Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 450: back home soon

?After the broadcast of yesterday's show, Junsu and his manager had already thought about what the song would be like today. When the car arrived at the entrance, the reporters who watched the door guard raised their cameras one after another, and Junsu laughed. He said, "Fortunately, Taeyeon and the others are not in Korea, otherwise she would be just as annoying!"

Junxiu thought about making headlines after her relationship was made public, but she didn't expect it to be such a sensation. Looking at the number of reporters at the entrance of the TV station, Junxiu wondered if all the media in Korea were dispatched today? All of a sudden, Junxiu said with a self-deprecating laugh: "The way to enter the TV station to play songs is like 'walking the red carpet'. This reporter has too many cameras, right?"

The manager who drove the car said with a smile: "This is the beginning, don't stop for the last few days of the week. By the way, when I went to the company to pick up the car in the morning, I heard that a cosmetic advertising company called, please call me. The surname wants Taeyeon to be the spokesperson, and it's a personal endorsement."

Hearing this news, Junxiu could only continue to "hehe" in addition to the "hehe" with a wry smile. He didn't know what to say, because when he was looking through the online comments this morning, he first saw the debate about "Taeyeon and Yui", and also saw a lot of comments on Yui on the Internet. On many search engines today, "Aragaki Yui" Clothes' has become a hot search term at the moment. Yui has received more attention today, while Taeyeon has received a personal advertising endorsement.

As for Junxiu himself gaining the favor of reporters, it is for example that his car was surrounded by reporters at this time, Junxiu sat in the car and was about to get off the car and said hesitantly: "This... I won't be instantly flooded by reporters when I go out? "

Just after Junxiu's remarks, the security guards of the TV station came out, and they stood in front of Junxiu's car door to block the "impulse" of the reporters. Junxiu opened the car door, and just as he landed on one foot, countless questions came to him: "Junxiu xi, about the variety show broadcast yesterday that you admitted that you were in love with Taeyeon, what do you think about this? What do you want to say?"

'Everyone please make way, please make way, don't crowd. 'Junxiu quickly entered the TV station under the protection of the four security guards at the entrance of the TV station. As he walked, he said, "What is there to say about love, please pay more attention to my works, not my love life, thank you Everyone."

Junxiu finally entered the TV station under protection. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked back at the reporters who were still standing at the TV station door and still shouted at Junxiu. He walked away without looking back: "Huh~~ How do you feel that the battle at this time is like a news broadcast, and it feels like someone in the circle has done something bad and came out of the police station?"

The makeup artist who came in behind Junxiu immediately said: "Bah, ah, Junxiu, what are you talking about? How can you say such unlucky things? Hurry up and spit three mouths of saliva. The bad is not working, the good spirit."

Junxiu smiled and followed the makeup artist and spit out three mouthfuls, "Bah ah ah~~"


As Junsu's agent said, every day during the weekend, many reporters are waiting for Junsu at the entrance of the TV station, but the distance from getting off the car to entering the TV station is very short, and Junsu's answer is not at all. Change' cares about works, not about feelings. ’ This answer made the reporter very helpless, and gradually the enthusiasm of the reporter was also consumed.

After all, it was only a few steps and a few seconds from getting off the car and entering the TV station. The reporter could ask anything, but in fact, he couldn't ask anything. Since Junsu can't ask for news, why waste time here? Therefore, ordinary gossip magazines will not waste human resources on Junxiu, because such 'interviews' are meaningless. The formal interview invitations that were sent were all rejected, which is also a matter of course.

The reporters stopped a lot, but the paparazzi did not stop. As He Dongxun said on the phone, every day Junxiu came home, went out, and there were reporters squatting in front of the house. Because the paparazzi are extremely patient, they plan to dig out the man in love in Junxiu's mouth. They follow it like this every day, and after three days of following it, they realize that it doesn't seem right.

Because Junsu will definitely be vigilant after the news comes out, even the 'who' who is in love will not meet during this time. So after a few days of follow-up, I found that Junxiu's life was extremely monotonous. The four-day singing period was home, beauty salon, TV station, three points and one line. Junsu never goes out after coming home from get off work.

There is no time to play songs, Junxiu's personal itinerary is also very simple, home, company, and occasionally go to the supermarket alone. But there is absolutely only one person, and there is no other 'who' by his side.

This has made many reporters wonder if the "she" in Junxiu's mouth who is in love is really the Japanese Yui Aragaki as speculated on the Internet? Because after following a few days, they found that Junsu's whereabouts in South Korea were very stable, and they felt that this statement seemed to fit.

However, just when they suspected that Junsu's love object was Yui Aragaki, the girls' generation ended their tour in Japan and returned to Korea. How many nanny cars were there to pick up Girls' Generation that day? In the reporter's camera, Taeyeon smiled and waved to the camera. Fortunately, no reporter asked about Taeyeon and Junsu's love~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because everyone defined Taeyeon as 'past tense' in their hearts It seems a bit rude and excessive to ask straight in the past.

After all, it has been nearly a week since the exposure of the two's relationship, and the enthusiasm for the two's love has entered a kind of plateau, and the media is still a little 'conscience', at least they will not do anything about the 'past tense' 'Salt' question. Because now the media is more concerned about 'who is that person in love? ’

Taeyeon, Pani, Shun Kyu, the three of them went back to the dormitory, and the others went home first. After returning to the dormitory, Shun Gyu said with a smile: "There is no reporter at the airport today to ask questions about you and Oppa. It seems that your speculation is correct."

Paney shook his head with a smile and said, "It's not that the speculation is correct, but even if the reporters ask, they can't ask anything. At most, they just ask if Taeyeon has ever been in love with Junsu, and Taeyeon only needs to answer a 'umm'. '. The reporters have nothing to ask next. Even if they ask 'why they broke up', as long as Taeyeon doesn't answer, the reporters are too embarrassed to keep asking? After all, it's too much to ask."

Shungui smiled and nodded and said, "That's right. Pack up. We'll go to the mountain in a while. Oppa said we'll catch the wind today."

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