Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Arrived at RB

?The Keisei Electric Railway that Junsu chose at the airport was not only the fastest train to reach Tokyo, but it was the train with the fewest tourists. Because those tourists who come to independent travel will choose 'JR', only JR will stop at Shinjuku and Shibuya. Only some people who are proficient in changing lines of Japanese subways will choose this one that Junsu takes? After all, this train only goes to Ueno!

The tram that Junxiu chose had fewer tourists, so he entered the carriage very quietly. To avoid greeting others, Junsu put on headphones when he got into the car. While listening to the music, I set off towards Tokyo. Yui Aragaki's TV series will be finished in mid-May, so Junxiu is not in a hurry to go home. After all, he is alone after returning. He simply thought about having dinner outside today and going home. Eating Michelin Junxiu always feels like a loss to myself.

I don't know why Junxiu has good luck every time he rides the train in Japan, and today is no exception. He is the only one in the row where he sits, which makes him a lot more relaxed. Looking out the window is very relaxing after an hour's drive. It's almost over. When I arrived at Ueno Junxiu, I went directly to Ginza, because there are so many gourmet restaurants there and it is very close to home.

After arriving in Ginza, Junxiu was familiar with the 'Yanjing Roast Duck, a certain Jude' that he missed in his heart. Perhaps roast duck is a very common traditional food for Chinese people, although it is not this 'What De' chain store , but there are other roast duck restaurants to do instead. But Junsu, who is far away in South Korea, is definitely the kind of person who has a soft spot for 'roast duck'. In Seoul, he can't go to Myeongdong to eat their roast duck, so he can only choose to eat in Tokyo.

The roast duck was still so delicious. Junxiu walked out of the store after eating the roast duck, thinking about whether to go home and change clothes, or to go shopping? But as he walked, he heard someone whispering about his 'Chanel backpack'. Anyway, there are only a few languages ​​spoken on the streets of Ginza, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, all of which Junxiu can understand. On the contrary, English is rarely heard in Ginza, and I wonder if Westerners rarely come here to buy luxury goods.

Perhaps the 'Canvas Chanel' was too eye-catching, so Junxiu had to take a taxi and left here, and went home to change clothes first.

After Junxiu left, the two people who muttered 'canvas bag' laughed: "This person is crazy, the Chanel flagship store is not far away. He is not afraid of being embarrassed by having 'Chanel' printed on a canvas bag? "


Junxiu was speechless and carried the canvas backpack back home, entered the password and opened the door, only to see Yuyi's slippers placed at the entrance to prove that there was no one at home. He took out his indoor slippers from the shoe cabinet and entered the living room. The house was still kept clean and tidy by Yui. Yui herself said, 'Doing hygiene has become her way of decompressing. ’

A clean and tidy home always gives people a comfortable mood. Especially from the floor-to-ceiling windows of this home, the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower in the distance are so beautiful. If the house under the beautiful scenery is messy, you can imagine the mood. Fortunately, Junxiu and Yui both belong to the kind that loves cleanliness. Of course, Junxiu's "cleanness" only includes his favorite kitchen.

After putting down the backpack, Junxiu came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and looked at the empty storage compartment. He smiled helplessly. Now there are only some fruits in the refrigerator. Junxiu smiled and said to himself, "I'll fill it up."

Her filming time was four months, so she didn't have time to cook at home during this period, or it was the crew's meal, and she went out for a dinner party early after the end, and basically she would not start a fire at home. Maybe he would eat an apple when he was hungry when he got home. After all, his weight should not fluctuate too much during filming. Junxiu knew it very well because he was also an actor.

Junxiu picked up the phone and took a photo of the refrigerator and sent it to Yui with 'Line': "What would you like to eat tomorrow morning?"

After changing clothes and coming out, Junxiu picked up the phone and saw Yui's reply: "I like everything cooked with oppa, and it will be finished in a week at most."

"Today is the shed in Taili?"

"Hmm. Maybe around 11 o'clock. Do you want to pick me up?"

"OK, see you tonight, I'll go shopping first."

After sending the news with Junxiu, Yuyi sat in the rest area with a bright smile, and the manager sitting next to him shook his head and said, "Junxiu is here?"

Yui stared at her agent with wide eyes and said, "How do you know?"

"Your expression, Junxiu is completely different in Japan and not in Japan. Hey.. You should also pay attention to restrain your smile, and go out for a while to shoot so as not to be seen through."

"Got it. Oh, he's coming to pick me up tonight."

The agent showed a helpless expression and said, "Okay." Because he found that Yui loved Junxiu more than he thought, sometimes he would think that the two would be separated in the future, what will Yui look like?

After her debut in her teens, she and Junxiu have been together for so many years. The relationship between the two is not bad, and Junxiu is also very good to Yui, at least he has never seen a Japanese man who would spoil his woman so much.

Junxiu changed his clothes and went out with his wallet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ car keys. After Junxiu drove out, he went directly to the vegetable market. The traditional markets in Asia are actually similar. The only difference is that the vegetables, fresh food, and meat in the vegetable market in Japan are all organized and sold, and they are clearly marked. The net price, the whole market makes people feel clean and tidy.

After entering the market, Junxiu immediately seemed like a duck to water, but he directly skipped the fresh food area, because if Junxiu wanted to make seafood breakfast for Yui, he would choose to get up early and go to the morning market to buy it. After all, the fresh food in the morning market is only delivered from the local area. So he would rather be a little tired and keep it fresh.

Vegetables, fruits, pork, beef. You can't buy top-quality Wagyu beef in the market, because those high-end beef are auctioned off. If you want to eat 5A-level Wagyu beef, you can only go to high-end restaurants. Such a meat shop with 4A is very valuable. However, what makes Japan better than Korea is that pork belly is cheaper than Korea. Because Korea loves to eat pork belly, pork belly has become the most expensive part of pork, while Japan is the most expensive pork loin.

Because Junxiu will be running between the company and the house for the rest of the time, basically he will eat everything at home at night, so he prepared the ingredients for three days in capital letters! !

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