Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Ah Fan's new song

?GSD's song this time did not win a spot from SHINee, but their popularity has skyrocketed and they have become the hottest girl group at the moment. After all, GSD's fan group is a lot worse than SHINee's "regular army". Although they didn't get one, fortunately, they got the first one, and after the song debuted, they finally realized what Junxiu told them, "Life is better than death".

Yes, the intensity of the schedule is called "life is better than death" for artists because once artists enter the outbreak period, their work becomes "regular", what is the pattern? Get in the car to sleep, go on stage to dance immediately after getting off the car, go back to the car to continue to sleep after the end, open your eyes and go on stage. Immediately after that, I started to move again. I woke up and found that I was in a beauty salon. I changed my makeup and continued.

For two or three months in a row, every day was like this. During this time, the artists were a little dazed. They didn't seem to remember what they were doing. Anyway, when they opened their eyes, they were mechanized. And mechanized dancing. Not to mention a few months, the 'GSD' who has been living like this just after a week is about to collapse. They can sit in the car and bite a roll of kimbap to fall asleep. It shows how powerful GSD's 'strap dance' is. ! !

But today Junxiu's face was not so happy, because he saw the 'APINK' group of children in the practice room actually practicing the 'strap dance'. He suddenly spread the fire that the news report brought him on them.

Junxiu turned off the music and looked at Apink with a cold face: "Who asked you to practice this song? Who?"

Junxiu's appearance really scared Apink's children so much that they didn't dare to breathe. They lowered their heads one by one and didn't speak, because they knew why Junxiu was so angry. This time, 'GSD' danced with Sexy's straps, and Junsu's song has never won No. 1 in the music industry! This is Junsu's first ever song.

In fact, everyone knows that Junsu can't be blamed for this, it's just because 'GSD', who has no fame, met the very popular SHINee's comeback. But the problem is that the news agency won't understand it. It's the first time that Junxiu's song "falls off the top of the chart". They don't report it much, so it's strange that it's a special report.

There are even some media sensationalists saying that Junxiu is Jiang Lang's end, and he started to break the jar after he lost his identity as a producer of Girls' Generation. Insist on walking with Sexy style during this time, but after the appearance of Sexy style this time, fans will not sell it! ! Anyway, the reason why some media that attracts click-through rate exaggeratedly wrote the general trend of 'GSD' did not win one, all because of Junxiu! !

Junxiu became furious when he saw the news. It was obvious that he took the initiative to let go of his identity as a producer of Girls' Generation. Didn't .M turn around and ask him to lead the boy group? However, the media just took the fact that Junsu didn't make Girls' Generation's album into unlimited imagination, and then started to enlarge the incident, making Junsu look like a 'sinner' who betrayed Girls' Generation.

Isn't it strange that the title song of the album released by Girls' Generation at the beginning of the year was called "song" by all the critics? Because there are so many styles in a song, it's too complicated, so the song sounds very confusing. This is also the first time that their music has been questioned by everyone. Fortunately, the purchasing power of fans is quite powerful. The sales did not drop due to the bad reviews of the sound reviews, but sold better than the previous albums.

But this matter has always been imprinted in SONE's heart. Now being promoted by the media, Junxiu's resignation as the chief producer of Girls' Generation has become a kind of 'betrayal', but fans are easily provoked. Junsu was only inexplicably subjected to bad reviews from SONE!

And under the media's publicity, Junsu can only make 'Sexy style' songs recently, which makes him very angry. As a result, when I came to Apink's practice room today, I suddenly saw that they were actually practicing **** style dance, and Junxiu rushed up uncontrollably. Because the company's positioning of them from beginning to end is not suitable for such a style! !


Apink everyone bowed their heads in front of Junxiu like little chickens, listening to his angrily gasping: "Wow~~you~~Wow~~Who allowed you to practice this style of dance? Do you know the position of the group? Ya~~Park Chulong, you, you are the captain, tell me, do you know the positioning of the combination?"

In the face of things like anger, the captain will of course be singled out. So Park Chulong could only lower his head and say to Junxiu at this time, "I'm sorry, senior, I'm sorry!"

"What's the use of my being sorry? You all know the position given to you by the company, why do you want to go beyond this position? This style of dance music is not suitable for you, at least you are not suitable now, even if you practice! I know! Yet?"

Apink everyone bowed to Junxiu again and apologized: "Senior Junxiu, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, come with me." Junxiu took the lead and turned around and walked out of the practice room, and then brought the Apink group to his personal studio on the side of JS Entertainment. After entering the studio, Junxiu gave the lyrics prepared on the table to him. To them: "Take it, I'll play the demo tape for you later, familiarize yourself with the lyrics today, and record it for you tomorrow."

They held the upcoming comeback title song, and Park Chulong looked at the title and said, "'NoNoNo'?"

"Young girly songs in line with yours~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Those media outside said that I can only be Sexy? Haha~~ This is the funniest joke I have ever heard, I will show them this year, in the end I will How many. Okay, all be quiet and listen to the demo!" Junsu played the title song 'demo'. There were bursts of youth-style songs throughout the studio.

,, anytime I will be your light....

Junsu is very good at songs that use words "repeatedly" like this. At the beginning, he pushed such repeated brainwashing songs to the top, and it was such songs with repeated words that created the prosperous world of girl groups in the entire music industry.

After the song ended, Junxiu said with a smile, "Isn't it naive to hear such 'words'? But the market is so strange, and often such simple brainwashing songs can make a big difference. Back in Girls' Generation, they used it like this too. The boring songs became the hottest girl group at that time. Now the taste of fans has not improved, the simpler it is, the easier it is to become popular!!”


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