Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 459: I'm jealous! (Down)

?Pani drank heart-warming coffee while eating brunch that fit her appetite, and said to Taeyeon with envy: "Taeyeon, I am so envious of your life. You can eat it every morning when you wake up. After such a delicious breakfast, this is the real winner in life. Finding a boyfriend who can make money and love you so much, the most important thing is that he is not macho, and he is willing to cook for you. It's unnecessarily happy.."

After Penny finished talking to Taeyeon, he turned to Junsu and said, "Oppa, do you know how much impact your love affair with Taeyeon will have on us when it unfolds in front of us? What kind of thing will we use in the future? Standard to measure your boyfriend? It's really nerve-racking~~"

Junsu showed his love for Taeyeon, which really made their onlookers very envious. He treats Taeyeon so well, they have all seen it with their own eyes over the years. Although there are some episodes between the two of them, Junxiu still loves Taeyeon so much. Pani thinks it is really rare, at least Junxiu has no other bad habits.

He doesn't have a complicated relationship with women, and he doesn't have a bad habit of gambling. He used to say that he was addicted to alcohol, but isn't he drinking less now? They don't go to nightclubs, don't make friends, the only "unclear" on Junxiu is also clear to them. He is not complicated, the surroundings are not complicated, the thoughts are not complicated, and he is very loyal, and he is also very kind, all together are very rare!

You must know that Junxiu has been out for ten years, and there are only two "scandal" objects for him, one in South Korea and one in Japan, and there is no private question. They have seen and learned a lot over the years since their debut. For example, Kim Heechul, whom Taeyeon is most familiar with, is much more complicated than Junsu in private. That's why Penny thinks Junxiu is really a good man!

Yoona sat beside and listened to Pani's compliment to Junxiu, she pouted, wondering if there was too much vinegar in the hollandaise sauce, and her heart was very sad. To say envy, she is the most envied person in the team, but there are some things that can't be envied.

Taeyeon listened to Pani's words and smiled: "If it's just for food, you can find a chef to be your boyfriend. You can live here until you find it, how about it, am I tolerant enough?"

"Tolerance, tolerance, anyway, I'm thick-skinned, I'll eat enough here. Hahaha~~" Pani continued after laughing: "Taeyeon, a man like him, hurry up, the people waiting for the opportunity beside him Definitely a lot."

When Pani said the word 'waiting for an opportunity', Yoona's heart tightened inexplicably, she subconsciously glanced at Pani, and only when she realized that she was not looking at herself, Yoona breathed a sigh of relief . However, when Yoona's eyes turned to Pani, the corners of her mouth rose slightly. Because Pani and Yuner slept in the same room last night, she was woken up by inexplicable words after she slept in the middle of the night. Only then did she realize that Yuner was talking in her sleep, and there was a very violent sentence in her sleep! !

Taeyeon raised her brows slightly and said, "If it was so easy to 'wait for an opportunity', Oppa and I wouldn't be able to persist until today. Besides, there are so many people and things that tempt you in life, if he I don't have that persistent heart, no matter how much I keep him, he will still let go. Do you think so..." Taeyeon's last words turned to Junxiu.

Junxiu kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, there are many temptations and temptations, and there are many temptations. I'm going to wash the dishes, you all sit and rest, and go get some sunshine."

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu's appearance, and she suddenly laughed: "Ah, am I telling you about temptation?"

"Oh, oh, wash the dishes, I'll go do the dishes first." Junxiu quickly took the plate in front of them and ran away. The only one who could make Junxiu be honest was her, Kim Taeyeon. It can also be said that Junxiu's old problem of 'tracheitis' has been committed. In love, there must be someone who has to take a step back in exchange for 'peace'. On the other hand, Junxiu feels that it is not shameful to give in to the person he loves! !

The 'masculinity' that appears in love may be because the love is not so deep! When I love deeply, no one will care about me more and you less. Love is a process of making concessions to each other and then finding a balance. And now Junsu and Taeyeon have found their balance, this is the best, love! !


Junxiu and the four enjoyed brunch at the top of the mountain, while Sika enjoyed breakfast at the bottom of the mountain. She nibbled bread, drank coffee, and started sending messages with her mobile phone.

She opened 'Kakao' and first sent a message to Junxiu: "Oppa, sorry for what happened yesterday, I wasn't as thoughtful as I thought."

After a while, Junxiu replied: "It's okay, I have something wrong, I should have saved you enough face in front of your friends, and I should also apologize to you. Sika, we have known each other for more than ten years. Well, you also believe that it is impossible for me to harm you, right?"

"Of course, you are my oppa. How could you hurt me? Tell me, what's the matter?"

"The entertainment company, although I don't know what your relationship is, but remember what I said, never get too close to him. He doesn't make me feel good!"

Looking at Junxiu's reply, Sika thought that Junxiu had misunderstood who she was in love with, so Sika immediately replied to Junxiu: "I really have nothing to do with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Really!"

Sika held her phone while eating, which made Xiao Jing, who was sitting next to her, very curious: "When you come together, just hold your phone and chat non-stop, who is it? Boyfriend?"

Sika pouted and said, "It's good to be a boyfriend, Junxiu oppa."

When listening to the name, Sika's mother, who was sitting next to her, asked, "Xiuyan, is Junxiu in love with that Japanese female star? The news has been reporting this matter some time ago."

"o-ma, why do you care about other people's love? No, no, okay."

Xiaojing knew the news better than her mother, so when she heard that her sister denied Junxiu and Yui Aragaki's relationship, she widened her eyes and said, "If Junxiu oppa is not in love with a Japanese actress... that's true. Is he and Taeyeon in love? Daefa~~ This is big news!!”

"Yeah~~~ Taeyeon? Why are you so rude if you want to call me sister? Don't care about Junsu's love, don't talk about his love everywhere, and don't talk to your teammates."

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