Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 461: side business negotiation

?Sika's side business is something she has been pondering for a while now, and this who happened to be asking about the idea. What kind of brand does she want to set up, similar to a clothing company, or a designer's shop. The scale between the two is incomparable. The clothing company does not say that Sika has a global layout, at least she has to take into account the layout of the entire Asia.

Then her diploma, education, and major are a layman for the industrial layout. If she really wants to take a big step, she must find a collaborator, and he just wants to seize this opportunity to become Sika's collaborator. He wants to use the influence of Girls' Generation, where Sika is located, to lay out the entire Asia. But it takes capital to deploy in Asia. He also knows that Sika will definitely not be able to come up with that much capital, so he has to think about it carefully. It would be better if he could use Sika to become a shareholder.

So at this time, he began to 'draw a big cake' for Sika: "Although it is to develop your side business, it depends on what you want to make the side business. If it is just a designer store, it will not need any products. Once you’ve positioned yourself, just find a storefront and use your personal SNS to promote your fans. Didn’t you say you talked to Yoon Eun Hye? That’s how she set up her own brand when she designed her products and found a storefront. , promotion, just use the power of fans. Such a small store will definitely not make much money, but there is no problem in solving food and clothing. If..."

He continued: "If you want to make your own design into a brand company, you need a big layout. Like I told you at the beginning, a flagship store is essential! And use your Girls' Generation's Influence to set up shop in Asia. Seriously, at this time you don't use your influence to help your sideline development is really a waste. Girls' Generation's influence in the whole of Asia is definitely one of the best, you Hallyu Star, you girls belong to the top stars..."

"Opening a flagship store is only the first step. It's a shopping spree. You only need to do two activities there, and you will soon be able to drive your sideline brand. Entering the super market of Huaxia, I believe it will take a year. It is easy and pleasant to earn 20 billion to 30 billion for your clothing. You should know how crazy the purchasing power of Chinese people is. You can see from the news that they are madly sweeping goods all over the world. No matter what Chanel is, LV, such luxury goods are also sold very well in China. There are far more wealthy people in China than in Korea. As long as your products take advantage of the fame of 'Girls' Generation', they will be very good in China and Asia. selling."

People all over the world know that fans’ money is actually very profitable, and the star effect can well drive the development of products. Otherwise, there would not be such a job that is willing to spend a lot of money to invite celebrities to advertise. So as long as you make good use of the fame of 'Girls' Generation', the brands produced in this Asian Sika will be sold well, but these are all his idealizations.

Because the portrait rights of Korean stars are in the hands of the agency, even they themselves cannot use the portrait rights at will. On weekdays, celebrity family members open some small restaurants, cafes, or do some small fashion brand stores themselves, and the brokerage company just turns a blind eye. If you want to make it big, it's impossible, and the right to use his delusional "Girls Generation influence" is all in the hands of the agency. Sika himself is absolutely not to be used, and once it is used, there will be a lawsuit.

These ideas of his are not helping Sika, but harming Sika. If Junsu was here, just slap and punch! He would never be able to work with someone like that!

But the problem is that Junxiu is not here. The only one here is Sika, who wants to be her sideline brand. She is really moved after listening to this person's plan. Her popularity in Girls' Generation can be said to be one of the best. If she uses this popularity to make her own brand, it should be very smooth.

Just like Junsu, his popularity makes the products he endorses sell well, even the clothes he wears are copied and sold by online sellers, especially the hats printed with the 'JS' logo, which are sold in Myeongdong at night. There are plenty of stalls. And it sells very well, which is the popularity effect of stars!

Sika was really moved by what this person said, but creating a brand is not a trivial matter. She hesitated and said, "Then how much startup capital do you think it takes to create a brand and open a flagship store?"

"At least 30 million US dollars. In fact, it doesn't take much money to set up a brand company, just to set up a flagship store requires real money. It can be said that it is the same as the Gang/Nam district in Seoul. The initial investment is definitely indispensable. In fact, you can first use your own reputation loan, real estate loan, you can borrow 15 million US dollars in South Korea. After you have the initial capital to open the flagship store, you can use the brand loan. Three Tens of millions of dollars can easily be obtained. At that time, we can also enter the large department store in Huaxia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The products will go overseas first and then return to China. After all, Girls' Generation's popularity in Korea is always there."

30 million US dollars, this is still the initial investment, which has surpassed Sika's imagination. She may not have earned 30 million US dollars in the past few years, and it is necessary to invest 30 million US dollars to make a brand? If this fails, how many years will it take for her to pay off the loan?

Sika was silent and didn't respond, and that who continued: "Yesterday Junxiu said that the price of his commercial performance in China is 500,000 US dollars, and you are at least 200,000 US dollars for Girls' Generation. Develop a side business, while maintaining the exposure rate of your activities, advertising will naturally come in. I know that the main income of stars is advertising. Junxiu’s advertising endorsement is tens of millions of dollars, and your Girls’ Generation is also a million, so don’t take loans for it. I'm worried about things! The big deal is to hold a few more meetings and attend a few events. Besides, you have to believe in the purchasing power of your fans. As long as your product design is good, even if you are not a fan, you will buy it, right? It's not like making clothes. Be sure to focus on fans, and clothing depends on design and market."

Listening to who's analysis, Sika seems to think that 30 million is not a lot for her today, because last year she had an income of nearly one billion won (more than one million US dollars). And Sika believes that there will be more and more in the future, so 30 million US dollars is not much! !

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