Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 449: Headlines, headlines! (Down)

?No one thought that this Wednesday night's "RS" actually caused earthquake news in the Korean entertainment circle. After Junsu's 'love' was exposed, it attracted the attention of all parties. Junsu, the only one in Asia who entered the Grammys. A world-class singer, with his presence in the Korean music industry, will be inexplicably higher in the surrounding countries. Junxiu, who stands under the spotlight of the world palace, of course his 'love' has attracted attention from major gossip media.

The news about Junsu's 'love' was published on the entertainment headlines of all Korean media overnight, and Taeyeon, who was far away in Japan preparing for the last week of her concert, was looking at the news with her mobile phone and couldn't help laughing and laughing. At this time, Shun Kyu, who was sitting next to Taeyeon, was not very angry. She said cursingly, "How can this oppa do this? Why should it be defined in the 'past tense'? If you have the guts to fall in love, you don't have the guts. Admit it?"

Although Shun Kyu's words were blaming her brother, her 'blame' can be seen as a kind of speaking for Junsu, because even her closest person started to blame Junsu, so Taeyeon naturally had to stand up Came out to protect Junxiu. Human nature is like this. When a person sings a red face, does one have to sing a white face? It is impossible for the two of them to unite to say Junxiu. If they do, maybe it is not the two of them who are united.

Taeyeon listened to Shun Kyu's attack on her brother, she smiled and said, "Don't blame your brother, he told me the reason for this when I went back. At that time, it was because the host didn't let go. In addition, he also felt that the definition of 'past tense' would cause a temporary disturbance, but after the turmoil was over, the media and fans' interest in our 'love' would also decline. And the two of us don't want the media or fans to come in and judge and judge the relationship between the two of us."

Hearing Taeyeon's words, Shun Kyu could only laugh and say, "It's just that the news this time is a bit too noisy. It is estimated that tomorrow morning the entire entertainment news section of Asia will be your news."

"What does it matter? He is Junxiu. Unless he is no longer in the entertainment industry after thirty or forty years, how can the news about him not make a lot of trouble in the city. Now, when is there any news about him? Isn't it on the front page? Now she can even make the headlines in the entertainment section when she attends the signing ceremony of a fashion brand, and you can imagine what the result of announcing the relationship will be."

Under normal circumstances, the signing ceremony of any brand that an artist attends will not grab the headlines, that is, it will appear in the entertainment section as the news of today's 'top-up'. But Junxiu is different. He even signed a contract with Chanel on the news of the entertainment page, which shows how fragrant Junxiu is in the eyes of the media.

The same thing happened to Yui Aragaki. She didn't know about the news from Korea because she was filming the TV series. After the news came out, Japan quickly received the news, and his agent's phone kept ringing, also because of Yui and Junxiu's relationship. Love news.

Yui came to her rest area after finishing the filming of a play, and her agent showed a bitter smile and said: "At the time of the scene you just filmed, my phone almost exploded. No, It's here again.." Before his voice fell, the phone vibrated again, and then he took the phone and walked away to answer it.


Junsu's storm set the news of Korea on fire last night, and the next morning all the headlines in Asia's gossip magazines published 'World star admits that she once fell in love with Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon, and Japanese superstars'. Popular actress Yui Aragaki. ’

Asian neighboring countries do not know as much about Japanese entertainment as Korean entertainment, so not many people know about Yui Aragaki. And this morning, along with Junxiu's love news, 'Aragaki Yui' instantly topped Google's search rankings in various countries. Many people found that there is still a female star in Japan who can laugh so brightly, so sweet.

Many otaku sitting in front of the computer looked down at Yui Aragaki, which was searched on Google. They stared at her smile and laughed along with the photo unconsciously.

Gakki's smile is simply a spring breeze! Inexplicably, Yui's popularity in Asia has skyrocketed after Junsu's scandal.

And Taeyeon... well, Girls' Generation's fame is very big in the whole of Asia, that's because of the Korean Wave.

The news became the hottest online topic of the day throughout Asia, "Aragaki Yui, Kim Taeyeon, if you were Junsu, who would you choose?" Because Junsu not only admitted that the two of them were 'once', he He also admitted that he now has a girlfriend!

Soon Yui Aragaki's photo and Taeyeon's photo were put on the Internet by good people and started to shoot. Taeyeon relied on Girls' Generation's fame, and Yui relied on her beautiful smile, so the difference between the two of them was not very big.

Another speculation appeared on the Korean Internet: "Aragaki Yui, Kim Taeyeon, only one of the two is 'past tense'. Because Junsu admits that he is currently in love, one of the two must be The person who is in love with Junsu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is Yui or Taeyeon? Personally, I speculate that Yui is more likely. Didn't Junsu say it himself? This time the title song "Eyes, Nose, "Mouth" is a song written after a quarrel with Taeyeon. Let's think about why Junsu has resigned as the general producer of Girls' Generation this year? The reason is very simple, because he broke up with Taeyeon, and the two broke up. Isn’t it awkward to be forcibly linked by work? It’s like you bought a new house and went to a design company to find a designer, but the company recommended your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Then let’s ask during the design of the room and the decoration of the house. Would you be embarrassed to discuss 'work' together? So the best way to avoid embarrassment is to change 'designers'."

I have to say that this conjecture is really convincing.

However, Junxiu has no intention to pay attention to these speculations on the Internet, because today is his singing time again, and countless reporters are already waiting for Junxiu to arrive at the door of M TV station.

When Junxiu's nanny car was parked in front of the TV station, reporters swarmed to block the door where Junxiu got off.

The security guard at the entrance of M TV station also had to come out to do isolation and dispersal. When Junxiu finally opened the door and got out of the car, countless questions about Junxiu's love were thrown at the door.

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