Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 427: Madam head!

?Chapter 427 Big Sister Head! (page 1/1)

For three days, Junxiu drove to the west coast of Jeju Island in the evening, and sat quietly watching the sunset here. This blushing became calm. The sound of the spring breeze blowing the waves on the reefs on the shore is the most beautiful rhythm. I can't remember how many years I haven't appreciated the scenery of Jeju Island, and suddenly I feel that the sunrise and sunset here are beautiful.

On the last day, Junxiu still chose a quiet beach to sit on a chair and watch the sun turn into an egg yolk and start to sink slowly. And the people who appear very occasionally will not disturb Junxiu's tranquility. I don't know why bystanders are unwilling to disturb his tranquility and beauty after watching him sit there alone.

The news of Junsu resting on Jeju Island is known to many people because he publishes 'sns' every day. Recently Junsu is like a poisoned patient with a 'scarf', and he always sends some messages every day, what did he do, eat What is delicious, he always shares with his fans on SNS, for example, when he arrives in Jeju Island, he must unconditionally eat seafood ramen, and he also specifies octopus ramen! !

The seafood ramen restaurant, which was originally a normal business, has instantly become the most popular classic on Jeju Island because of Junxiu's SNS. This is different from the traditional attractions in Jeju Island, because this ramen restaurant is set up on the seaside road. When sitting in the restaurant and eating ramen, their vision is facing the blue sea, the blue sky and the white clouds. This is the realm of food and beauty.

An SNS instantly made a ramen restaurant an attraction, and this is Junsu's SNS appeal. And Junxiu's followers actually broke 5 million in half a month. This restaurant recommended by Junxiu is not only for Korean tourists, but also tourists from neighboring Asian countries, as well as European and American countries, who also choose to come here to 'check in'! Because the restaurant is really beautiful! Such a beautiful restaurant needs to be discovered, and Junxiu is a good discoverer and promoter.

Even many restaurants are considering whether to invite some 'bloggers' to learn Junxiu's way to promote their restaurants? It's not that those restaurants don't want to invite Junxiu, but Junxiu really can't afford it! And as Junxiu, who is half a gourmet, he doesn't allow himself to lie about food! So even if someone pays Junxiu, he won't go, because the food is delicious! Can't ignore the food just because your restaurant occupies the beautiful scenery? It's better to be a bar than that!


Junxiu quietly watched the sunset on the last night of Jeju Island, until the sun disappeared from the sea level, and the sea breeze began to make Junxiu feel a little cold. He only withdrew his gaze from the distant sky, Junxiu tightened his clothes, he did not intend to leave, but sat on the grass to open his computer, and began to write text on the document.

Junxiu, who has been sitting on the beach at sunset for three days in a row, is relaxing and letting himself go. Accompanied by tranquility and beautiful scenery, he wrote the second song of this Japanese album "Grey and Blue" (Japanese The 'cyan' in it means blue) This song, the title of the song expresses 'day' and 'night'. This is a song about friendship. Cyan, gray are like two people.

Cyan symbolizes youth, and gray is our grown-up. When I was young, I had fun every day, but when I entered the society, it gradually turned into a busy and sad gray every day. The burnt-out youth seems to have lost something after growing up, those friends who spent the joy of childhood together and are now strangers.

Of course, the song Junsu is still the first draft in Korean, and the Japanese translation will be said when he goes to Tokyo, because he will start preparing the album after returning to Seoul tomorrow. When he entered the last lyric on the document file, "The morning sun rises, which makes people laugh at the past, and cyan is the beginning!" ’

The moment Junxiu closed the computer after writing the lyrics, a burst of laughter appeared, and Junxiu turned to look at the rather casually dressed woman beside him. She wore a fisherman hat, loose sweatpants, and a casual jacket. The most important thing was that she still had a few dogs in her hands.

One of them is a 'star dog', and it has also shot a lot of commercials. Junxiu quickly stood up from the ground and smiled at the person who came: "Sister Hyori, it's been a long time. Good morning, hello~~ Uh, this name is very strange~~!!"

The woman standing beside Junsu is none other than Lee Hyori, a diva who lived in seclusion on Jeju Island. She smiled and showed her gums and said to Junxiu, "Yeah, it's very strange. Isn't your student called Shunxin recently? I watched her TV series."

"Then I'll take her to thank Sister Hyori. Shunxin, come take a photo with me. It happened to be the headline of the gossip newspaper because of 'Shunxin' some time ago."

Lee Hyori smiled and handed her beloved dog Shunxin to Junsu. Shunxin is a pretty well-behaved dog. Junsu asked Li Hyori to take a photo of herself with Shunxin, and instead of sending it on SNS in a panic, she said to Li Hyori with a smile. : "Sister Hyori, are you taking the children out for a walk?"

Junsu came to Jeju Island and the fans did not meet him, but Lee Hyori met him. Lee Hyori said with a smile: "Well, I went out for a walk, I didn't expect to meet you, a superstar. I saw you sitting on the shore from a distance, I thought you drank too much and wanted to jump into the sea, but after waiting for a long time you didn't dance, and you ended up writing songs?"

"Yeah. I just wrote the lyrics in preparation for the Japanese album~www.wuxiaspot.com~. I'll write the song when I plan to go to Tokyo."

Because it was about time for dinner, Lee Hyori sent an invitation to Junxiu: "Have you eaten yet? Go to my house for dinner if you haven't eaten. I haven't seen you for so many years."

"Haha, then I'll disturb Sister Hyori." Junxiu helped Li Hyori to lead Shunxin and went up to the shore together. After getting up, Lee Hyori drove her car in front, and Junsu drove slowly behind her car.

When they arrived at Lee Hyori's house, it was already completely dark. After the door of Lee Hyori's house opened, Junsu also followed her car and entered her house. Her house is very big, but it is smaller than Junxiu's house, but her land is not used for decoration, but is used as a vegetable field for her own cultivation.

At the gate of Lee Hyori's house, a burly man with long hair was standing, and he directed Junxiu to stop with a bright smile.

Lee Sang Soon and Lee Hyori revealed their boyfriends. After this relationship was made public, the entire Korean entertainment industry exploded instantly, and the Internet also joked that they were the real version of 'Beauty and the Beast'.

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