Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 414: the busy work

? Junxiu also finds it a little inexplicable about such market rules. The more simple and brainwashing songs, the more potential they have to become popular. Of course, such brainwashing songs cannot become classics, but they can become a group, or a 'representative' song of a certain period. For example, when everyone sees Girls' Generation, they will immediately think of their song "Gee" 'dogleg dance', and when they see Kara, they think of their "Mr." 'pp dance' .

Such representative songs can only be popular for a while, but as time goes on, they will gradually be forgotten by everyone. At least you won't hear passers-by humming songs like "Gee" on the road. It is impossible for passers-by to hum such songs, whether they are happy or sad, and the songs in the public memory are all classics.

For three days in a row, Junxiu recorded the children of Ah Fan at JS Entertainment. This was the first time they experienced the horror of Junxiu as their music producer. Even their team recognized that they had the best singing skills. Zheng Eunji was scolded for three days in a row and cried in the recording studio. They even quietly called Junsu a 'Changtai' behind their backs.

He is too demanding of music, and he absolutely does not use sound-editing software for album production. All their 'sounds' appearing in the album must be sung by them. In fact, after the introduction of 'high-tech', producers' requirements for singing skills have been reduced a lot, because after the advent of technology, 'sound' can be corrected. Many producers feel that it is okay to be a little bit flawed!

However, it will never work here in Junsu... Flaw? As long as the 'JS' logo is printed on the album cover, there is no such thing as a 'blemish'! And he doesn't allow any flaws, even if they all feel that the pronunciation is good, and when they sing well, Junxiu still asks them, 'Do it again, do it again, do it again, can you sing? If you can't sing the **** out, let the next one come in! ’

After only staying in Junxiu's studio for three days, none of the six Apink people didn't cry. After Junxiu enters the recording studio, his speech will be the same as before his debut. There is always a bit of sarcasm in his words, and his words are ugly, easy to irritate people, hurt people, and of course, curse people. Junxiu, who appears in the camera on weekdays, is so kind, as if not swearing, but when he enters the recording studio, there are only two words to describe it: 'Crazy! ’

As Baek Ji-young said in many shows before, "I have worked with so many producers, but I love and hate Jun-su." Love because he always makes music to the extreme, hate because he speaks in the recording studio without any mercy or tact! ’

Three days later, Apink finally received their music. They played the title song in their practice room only to find out that their singing was so perfect this time. Moreover, many of them feel that their singing skills have improved a bit after entering the recording studio. All the little details that they hadn't noticed when they were recording before were scolded and corrected this time! !

Their choreography hadn't come out yet. At this time, they gathered in the practice room, sitting on the floor listening to the title song, with tears in their eyes. In particular, Zheng Eunji, who was scolded so badly, said with some moving: "After hearing the music, I suddenly felt why Junsu-senpai asked us so harshly, it turns out that our singing can be perfect without using modifiers! "

"In the past, we always thought it was enough to perform well, but Junsu-senpai asked us to maximize our singing ability! In his eyes, 'very good' is not enough, we must be the best!!"

"After this time, I finally understand why everyone says Junsu-senpai is the No. 1 music producer in Korea."


In the face of Apink's praise Junsu was inaudible, he was drinking coffee comfortably on the sofa in the practice room, looking at EXO with his legs crossed. In the face of Junsu, there is no boy group in Korea that can show his pride, not even Quan Zhilong, who is called a "genius" by everyone!

Because Quan Zhilong has no advantage in front of Junxiu, he is not as versatile as Junxiu compared to creation. Compared with his singing ability, he is even worse than Junxiu, because he can be good at Junxiu, but he may not know what Junxiu knows. In terms of singing ability alone, he is far inferior to Junxiu! However, his best Rap... is also worse than Junsu!

At this time, Quan Zhilong, who is "big stick", has nothing to show his pride in front of Junxiu, let alone EXO who has not had a representative song. Their popularity is not bad at this time, but fans are not attracted by their strength, but by their handsome appearance, so they urgently need songs that are representative of their team!

Junxiu looked at them standing in front of him and said unceremoniously: "It's been a month, let me see the results of your practice, if your results are not satisfactory to me. I'm sorry, your assessment may be We have to wait until next month. Let’s all get ready, get ready to speak, the first group will come up and perform first.”

The EXOs of more than ten people were divided into several groups at this moment, and they were combined in twos and threes. After five minutes, they began their assessment performance.

About 20 minutes passed, Junxiu looked at them panting and laughed: "Haha~~ Your physical strength is really poor, I remember when we started to practice TVXQ for two hours without a break. Now you both When you dance a song, you will gasp like this? I really don’t know what to do when you wait for your concert in the future? As idols, especially male idols, our dance itself is very powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So without excellent physical support, let alone any concert tour, even the busy schedule will make you tired, strengthen physical training in the next time..."

Junxiu got up after saying this, he walked to the door of the practice room and stopped, turned his head to look at them: "your songs, I will take them out as soon as possible, while you are waiting for the songs, you guys The main job is to strengthen physical strength!!”

After Junsu walked out of the practice room and closed the door of the practice room, they looked at each other one by one, and then burst into a loud scream.

"Wow haha~~ I finally got Junsu-senpai's song!!"

"I've finally been recognized for my hard work during this period of time, and I feel a little excited. I don't know what kind of boy group song Junsu-senpai will write for us? It won't be Sexy, right?"



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