Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Ambition?

?Sika, as an idol, knows that their 'professional' is changing very quickly, especially Korean idols are no different from the assembly line. Not to mention too far, in the past two years alone, the girl groups in the hands of JS Entertainment have begun to slowly exert their strength, and with the help of Junxiu, they have begun to run towards the first-line status step by step, SISTAR, GSD, etc. These are the hottest girl groups in the past two years.

The update of the girl group has divided up a lot of the originally small market. So Sika herself felt that her sideline business had to make the brand when their 'Girls' Generation' was still at the peak of popularity, otherwise she would wait for her popularity to start to decline and then start a sideline business, then the chance of failure would also be even bigger.

The only thing that makes Sika hesitate is the initial investment of 30 million US dollars, 30 million US dollars (200 million soft girls), such a large initial investment, which is already in accordance with the company's standards. If Junxiu is here, he will say that Sika's heart is too big, and it's easy to get into trouble if the step is too big. Of course, if Sika has a very powerful CEO, it does not mean that it is impossible. It is just that business matters are much more difficult to understand than their running schedule. Sika is a pure layman in business.

For a layman like Sika, it's okay to meet a good partner in business, but if she meets a bad one, it's a bit nasty. She doesn't know what happened when she was sold.

The investment of 30 million US dollars, this amount made Sika come out of the hotel in a hurry. Who else invited Sika to go shopping in Seoul, but Sika refused. Going to Seoul? crazy? She is shopping today, and it will be in the headlines tomorrow. She is not that big yet. After she has confirmed the partnership, she will be able to say something to the outside world, right?

Her white "Little Treasure" came out of the hotel to meet the bright sunshine in Seoul. Sika raised her hand slightly to block the dazzling sunlight, and then took out the sunglasses from the locker. Looking at the Chanel logo on the sunglasses, Sika smiled and said, "It's not because your Taeyeon doesn't want it, you just gave it to me, right?"

After Junxiu cooperated with Chanel, he got a lot of Chanel's sunglasses sponsorship, mainly because of a trendy sunglasses that he wore when he attended the Chanel signing ceremony that day, which made the sunglasses sell well in this early summer. The brand is not only It's Korea, and it sells very well throughout Asia! The main reason is that Junxiu wears their sunglasses, and that brand is also very good at being a person. Go, give Junxiu a name by name.

Junxiu never accepts gifts from fans, but he will not be soft on gifts from companies. And he also really created a sales myth for that brand of sunglasses, so he took it with peace of mind.

Sika drove off with the sunglasses that Junxiu gave her. As a result of these discussions today, she didn't know why she always wanted to discuss it with Junxiu. Just like the messages Junxiu sent her at noon, it is absolutely impossible for him to harm her after knowing each other for so many years. In addition, Junsu also set up his own brokerage company. Now that his brokerage company has not been listed, it is worth hundreds of billions of won, so the company Junsu is a success.

But Sika forgot that Junxiu's company was the industry they were most familiar with, and their network resources were all in this industry. And the business she wants to start is fashion. Although she knows a little bit about that industry, there are other factors involved that Sika has never been exposed to. To put it bluntly, she is just an "amateur" who understands popular elements. To know that clothing companies are involved in materials, manufacturing, promotion, sales, etc., and those Sikas are laymen!

And the establishment of the company is not as simple as she imagined. It took Min Hyuk a long time to set up the company's team, and when the company was established, the entire company consisted of one artist, Bai Zhiying. It was only after the company's team was established that it began to recruit trainees, and it has come step by step to today. It's easier said than done for Sika to set up her own company.


Sika's 'Little Treasure' was driving on the way up the mountain. The mountain road under the shade of greenery became extraordinarily comfortable, and the mottled leaves scattered by the sun were a kind of natural beauty. On the quiet mountain road, only her vehicle was driving, and the comfort and coziness hit her, and her heart was also infected by the quietness of the mountain. She hummed a little tune and drove slowly, and soon the car came to the big iron gate in front of Junxiu's house.

Sika picked up the phone and called Junxiu. After the call was connected, Sika said directly, "Open the door, I'm at your door."

After her voice fell, the big iron door opened, and her vehicle also entered Junxiu's house. And the paparazzi hiding around Junxiu's house said in confusion, "Isn't that Sika's car? Why is Sika here?"

"Well, Sika's car, she's also very normal. In Girls' Generation, Sika and Junsu have known each other for a long time. She has been in a relationship with Junsu for more than ten years, counting her seven years as a trainee."

Yes, because of the friendship for more than ten years, Junsu can't harm Sika. It's just that Sika's mother regrets that the two of them have known each other for so long without any affection, but Taeyeon...

Sika parked and blocked directly at the door of Junxiu's garage. Junxiu, who opened the door to greet Sika, smiled wryly and said, "Ah, Jessica, did you do it on purpose? Block my garage door~www.wuxiaspot.com~How can I get out in a while?"

Sika pouted and said, "Where are you going?"

Junxiu stared at Sika and said, "Where are you going? Of course you're going to the market at the foot of the mountain, or you can drink water here at night until you're full?"

Facing Junxiu's words, Sika closed the car door without caring, and locked the car: "Don't drive my car."

They are very comfortable with Junxiu's home, or this is their second dormitory. Junsu is not in Korea for a period of time during the year, so this is a good place for them to recuperate their body and mind. Especially when summer comes, Junxiu's infinity pool is definitely their favorite place. With a swimming pool surrounded by green trees, resort-style decoration, and a quiet surrounding environment, this is the most ideal place for leisure and entertainment. The most important thing is that Junsu rarely has time in Seoul in the summer, so they don't have any burden to wear swimsuits here.

Naturally, their familiarity with Junxiu's "home" has risen. And they and Junxiu don't need to see outsiders at all, and they also regard Junxiu as a brother in their hearts. As Yuri said, they spend more time with Junsu than they have with their own brother! !

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