Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 363: chance encounter (on)

After the two of them changed into simple clothes at home, they went out because Yui planned to go out and buy a photo frame to load this photo. She wants to frame every group photo in the camera and put it in every corner of the house. These photos are to record the sweet time of their love. Because the time with each other is very rare, these photos are very precious to Yui, and this is their first overseas trip!

After the two changed their clothes, Junxiu drove the car towards the nearby Ji'an Hall, because it is the largest 'supermarket' in Japan, and there are only things you can't think of, not things you can't buy, in a word, it's all-inclusive. The goods in Ji'an Palace are more complete than some internationally renowned large supermarkets. The most important thing is that the brand is complete! For example, there are various brands of facial cleansers, overseas brands, and local brands.

The same goes for photo frames, which come in a variety of looks, materials, and brands.

Moreover, Yui has not lived at home for half a month. Before they went out, they even tidied up the refrigerator. For example, the fruits in the refrigerator were almost inedible after two weeks, so they could only take them out. throw away.

This time, I went to Ji'an Temple to buy not only photo frames, but also some fresh food, fruits, and vegetables to store in the refrigerator. It is actually a local super large supermarket.

Sitting in the car, Yui looked at the familiar streets of Japan, and at the hurrying pedestrians, she suddenly said: "Tokyo, people in the whole city seem to be very busy." Compared with travel culture like Rome In the center, Tokyo is much busier. Maybe it's because there are fewer people in Tokyo sitting leisurely in street cafes enjoying the sun.

Junxiu said with a smile: "You have been resting all the time during this time, plus you went overseas and saw those people who seemed to be leisurely overseas. So after returning, a sense of contrast was formed, waiting for you to join the 'busy' When there is a crowd, the rush on the street is not surprising."

"Yeah, I didn't notice any difference when I saw those laid-back people on the streets of Europe, but when I returned to Japan, I realized that it was the so-called 'relaxed'. I don't know why the Japanese seem to be busy. , it seems that no one wants to temporarily put down what they are doing and sit down for a cup of coffee."

Junxiu continued Yui's words and said with a smile: "Because coffee is very expensive! For a cup of coffee, you can buy several bottles of beer."

When Yui suddenly heard Jun Xiuxiu's joke, she couldn't help laughing all of a sudden: "Hahaha~~oppa, you..hahaha~~~" Let alone the night in Japan, sometimes it is broad daylight. There will be drunk people, for those people, 'wine' is a daily necessities of life. However, a cup of coffee that you can sit down and drink in the store can be cheaper by several hundred yen. For those drinkers, there's really a lot of beer to buy.

Soon the car stopped at the gate of the Ji'an Hall, Junxiu let Yui go for a stroll, and he went to find a place to park. When they came out, the two had already planned and went in separately, otherwise it would be a little bit conspicuous to go in together. Although it is still winter in Japan at the end of January, everyone is tightly wrapped, but because Yui's height and Junxiu's height are relatively rare in the streets of Japan, it is possible to meet people who look more often.


After parking the car, Junxiu walked slowly from the parking lot to the Ji'an Hall. Tokyo is like this. It is not clear when it will start to rain. When I came out of the house, I didn't realize that it was going to rain, but when Junxiu put the car in the garage and came out, the sky started to rain.

There are many people on the street holding up umbrellas, and people here seem to like to carry umbrellas when they go out. Who said that Tokyo's winter is like this. I don't know when it will rain. Anyway, it is said that there are few sunny days in Tokyo's winter.

The rain wouldn't make Junxiu quicken his pace, he just lightly pulled up the hat of his down jacket and walked slowly down the street. As he walked, he looked down in front of him, because the younger sister in front actually showed her beautiful legs in the big winter, which is really hard enough.

Girls in Japan don't seem to wear stockings much in winter, especially high school students in Tokyo who basically show their legs.

Junxiu muttered in his heart: "I don't know if it's cold or not? The top is winter, but the bottom is summer? This is too outrageous, right? Why don't Japanese girls wear jeans close to the body? Is it the legs? Does it look good?"

Yui can't wear skinny jeans either, and she also feels that her legs are not good-looking. Many people are saying that the legs are not good-looking because the people here are used to kneeling and sitting? And Junxiu looked at the leg shape of the girl in front, it was not bad, and did not say that it was an 'X' or an 'O' that could be seen at a glance. The front legs are fairly straight.

Just when Junxiu was paying attention to the legs of the girl in front, she didn't know if she noticed Junxiu's gaze, she turned her head slightly to glance at Junxiu, and then quickened her pace. When she turned her head, Junxiu could clearly see the appearance of the girl in front of her, and the corners of Junxiu's mouth were raised under the cover of the scarf. Because he knew the girl in front of him, but he didn't expect to meet her here.

So Junxiu called out to her, "Mai Shiraishi."

Junxiu called her by her name, which made the girl turn her head in surprise and look at the 'zongzi' behind her. She blinked her big eyes and carefully looked at Junxiu's appearance, but it was so tightly wrapped that she didn't recognize it at all. Is handsome.

Mainly, the hat of the down jacket covers Junxiu's forehead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the scarf covers the part below Junxiu's nose, which means that only a pair of eyes are exposed, and the eyes are slightly covered by the eyes. Look at the handsome appearance. That's why Mai didn't recognize Junxiu, she stared nervously at Junxiu as she walked towards the front.

Junxiu slightly tugged at his scarf and hat, revealing his appearance for Mai to confirm. Junxiu said with a smile when she pulled down her scarf, "Why are you here alone?"

"Jun..Senior!" Mai Shiraishi almost called out the name 'Junxiu' in surprise, but it was Junxiu who quickly made a booing gesture, and she changed her name to 'Senior'.

Junxiu accelerated two steps, came to Mai's side and said in a low voice, "Aren't you cold when you wear it alone? You're a star after all, so what's the point of hanging out here?"

"Uh... uh... I just went to the front to buy socks."


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