Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 443: advance notice (below)

? Yui, Taeyeon, both have very similar personalities, they are the kind of women who are very quiet in private. However, Yui's private quietness is not the same as Taeyeon's. Taeyeon is the quiet that keeps everything in her heart, even in front of Junsu, she is reluctant to reveal too many things that are buried in her heart. And Yui is a typical Japanese woman, quiet and gentle in private, but after being spoiled by Junxiu for a few years, her tenderness has a little more of a Korean woman's petty temperament.

On the contrary, Taeyeon also noticed the problem between Junsu and Yui Aragaki after Junsu didn't return home last night. Since then, she has completely turned into a sullen gourd, and she has become less revealing and unwilling. When I walked out of the house, I even heard that she had cut off even the social interaction around her. She rarely saw other friends in private except Girls' Generation. It seemed that she had no friends, except for colleagues in the company.

The dull Taeyeon didn't gradually change until Junxiu spent a little more time with her recently, at least she didn't have the kind of depression that shut herself in her heart.

Junxiu, who was talking to Yui, laughed and chatted with her, and almost forgot about the business. If the manager hadn't knocked on the car window outside, he would have forgotten whether the call was talking about Dashan or talking about business. So he said to Yui on the other end of the phone: "By the way, it's a bit serious to call you. I went to the show to promote the show today, and the host kept twisting me about using Taeyeon as the heroine in this MV. , so I admitted the relationship, and I also dragged you into it."

Listening to Junxiu's words, Yui on the other end of the phone said inexplicably, "Eh...what brought me in?"

"The host asked me if the title song was written for Taeyeon, and I said yes, it was written after my quarrel with Taeyeon, and then naturally I disclosed my relationship with Taeyeon. Later, I wanted to confuse the audience. The audiovisual said that I was also in love with you, and the host was fooled by me. In addition, the lyrics of the title song this time are a kind of post-breakup feeling, they all thought we were 'past tense' I called you Just to tell you about this in advance, lest you be at a loss when the news comes out."

Listening to the news of Junxiu's 'open love' in the show, Yui didn't feel that Junxiu didn't tell him in advance that it was an excessive behavior. The two have been dating for so long, and their relationship is considered stable, so Yui feels that it doesn't matter if the relationship is public or not. Because all the relatives and friends around her knew about the two of them. They didn't make it public, they just tried their best to hide from the media and fans.

Besides, if she chooses to be with Junxiu, then this matter will be made public sooner or later. In the past, after the two were arrested, they did not disclose it to the public, because they were worried that it would affect each other's careers. Today, Yui's career has stabilized, and even if it is made public, it will not have any impact on her. And Junsu didn't say it, he made the host feel that their emotions were 'past tense'.

Yui didn't care about other people's opinions, she knew "emotional" issues in her personal consciousness. She just needs to know Junxiu's feelings for herself. She smiled and said to Junxiu on the phone: "I know, I will tell the agent in advance. How will I deal with the news after it comes out? Me, I will give it here. What's the reporter's answer?"

Junxiu said: "I asked our company to shirk and say that love is a private matter, and they don't interfere. This way, I can push everything on my head. As for whether to answer the reporter's question or not, the choice is all up to us. Now. You don't have to run to promote the TV series here, right?"

"Well, don't run the hype. You mean keep silent like you used to?"

Junxiu and Yui were caught on the streets of Tokyo before. After their agency came forward to deny the rumor that they were in love, the company kept silent on all suspicions on the Internet, including their own questions about their relationship. Respond in a silent or perfunctory way. During that time, the two used silence to deal with everything regardless of the outside world's speculation and reports. As time goes by, no one will bother to ask, because the news emerges endlessly every day, even if the two of them are famous, the news is also time-sensitive.

Junxiu responded to Yui on the phone: "I think so. But you can take this opportunity to make it public, how about you?"

After the news came out this time, it was also an opportunity to disclose to the outside world. Do you want to completely disclose the relationship between the two? Junxiu also gave Yui the right to choose, and Junxiu felt it was unnecessary.

On the phone, Yui thought for two seconds and said, "Just keep silent. If you make it public, it will attract a lot of trouble and attention. We just need to know our feelings. There is no need to disclose it to everyone."

"I also feel the same way. Our work is tired enough to attract everyone's attention. In our private life, we shouldn't let everyone criticize you every word. It's enough for us to know whether this love is hot or cold. ."

After deciding what to do this time, Yui asked Junxiu with a smile: "Well. When are you coming to Japan?"

"In the middle of May? This is the first week of singing. By the way, are you interested in collaborating with me on a Japanese album this time?"

Junxiu's so-called cooperation reminded Yui of his job of translating into Japanese that day, so Yui responded very quickly: "Cooperation? Wouldn't you want me to do a 'translation' again? You find a lyricist yourself. Translate?"

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't you write lyrics for your own albums? Let's talk.."

Before Junxiu could finish his words, Yui interrupted him: "Come on, let's be honest, can't you find a collaborating lyricist in Japan?"

The last time Yui and Junxiu collaborated, she knew how picky Junxiu was in the choice of 'words'. That's why she said this jokingly.

Who knew Junxiu on the other end of the phone cried out depressedly: "Yeah, I'm Junxiu, can I find a lyricist? Do you know how many people lined up to work with me? Just write the lyrics in the 'lyrics' of my album songs. 'Write your name on it, do you know how much royalty you can get?"

"There are reports in Japan that last year you earned more than 400 million won in royalties for a single song."

"It's good to know. Uh, you see me being led astray by you. I told you to cooperate, not to write lyrics, but to sing songs together!!"

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