Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 444: Cooperation?

?Chapter 444 Cooperation? (page 1/1)

Junxiu’s invitation to collaborate with Yui was not a piece of lyrics as she thought, and Yui herself knows that although she has written lyrics for her album, she still has a long way to go before she is a true “lyric writer”. If you spend time in this area that you are not good at at all, it is better to use this time to rest a lot. Lyrics, she did not intend to touch. It should be said that she has no intention of touching the music industry after being told by Junsu about her singing level.

Junxiu is right, she has a specialization in art. She started the road of film and television dramas after she debuted as a model. In film and television, you can rely on the accumulation of experience to become an excellent actor, but you have no real ability in music, so it is best not to come to this circle to consume your own popularity. Music is too professional, it cannot be compensated by experience, it is not a skill that can make perfect, music is to bring spiritual feelings to the listener, so it needs professional training, just watching from the side, you Will never see it.

Acting can be honed from drama after drama, but you have to learn music. As Junsu said, "Instead of spending time learning music, it's better to focus on acting and improve your acting skills!" ’

So Yui thought it was a lyric together after Junxiu sent her an invitation. Who knew Junxiu's next sentence, she really freaked out Yui, and Junxiu actually invited her to sing together. She doesn't want to spoil his album by herself, it's the album of 'JS Junsu' that countless fans are looking forward to! !

Yui still has this self-knowledge. Junxiu is such an important music album, don't do that 'mouse shit' as a half-hearted person.

Yui almost jumped up when she heard Junxiu's words: "Hey~~oppa, have you been drinking? What are you talking about? How could I sing with you?" Yui's manager sat next to her and looked at her With a surprised expression, he asked 'what's the matter' with his eyes. Yui pointed to the phone in his hand and said, "Junxiu actually invited me to sing a song with him, do you think it's funny?"

"Oh? With Junxiu? Of course that's good!" Yui's manager listened to Junxiu's album, and of course he responded like this. You must know that there are many people in the world who want to cooperate with Junxiu, but Yui doesn't. Don't want to participate?

"Well, what is it, such an important album, I will sing with him, what would you think if you were a fan?"

‘If I were a fan, I would definitely leave a message to scold you. ’ Of course, the agent will definitely not say this sentence, just think about it in his heart. But as Yui's manager, he knows that being able to really participate in Junxiu's music album is such a good thing, even if he is scolded by fans, he is willing! Because Junsu's album is guaranteed to sell well. So the agent thought that after this collaboration with Junxiu, Yui could release the album and sell it for money again.

Yui ignored her manager, she took the phone and walked towards the next corner, then covered the receiver and whispered, "oppa, it's not because you used Taeyeon in your MV this time, so You want to make up for me, that's why you asked me to sing songs with you? Don't worry, I'm not that stingy, I can understand it for work. You're angry."

Yui directly classified Junxiu's use of Taeyeon's photos into the category of work. Although she also knew what happened to Junxiu and Taeyeon, Yui felt that there was no need to break this balance, and there was no need to force it. Zhu Junxiu must make a choice immediately. Because she believes that if she does a better job, Junxiu will definitely choose herself when she really has to make a choice in the future.

"It's not the reason." Although Junxiu said so, but at this time, her cheeks were hot because Yui said: "I really want to cooperate with you this time, so let's not refuse so sure. , I'll talk about it after I get the song?"

"Okay, let's talk about it after you come to Japan. I have to prepare here, so let's do this first?"


After talking to Yui, Junxiu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Junxiu acted calmly when the agent mentioned it like that, deep down he was beating the drums. Because he not only used Taeyeon in the MV to ignite the topic of their love, but now he admitted the fact of love in the show, which may cause a double blow to Yui.

In fact, Junxiu was not so calm and relaxed when he made the phone call, instead he was a little worried. He didn't know Yui's reaction, and he was afraid to say that he would be unhappy after hitting him. So Junsu suddenly proposed 'collaboration', as she said, with a kind of compensatory heart in it.

He has always been afraid of breaking this balance, but he broke the balance with his own stupid hands. How could Junxiu not be afraid in retrospect? Because I'm serious, I'm afraid! Just like in the TV series, a person who cares will always be worried, because he himself knows it is wrong.

Just when Junxiu was sitting in the car, the window glass was knocked again by the manager, and Junxiu got out of the car. This time, it was Junxiu who sighed at the agent: "Knock what, knock? I don't know how to come down? Let's go."

"Brother, can I call you brother? The show team has called to urge you, and the live broadcast will start in 30 minutes."

"Isn't there thirty minutes left? Besides, it takes thirty minutes to go to the parking lot?"

The agent is very helpless, because what he wants to say is that there are still thirty minutes before the start, and the program team is very anxious to see that they have not gone back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the agent responded that the program team was in the parking lot downstairs, But the people in the program group don't think so. For the program crew, the manager's words are the most unbelievable when an artist is 'late'. If you don't show up and wait, they will definitely not be at ease.

After returning home from "Music Bank", Taeyeon was alone on the sofa and playing games with her mobile phone. Junsu looked around and asked, "Where's Penny?"

"She said she was embarrassed to disturb our two-person world and went back to the dormitory. I will also go back tonight, and the agent will pick us up to the beauty salon tomorrow morning."

"I also go to your dormitory to rest? I'll go to the beauty salon with you tomorrow morning. Anyway, I'll also participate in your show tomorrow."

Taeyeon put down the phone and looked at Junxiu and said, "Are you crazy, do you think I live in a room by myself?"

"Well, crazy, so today I confessed our love on the show." After Junxiu said this, Taeyeon stared at him with wide eyes in shock~~

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