got up and walked towards the kitchen, Junxiu saw that she picked up a rag and planned to do hygiene. Because she hadn't lived at her home in Tokyo for half a month, and there was still some dust in her home. And Yui is a person who likes to be clean, so after returning to pack her luggage, she wants to do hygiene non-stop.

Junxiu immediately waved at Yuyi to stop it: "Okay, let's call it housekeeping this time for hygiene. You just came back, come and rest for a while."

"I..." Yui originally wanted to say "I'm not tired", but when she turned her head, she saw Junxiu's brows knit together tightly, she knew that Junxiu was caring about her. Because at this time, she insisted on cleaning, Junxiu couldn't resist her words in the end, so she could only get up and work with her to complete the hygiene of the house. Yui didn't want Junxiu to be as tired.

Yui sighed, put down the rag, and came to Junxiu's side to snuggle beside him. The two of them just sat there empty, with their legs crossed on the table in front of the sofa, and they sat there motionless. Fatigue after a trip happens after you get home, or is it because of a long flight?

Junxiu hugged Yui in her arms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and patted her shoulder gently with her hands in a very rhythmic manner, as if she was coaxing a child to sleep. The two sat quietly like that, staring at a certain place without any focus. Although they did not have any communication at this time, their hearts were very close.

Letting go and being in a daze is actually a way to temporarily let the head rest. At that moment, the head seems to have stopped working and will not think about anything. Sometimes people need such daze time, because this is the real rest. Don't think that only sleep is rest, you must know that sometimes when you sleep, your brain is still working.

The two of them hugged each other for about ten minutes, until Junxiu's rhythmic beating suddenly stopped, and Yui's airing came back to her senses, and she turned her head to look at Junxiu.

At the moment when she turned her head, Junxiu also followed Yui's movements and returned to her senses. After the two met their eyes, they laughed inexplicably. Yui's bright smile was still so intoxicating, Junxiu couldn't help it. He lowered his head and lightly pecked her mouth twice.

After the kiss, Yui got up from the sofa. She picked up the camera on the table and flipped through it again: "oppa, help me choose, which photos do you print?"

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