Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Damn, illegitimate meal

"Islamic meals" are very, very disgusting existences for every star, and they are even more disgusting than paparazzi. Paparazzi's follow-ups at least won't intervene in your life, and illegitimate meals are different, they don't care so much. The illegitimate fans don't know where the magical powers come from. They can easily find out the private phone numbers of idols. Maybe they work from telecommunications? Maybe other.

However, inquiries on the phone are not the worst, the worst is that they will sneak into the idol's room, steal their underwear, etc., and put the most personal items on the online auction. The close follow-up that Junxiu encountered today is really the easiest one. Maybe they have thought about going into Junxiu's house, but the walls of Junxiu's house are very high, and it's daylight again. A little guilty, after all, is a thief!

If you say follow the car, it's fine if you follow Junxiu's car. But on this narrow mountain road, they actually drove side by side in order to photograph Junxiu. Mountain roads are generally two-way two-lane, and they occupy the inner road. What if there are vehicles going up the mountain? This is extremely dangerous! And it affects not only themselves, but also oncoming vehicles, and even threatens Junsu.

Junxiu finally got angry when he sat down. He rolled down the window and yelled at the side-by-side cars: "Yah~! Don't die!" However, after they saw Junxiu rolling down the window, the filming became even more vigorous.

Junxiu could only say to the driver, "Go slowly, they drive slowly like this, we can't afford to be responsible in case of any accident!"

The driver could only shake his head and say, "This is the first time I've met such a star-chasing person. If they were my children, I'd love to slap them to death. If I don't want my own life, I'll have to implicate others!"

"Follow the car, this is not bad, these people will go to the house to steal things when they are crazy. Some time ago, the underwear of celebrities was stolen and sold online, mainly because they knew that even if they were caught , we will not do anything to them. Because we are stars, we must be magnanimous, so magnanimous that we must forgive them for the poisoning of fans to us as stars.”

The taxi driver's eyes widened in surprise: "Isn't it? Poisoning? How is this possible? This is against the law."

"Yeah, it's illegal. But the students who poisoned us were all underage students. Even if their parents kneel down after being caught at the police station, we only have the path to forgive. Are we going to destroy a child? If we don't forgive our children, do you know how the media will report us? Even if they do things that can't be forgiven, we have to forgive them, and this is the star!"

Junxiu became more and more angry. He took out his mobile phone and took two pictures of the car that was going to be parallel. Then he closed the window and sat on the far right. He started to post today's first ins , the photo is this white imported car: "No matter who you are, please don't take such a dangerous following behavior!!"

This is the first time that Junsu has criticized the 'illegitimate meal' so severely on his SNS. After the news came out, countless fans who followed Junsu began to leave messages and criticize the behavior of the 'illegitimate meal'.

Bastards not only disgust all the stars, but they are also hated by everyone in the fan community. After all, they do too much!

Everyone hates illegitimate children, but no one has ever publicly accused those excessive illegitimate meals on the Internet like Junxiu. And Junxiu immediately released another message: "Please some people stay sane, if it goes too far, I will take legal measures."

Only Junsu became the first Korean artist to publicly criticize these illegitimate meals. It seems that after Junsu's beginning, all the artists are no longer silent. Once there is an excessive behavior of illegitimate meals, it will be announced immediately. come out.


After Junsu's vehicle came down from the mountain, it mixed into the busy streets of Seoul. Soon the taxi drivers used their excellent driving experience to get rid of the illegitimate meal that followed Junsu, and Junsu went to Gimpo Airport alone.

Recently, whether it is Incheon or Gimpo, there are many reporters at the gate of the airport. When reporters at the airport saw Junxiu's appearance, they began to take pictures one after another, and many tourists who traveled today also raised their mobile phones to take pictures of Junxiu.

The news that Junsu landed on Jeju Island within an hour was registered on the hot search 'JS Junsu went to Jeju Island alone. ’

The news of Junsu going to Jeju Island has moved many fans. They are thinking about whether to go to Jeju Island and have an unexpected encounter with Junsu? It's just that Jeju Island is too big, and it's quite difficult to meet Junsu by chance.

After Junsu arrived in Jeju Island, he rented a car and started his trip in Jeju Island. It was a rare time for Junxiu to travel alone. He deliberately rented a convertible car in Jeju Island to enjoy the sunshine, sea breeze, and a piece of rapeseed flowers.

Junxiu stood in the flower field and took a few photos and posted them in the chat group with Girls' Generation: "Jeju Island in spring, with flowers on one side and the sea on the other side, is really beautiful. After returning to the hotel in the evening, I will have a massage~ ~This is the most perfect relaxation of the day!!"

They enjoyed Junxiu's photos. It is true that Jeju Island at the end of March was beautiful, but his words were not so beautiful. Yoona was the first to reply Junxiu: "Oppa, what kind of massage do you want~~?"

Because Jeju Island is a visa-free place, there are many overseas tourists here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is no secret that a 'special massage' is naturally extended! Koreans all know that the pigs in Jeju Island are very famous, and the same "chicken" is also very famous, because the number of tourists here is not bad compared to Seoul, if there are two or three single men who come to play, they will always find a little happiness.

The world is like this, where there is demand, there is supply!

Looking at Yoona's news, Junsu said speechlessly with a frightened expression of 'Taeyeon', and then Junsu said, "Are you coming to give me a massage? I'll wait for you, Jeju Island, Shilla Hotel, 1302!!"

Pani: "Taeyeon, come and see, your man seduced another woman and was caught by me on the spot."

"Panny, come on, I'd rather you give me a massage."

Pani: "Want to die? Want me to massage you? Hehe, I won't hammer you to death when I come back~~!"

Junxiu: "Captain, you don't care about your teammates, yet you dare to call me 'boy'. Pani, you better not go back to Korea, otherwise you will be blocked in the dormitory every day!"

Taeyeon: "I watched quietly and didn't speak.."

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