Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 458: I'm jealous! (superior)

? This night, Junxiu lost sleep because of her 'birthday party' problem. Also tossing and turning on the bed and unable to fall asleep is Sika. She was because of the messages Taeyeon sent her earlier. She had been wondering who would be like Junsu guessed? He just wants to reach more Hallyu stars through himself, and then poach.

Although in her heart Sika was reluctant to admit that 'that who' would really be the person Junsu said, but in the dead of night, after her thoughts had completely calmed down, she lay quietly on the bed and thought about Taeyeon's hair again. Coming to those Junxiu's guesses, it seems that 'who' is really a little Junxiu's guess.

After calming down, Sika finally had time to think about whether she was being used by him? Sika, she dare not guarantee 100% the character of 'that who'. So whether Junsu's guess is true or not, he has to do it because he is the director of the company! It is impossible for him to let the representatives of other brokerage companies contact his own artists in front of him. In the face of such a thing, shouldn't he be cautious?

And Sika doesn't mean to be completely and completely clear about this person's character. In case, just in case, he really wanted to use the convenience of Sika to get acquainted with the artist of the company, and the artist jumped to the company of 'who', how would she face Junxiu? So when Sika was completely calm at this time and recalled this matter, she realized that Junxiu did that because he didn't dare to bet on this person's character, let alone bet.

He can't say that it's the "friend" you brought by Sika, and it doesn't matter if Junxiu is a villain, or something else. Because this person Junxiu doesn't understand, and his profession is still so sensitive, what he did at that time was right from Junxiu's point of view!

In this quiet environment in the dead of night, Sika figured out Junxiu's situation at the time. She felt a sense of guilt when she looked back and thought that she had quarreled with him at that time, so Sika took out the phone under the pillow and planned to give it to Junxiu. I sent a message, but looked at the time, it was almost two in the morning. Sika sighed and put the phone under the pillow again: "Forget it, you should all fall asleep? I'll say sorry to him tomorrow."

Recalling that Junxiu was very kind to her, since she met Junxiu from Sika, Junxiu remembers to give gifts every year for her birthday, and this year she has also been on the hot search because she chose a gift for her. And when she said she wanted to develop a side business, he also tried his best to help her. Then why can't I think about what happened today from his point of view? After thinking about it a lot, Sika's drowsiness has also come up. She will have an appointment with 'that who' tomorrow to talk about the side business.


The morning after Junsu's 'birthday party', he woke up early and started exercising. After they left last night, none of them came up the mountain, not even Shun Gyu. Maybe they went straight to the dormitory after drinking too late? Maybe the friendship was successful? No matter what, there are only four Taeyeon in the family at this time.

Junsu started to prepare brunch for them after exercising. Junsu planned to wake them up after making the poached eggs. Taeyeon was the first to be woken up by Junsu with a kiss. After she washed up, she called Pani and Yuner.

After Taeyeon called them, they went to the living room and sat down to eat, eggs Benedict, tuna salad, and a comforting cup of breakfast coffee. Taeyeon is used to Junxiu's breakfast. As long as he is resting, he will always prepare it for her in different ways, perhaps Chinese-style buns, Western-style brunch, or the most traditional soup and rice, etc.

Taeyeon has enjoyed a simple western-style brunch like today's many times, but she was not very satisfied today, Taeyeon muttered while cutting poached eggs, "I drank wine yesterday, I should prepare spicy ones today. Soup rice. A bowl of 'spicy fish soup' would be nice at this time."

Junxiu listened to Taeyeon's gloomy muttering, and he immediately laughed: "Hahaha.. What? You say that you are like an alcoholic, and you want me to prepare a spicy soup for you to hangover?"

Taeyeon wrinkled her nose at Junxiu in dissatisfaction and said, "Hmph, that's what it was. I drank alcohol yesterday, and my stomach feels uncomfortable when I wake up in the morning. You still gave me such a light meal?"

Just when Taeyeon was complaining, Pani came out of the room wearing Junsu's glasses, she opened her eyes and said to Junsu, "oppa, I went to the cloakroom to get one of your glasses. Wow..oppa's house, Is it really a hotel? Did you go out to buy such a sumptuous brunch?"

She was surprised that Penny had never eaten brunch made by Junsu. Although Pani also knows that Junxiu's cooking skills are very good, he doesn't know that he can still do these things.

Junxiu smiled and said, "I made it myself, why do I still need to go out and buy something so simple? I'll make it for you right away, and the poached eggs are all ready. Where's Yoona?"

"Later, come out immediately, you can do it for her."

After a while, Yun'er with no makeup also came out of the room. She had a ball-shaped head, fair-skinned and pure, like an elves in the forest. Even without makeup, Yun'er had no flaws at all. While making breakfast, Junxiu looked at the three and said, "Junior high school student, high school student, college student."

Taeyeon's childish appearance, Yoona's youth, and Pani's maturity, three different styles are displayed in front of Junxiu. The sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ greenery makes Junxiu's home more beautiful.

In less than ten minutes, Pani took out his mobile phone and took two pictures of the breakfast in front of him: "Hee hee, it looks like a delicious breakfast, and with such a beautiful sunshine, a comfortable day begins." Pani After cutting the poached egg, watching the golden egg liquid slowly flow into the white plate mixed with Hollandaise sauce, the deliciousness bloomed invisibly.

After cutting a piece and putting it in his mouth, Pani enjoyed the flavor of the sauce, the fragrance of the egg wash, and the slightly smoky bacon, and Pani stared at Junxiu with wide eyes: "oppa, What is a kind of meat in it? Fish? Unlike, fish can't be so Q-bomb? Shrimp?"

"Lobster, Q bombs increase the taste and also enhance the overall umami."

"Lobster? Extravagant! Hahaha~~" Pani laughed and gave Junsu a thumbs up, no wonder Taeyeon was saying that their Girls' Generation cost 100 million for nine people a year, while Junsu was alone for a year. The cost of meals is as high as 100 million won. This is really incomparable, brunch eggs Benedict with hundreds of thousands of large lobsters? Although it is one shared by the four of them, it is also very luxurious.

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