Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 375: Going on vacation?

?Chapter 375 Is it going to be a long vacation? (page 1/1)

Junsu and Taeyeon felt uncomfortable watching the girl who was limping with 'school violence', especially Taeyeon, who was also a victim of 'school violence' when she was studying in Jeonju, If it weren't for Junxiu's sudden appearance at that time, she would have suffered a lot of crimes as well. After so many years, Junxiu will still bravely stand up to stop this kind of thing. He did not choose to run away when he saw such a thing, he is still the one who dares to face any immoral behavior.

The city built of reinforced concrete does not know when it began to indifferent to people's hearts. Nowadays, most people look at everything in the world indifferently with a mentality of 'it's none of their business'. School violence and unethical behaviors in the society have also been broadcast on the news many times, but they can't be stopped. Maybe when the news appeared, people scolded the mother twice, and people were still indifferent afterwards.

I don’t know if it’s because human nature has become indifferent, so unconsciously everyone is used to seeing the world with this indifference? Everyone seemed to hold the heart of 'one more thing is worse than one less thing', and looked at the surrounding situation coldly. Morality? It seems that it has become dispensable. The only bottom line that ordinary people stick to is not breaking the law! Of course, in the face of huge interests, the law does not necessarily prevent people from erasing the last moral bottom line!

However, Junxiu's kindness was not wiped out by his self-growth and reality's ruthlessness. He at least stood up and stopped it after seeing such a thing. Although he could only stop it for a while, his willingness to stand up was not an indifferent choice to ignore. This alone made Taeyeon feel Junsu's kindness, yes, Junsu is kind.

Watching the child slowly walk away, Taeyeon smiled and said to Junsu, "It's really handsome to see Oppa dare to stand up and scold him for morality."

"I can't change the indifference of the world. But where I can see, I will do what I think is right. Let's go, go home!" Junxiu also knew that although he saved the child today, But her life tomorrow won't change much because of today's rescue. If this kind of ethos does not change in the society, there will never be a way to completely eliminate it, and he still does not have such a great ability!


After arriving home, Junxiu began to organize the things that the two of them went to buy. Junxiu put the items bought at the supermarket one by one on the counter, and Taeyeon asked Junxiu curiously: "Oppa, why did you suddenly remember to buy leg meat? ah?"

"I told you I'll make you double-cooked pork today. Of course, it's leg meat. It's fat and thin. Go and change your clothes. I'll come in in a while."

When the two people in front came out of Yanxi Cave, they saw a meat shop at the door. Junxiu bought some meat there, from leg meat to pork belly, as well as the shabu-shabu (thin-cut, beef) that they would be entertained for hot pot tomorrow. , sheep, pigs). Junxiu found out that the meat in the meat shop is cheaper than that in the supermarket. Especially leg meat, plum meat and so on are the parts that Koreans rarely eat, and they are really super cheap. The most expensive pork part in Korea is pork belly, followed by pork ribs.

Junxiu bought pork belly in order to make Dongpo pork for them to try. This is a dish that Junxiu rarely cooks at home after learning from Li Lianfu, because it takes too much time.

Taeyeon nodded and went to change clothes first. Soon Junxiu was also tidying up and came in to change clothes and prepare to go out to cook.

Junsu stood in the open kitchen and sat cooking, and Taeyeon sat on the dining table behind him and looked at Junsu who was serious and busy with her hands on her cheeks: "When I watch Oppa cook for me, I feel very happy every time. ."

"Uh, it means that if I don't cook for you, you won't be happy?"

"Yeah~ Find fault, right?"

"Haha~~" Junxiu changed the topic with a smile: "I see the 'V' on your cheeks. You've lost a lot of weight recently, why? Are you still controlling your diet?"

Taeyeon laughed happily after hearing Junsu's 'half-compliment' words, women, of course, like to hear such words. She said with a smile, "We haven't deliberately controlled our diet. Instead, we feel exhausted when we don't eat before going on stage. I don't know if it's because I've been busy playing songs and practicing at concerts recently, and I've been exercising a bit too much. s reason?"

Junxiu then nodded and said, "Maybe it's because of a change in your physique. A few years ago, when you were too busy to eat, you didn't have the last meal, so when you were eating, you piled up together? In the past two years, you have had more time to rest, and your body functions have become very smooth. Maybe in the future you will also have the kind of physique that will not gain weight. I have also experienced this situation..”

Junxiu continued: "You know, I had to exercise almost every day for the first two years, right? But in the past two years, I have less time to exercise, it may be that I am lazy, anyway, the more I go to the gym, the more The less I come, I usually run on the treadmill for a while at home. But I haven't noticed that I am gaining weight, and my weight has been naturally maintained at around 73--75."

Because Junsu is very picky about food, he eats a lot. But when he found that he didn't gain weight after eating, Junxiu also felt that his physique had begun to change? Because compared to TVXQ, his itinerary after his solo flight is much less, and it is reasonable to say that the consumption is much smaller than before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he did not gain weight. Kim Jong Kook said that it takes time for a man to gain weight. It should be from the age of 35, maybe the time for physical fitness has not yet come?

After Taeyeon heard that her physique had changed, she looked at Junxiu curiously: "You talk about it like this... Wouldn't I still be able to have a late-night snack in the future? And I don't have to envy Yoona?"

"I can't guarantee it. Let's try it after your concert is over? Try it for a week. If your weight jumps a lot after supper, it's better to restrain yourself."

Taeyeon nodded and said, "I want to try it after this concert. By the way, oppa, the company may give us a long vacation after this concert."

"A long vacation? Is Jiang Seulqi going to debut?" Junsu wondered if Girls' Generation's "long vacation" at this time might be the company's plan to let them make way for the younger generation? Generally, brokerage companies rarely use 'long vacation' to describe the holiday for artists, and generally only say 'rest for a period of time'. And this rest is about a month, or a longer adjustment period of two months. However, this is the first time the company has told them to take a long vacation. And the 'long vacation' starts in three months in everyone's mind.

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