Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 460: Sika's side business

? Xiaojing and her mother were stunned when they heard what Sika said, and Sika told Xiaojing not to talk about it everywhere, didn't they admit that Junsu and Taeyeon were in a relationship? It is true that the members of Girls' Generation are the clearest people around 'Junsu and Taeyeon's love'.

Sika said with certainty that Junsu is not in a relationship with a Japanese actress, and asked Crystal not to talk about Junsu's relationship. Isn't that the same as telling his family that "Taeyeon and Junsu are in love"? Why is Sika so sure that Junsu is not in love with Yui Aragaki? That's because when she was in Japan, she went to eat sushi and heard from the store owner that Junxiu also went to that restaurant alone. If he and Aragaki Yui were in love, naturally they would not go 'alone'. That's why Sika is so 'sure'.

Sika looked at the appearance of her mother and Crystal, and she knew that she was talking too much. She said depressedly: "You know it yourself, don't talk about it everywhere, don't. The two of them started in 2009. It's really not easy to get to where we are today. What we need to do is to keep this relationship a secret for the two of them!"

Xiao Jing's eyes widened in amazement now: "Dafa~~ 2009, we just debuted at that time. How many years have they been in love? More than four years, almost five years? It's amazing. Ah, after five years of love, you haven't been discovered once?"

Sika shook his head and said, "It's not that they haven't been discovered, it's just that the media has no evidence to prove it directly. When the two of them started dating before, the paparazzi in South Korea were not as powerful as they are now. Wait for the paparazzi to be powerful now, the two of them. Our relationship has also stabilized, dating is basically at home, and the paparazzi can't find it. The most important thing is that we can still act as a shield in this matter, and the remaining eight of us know their love affairs. "

Now that everything has been said, Sika stopped hiding her family, so she opened up and started talking, family, can you still believe it? Coupled with the fact that Xiao Jing was in the same circle, she knew the seriousness of this matter after it was exposed, so she could not talk about it, nor could she talk about it with her teammates.

Sika's mother sighed and said, "Hey... Junxiu is really a good person."

Sika didn't hear the meaning behind her mother's sigh, she nodded casually and said, "Well, it's not bad, and Oppa is really kind. Usually at home, he basically does the housework by himself. , Taeyeon, like me, can't do housework, and cooking is worse than me, so she can only cook ramen, and I can still fry rice anyway."

After the word 'fried rice' appeared, Xiao Jing sat next to her with disgust on her face: "Oni, your fried rice is so oily that you can't eat it at all. It's me, I'd rather eat ramen."

Crystal's words caused Sika to fight back viciously: "Want to die, you?"

"Yeah, I said, can the two of you have a quiet meal, I really convinced you. Didn't you invite someone to talk about the side business today? If you don't hurry to eat and go out, do you need someone else to wait for you? "


In the afternoon, the sunshine in Seoul is bright, and the weather in May makes a lot of beautiful legs appear on the streets. With stockings legs and close-fitting cowboy legs, each leg is easy to make men have an impulsive desire/desire. I don't know when the leg shape has attracted more and more attention from men. And there are more and more "leg fetishes" recently, and such acronyms should also be born.

Girls' Generation has always been called "The Age of Beautiful Legs" by the Japanese media, and Sika's legs are also easy to cause reverie. Sika's legs are not like Xiuying and Yoona's "crane legs", but her legs are straight and well-proportioned She is also very popular. At this time, she is wearing close-fitting slacks, the tight material shapes her beautiful legs again, and the high heels elongate her legs, top beauty, cold temperament, mature The fragrance spreads out and is hard to resist.

In the cafe of the hotel, Sika ordered a cup of coffee and bathed in the afternoon sun. Under the sun, her fair skin could be broken, and her light makeup made her beauty even higher. She sat comfortably in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the scenery of Seoul, just at this moment last night's friend of Sika, the surname Quan, appeared, her smooth hair was neatly groomed, and her well-cut suit was like a successful person. .

He smiled and sat opposite Sika, and said gentlemanly, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Sika smiled and responded politely: "I just arrived too. The weather is good today.." After saying this, Sika looked out from the floor-to-ceiling windows, because the news from Junxiu in the morning always hovered over her. In her heart, Junxiu told her to stay away from this person. Although I don't know why Junsu feels so disgusted with him, but Sika can't give up her side business because of Junsu's 'feeling'?

Sitting here in front of her and looking out the window, she said to herself, 'Cooperation, just cooperation. ’

The weather is the best opening line for a chat, and it’s also the closing line when there’s nothing to say. However, the current 'weather' is obviously the opening statement. The 'who' smiled and ordered a cup of coffee to the waiter who came over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then said to Sika: "Well, in May The weather in Seoul is really good. I heard that the cherry blossoms in Seoul are even more beautiful in March. It’s a pity that I came late, otherwise I can watch the cherry blossom festival in Korea.”

"The Cherry Blossom Festival, if you have time, let's go to Kyoto Prefecture to see it. The cherry blossoms in Seoul are only the same in Yeouido, and in March, it becomes impassable there." Perhaps the Cherry Blossom Festival is a kind of It's a good festival, but for idols, it's too painful for KBS TV station where vehicles enter and leave Yeouido at that time. There are many people and cars, causing a word jam. Therefore, Yeouido's Cherry Blossom Festival does not have any pleasant memories in the hearts of idols.

"Yes, the national flower of Japan is the cherry blossom. Men imagine that there is always a Japanese woman in a yukata under a cherry tree in the picture. Speaking of Japanese women, some time ago Junsu and Japan's super popular actress Yui Aragaki..."

When Sika heard this who suddenly talked about Junxiu's love affairs, she stopped and said, "Don't talk about other people's affairs, by the way, you told me last time about setting up a flagship store here, what are you going to do? How to do it?"

"To set up a brand, you must first consider your brand positioning and layout. Do you want to set up a company, or do you want to set up a designer store?"

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