Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 448: Headlines, headlines! (superior)

? Junsu didn't go upstairs after sending Taeyeon downstairs because he had to buy Sika's birthday present before those boutiques closed. If the blessing is late, don't forget the gift. Fortunately, Taeyeon and the others live in Cheongdam-dong, so Junsu can go shopping more easily. Instead of shopping around to choose carefully, he went directly to Prada's flagship store and picked a new wallet.

Maybe it's spring that wakes everything up? Therefore, there are more people shopping at this time of the night, and there are so many high-end bars near Cheongdam-dong, many white-collar workers, or beauties who are looking for white-collar workers to find Junxiu's appearance. He parked at the door of the store, entered the store, bought it and then came out in less than five minutes, but many people still noticed him. Maybe it's because he is more attractive with a 'Prada' shopping bag, so passersby can clearly see that it is Junxiu who is carrying the shopping bag.

Just as Junxiu was driving his car home, some photos of Junxiu appeared on Twitter and INS, and it didn't take long for "Junxiu to buy 'Prada'" to squeeze into the hot search list. Everyone knows that night is the most active period for Internet users, and soon, the news was transmitted to the whole of Korea.

Junxiu got home and parked the car and got off, and Taeyeon's 'Kakao' message came in behind, "Yo, Prada, top luxury goods, as expected, Oppa is lavish!"

"Sika is also famous, right? I can't give a '', right?"

Pani and Taeyeon who were in the dormitory looked at Junsu's reply and laughed at once: "Puchi~~ Taeyeon, your oppa is too funny, isn't it?? It's because he figured it out, this is his birthday. Gifts, that's just coaxing high school students."

The question about the wallet is just a small episode, and it didn't even cause much waves on the Internet. It's just that "Junxiu's appearance" made everyone curious, and who will be the owner of "Prada"? The topic did not spread out, but it just made many fans start to guess. Now that the end of April is entering May, in May, there will be many people around Junsu who give gifts. Shungui, Yoona, Ji Eun, they are all in May.

Most people think that Junsu should buy such an expensive gift and wait for it to be given to Shungui in mid-May. After all, Shungui is Junxiu's younger sister, no matter how precious it is. However, Junxiu rarely gives gifts to Shungui, because Shungui thinks that giving gifts is worse than giving money, and she would rather buy what she wants by herself. This is the real brother and sister!


The next day’s song-playing schedule was also the last show hosted by the three of Taidi and Xu. Because it was a recording, there was no rehearsal. After entering the TV station, the recording started. Junxiu, as the biggest senior of the day, was the first One recording, and soon Junsu's recording ended. He did not leave the scene, but sat in the host's waiting room and watched the tacit cooperation of the three of them.

After four hours of recording, today's filming is over. At the end of the show, the singers on the last day of the show took the stage together to send flowers to the three MC Taidi Xu who left. However, Junsu didn't choose to go on stage, because he took the stage to give flowers to Taeyeon, and "RS" will be complicated for next Wednesday's broadcast.

When they returned to the waiting room, the three of them started changing their clothes, and they were going to go to the airport directly from here, because they had a concert at night, so they had to get there as soon as possible. Junxiu looked at their busy figures and said with a smile: "Next week, when you come back after your tour, I will invite you to dinner."

Taeyeon shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it. After the tour, everyone must go back to their homes to rest. Even if you want to ask, let's talk about it when your song promotion period ends."

The three of Taidi Xu hurriedly returned to Japan for their tour, while Junxiu continued his singing promotion. Next Wednesday, "RS" will be broadcast as scheduled, and countless viewers are waiting in front of the TV to watch Junxiu's promotional program. Who knew that the Korean entertainment industry was shaken after the show was broadcast, because Junsu confessed his love on the show.

In the previous interview on "Taxi Talk Show", Junxiu admitted that he had been in love. After all, he was old and there, saying that there is no "love", even high school students would not believe it. At the time, he didn't say who he was dating. Until today's "RS" aired, everyone was shocked. Junsu's previous love objects were Girls' Generation's captain 'Kim Taeyeon' and Japan's top popular actress 'Aragaki Yui' with whom he was rumored to have an affair.

While the show was still on the air, the phone in the office was blown up by the media, and countless staff members repeated, "We have no right to interfere with the artist's private life."

Even the phone of JS Entertainment representative Min Hyuk was blown up by the media. Min Hyuk can only say: "I don't know, I never ask him about his relationship."

The show hasn't ended yet, and today's entertainment headline has been updated: "Junxiu admits that he has been in a relationship with two rumored partners, and now he still has a stable relationship! And who is this person???"

The names of Junsu, Taeyeon, Yui Aragaki, and the three instantly topped the hot search list. Many people who didn't watch the show on TV were stunned when they saw "Hot Search One". Junxiu confessed his relationship with Taeyeon and Yui Aragaki. And there is still a 'who'?

Ha Dong-hoon, who was busy at his barbecue restaurant, also received a call from a reporter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu's love affair was exposed, and Ha Dong-hoon was also taken aback when he heard the news. Especially when the reporter asked Taeyeon and Yui Aragaki, he was so nervous that he died. Junxiu actually announced this? Ha Dong-hoon couldn't believe the reporter's inquiry, he could only respond by saying, 'I don't know, I rarely talk to Junsu about private feelings. ’

After hanging up the phone, He Dongxun immediately called Junsu to ask what was going on: "Ah, Junsu, what kind of news are you trying to make. The reporters have called me to ask for news. During this time, you But be careful, there are 100% reporters squatting at your door, 100%. Taeyeon and the others must pay attention when they come back, definitely! And what you exposed this time will make the reporters follow patiently. Because The 'who' you dig into now is a super exclusive! You have to be careful for at least half a year."

Junxiu said with a smile, "Hehe, squat by the way, anyway, I'll go to Japan after the song is over."

"You thought you were safe when you went to Japan, and you and that Aragaki Yui should also be careful. Before your 'who' is not exposed, you must be very careful. I really don't know how you made it public on the show, If it is to promote the album, then this news also overwhelms the meaning of your promotion."

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