Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 376: interpersonal relationship

?The company told the artists to "take a long vacation" and the vacation lasted at least three months, but recently Girls' Generation has had a little more time off. Last year, there was basically no activity after the album was released. And this year, he directly asked them to take a long vacation, and Junxiu wondered if the company planned to arrange for Jiang Seqi's children to debut? At this time, let them get some resources out of Girls' Generation.

Taeyeon moved her hand towards Junsu and said, "I don't know, anyway, I haven't been downstairs for a long time. However, I heard that Jiang Seulgi and the others are practicing together." It means that they have been finalized, and what they are waiting for is the schedule of their debut.

"Well, I'm almost ready. I remember seeing Seulgi's practice video last year or the year before, it's really amazing, I've practiced for so many years and it's not in vain! If only I gave them to my company, I haven't seen it for a long time. Such a great kid."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "oppa, do you like Seulgi very much?" The 'like' here is not the love of love, but the love of this talent.

"Yeah. After Hyoyeon, I really rarely see a girl who can dance the dance of a man's idol as powerful and explosive as her. And the singing ability is not bad, although it is not enough. To the level of the lead singer. However, there is absolutely no fault in her dancing ability. I am very optimistic about her, oh, I like endy very much when it comes to singing. The child is just like Pani, bursting strong, and also likes to laugh , it's cute to laugh."

"If you can say 'Seulgi' on the show, she will definitely have a lot of fans in the future."

"Not necessarily. I also saw a very beautiful girl among their group of children, called Pei Zhuxuan. She was born with the appearance of an artist. But her personality is very similar to the combination of Xiaoxian and you!"

Taeyeon pointed to her nose and fantasized in her head: "A combination of me and Xiaoxian? It's hard to imagine what it looks like."

"It looks very pure, very quiet, and very weak. But the order is very clear like Xiaoxian."

"Hey~~ just say it's beautiful."


Junxiu was chatting with Taeyeon, while the cooking in his hand did not stop. He was already familiar with cooking like a professional chef. The only thing missing was speed, right? But Junxiu still made tonight's dishes at dinner, a light bean sprout soup, a double-cooked pork, a fish-flavored shredded pork that Taeyeon likes, and scrambled eggs with tomato.

Standard Chinese food, Taeyeon recorded it on her mobile phone before eating and sent it to Girls' Generation's chat room: "It's dinner~"

After Taeyeon's message was sent out, their chat room soon became noisy: "Yeah~~ Kim Taeyeon, do you want to show off the red fruit?"

Lin Yuner was more direct, a phone call came to Junxiu, and Junxiu heard Yuner's howl when she picked it up: "Ah~~ Yuxiang shredded pork, tomato scrambled eggs, wow~~~ oppa, I'm too partial, I've been so long. I haven't eaten the food you cooked."

"Come to my house after the trip tomorrow, I have prepared a sumptuous meal for you all."

"Really? What's for dinner tomorrow?"  …

All kinds of expectations about 'tomorrow' kept smelling on the other end of the phone, Junxiu finally used the killer 'hang up' and was too lazy to continue chatting with them. After hanging up the phone, Junxiu quickly turned the phone to silent mode, only to see that Lin Yuner actually called two in a row, and the phone went quiet.

Junxiu shook his head and put Taeyeon's chopsticks full of fish-flavored shredded pork in her bowl: "Let's eat, stop chatting with your phone."

"Hee hee~~" Taeyeon put down the phone and started to enjoy the food that Junsu cooked for herself. Every time Taeyeon eats Junsu's cooking, she feels very delicious, especially the fish-flavored shredded pork is very suitable for Korean tastes. The sweet and sour taste, the slight spiciness of the pickled peppers and the faint aroma of watercress always make people want to eat more and more.

Especially bibimbap with this sweet and sour sauce, nothing tastes tastier. A mouthful of fish-flavored shredded pork and a mouthful of rice, sandwiching a piece of twice-cooked pork, the aroma of watercress and the aroma of sweet noodle sauce surrounds your mouth, it is simply indescribable. During this period of singing, the food they ate was relatively simple. Today, they were supplemented by Junxiu's cooking meal. Taeyeon really felt that it was the happiest and most satisfying thing during this time.

Taeyeon let out a delicious moan/groan after eating: "Mmm~~ totally~~ delicious. Really, oppa, your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"Eat as much as you like."

"Mmmm." Taeyeon nodded happily, then lowered her head to eat. In fact, Taeyeon knows that her teammates are very envious of her, because she is the first person in the team to openly love her, and the target is the ideal number one 'Junsu' of countless Koreans. In addition, Junsu is a person who loves cooking. Even if Taeyeon can't cook in the future, I believe he will be able to take good care of Taeyeon.

The most worthy of their envy is the past few years that Junsu and Taeyeon have come down. The two have experienced a lot, but their relationship is still stable and forward. And they all felt in their hearts that the two of them would definitely be together in the future.

The two ate delicious food like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ chatting, Taeyeon asked Junsu: "Oppa, what do you think is the hardest thing during your time as an artist?"

In fact, the two of them rarely talk about 'career', because they both know that it is not easy to do this job, and each has its own difficulties.

Junxiu poured himself a glass of white wine and took two sips and said, "My words, I think the most difficult thing is interpersonal relationships. As for the work itself, I don't feel too tired. Because I love music and stage, I also like to play various roles and try different roles in life and career. The only thing that makes me feel hard is interpersonal relationships. Because if I take the initiative to take a step forward, it will make people feel awkward, or it is easy to cause some misunderstandings. However, I step back One step, it will make me look very indifferent. So I can only take the initiative to approach my colleagues when I am on set, and I will never contact them after the work is over.”

Yes, after standing in Junsu's position, 'interpersonal relationships' really seem to be very troublesome. However, any circle cannot be separated from interpersonal relationships, and how to manage it becomes a troublesome thing.

Fortunately, Junsu had a good relationship at the beginning and met two good friends, Kim Jongguk and Ha Dongxun. Now they have developed a very good relationship map because of the relationship of the variety show, which makes Junsu also benefit a lot from them.. .

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