Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 470: go to the show

?For a person who likes cooking, the fresh ingredients in the market are the best things, um~~ It's like a woman who likes high heels going to a shoe store. Junxiu likes cooking, but he doesn't concentrate on studying cooking. He only occasionally tries different innovative dishes on a whim when he is resting. Some fail, some succeed, just like the black truffle bibimbap he developed, a very successful bibimbap dish. He has revealed this dish on a Japanese program before, and recently it has been sold in Japanese cafeterias.

For Junxiu, after visiting a vegetable market and seeing fresh ingredients, he will feel at ease. For those who like cooking, watching these bland ingredients change in his own hands, making it a happiness in other people's mouths It's what makes him happiest. The same is true for Junxiu. Cooking a delicious meal for the woman he loves will also give him a sense of accomplishment, which is even greater than when he gets a 'one trophy'.

A trophy, he can't remember how many times he has won since Junxiu debuted. After taking more, the emotion he felt at the beginning gradually faded away. Now he prefers to watch people who eat the dishes he made with his own hands and then squinting to enjoy, listening to their comments on the deliciousness of the dishes. more comfortable.

Junxiu turned on the mobile phone navigation after getting in the car, and followed the navigation Junxiu to drive back home slowly. Junxiu had to accept the traffic situation in Tokyo. Tokyo is the same as Seoul and Yanjing. The capital of any country is full of traffic, but Tokyo rarely has traffic jams. It's really rare, at least Junxiu hasn't encountered a traffic jam while driving in Tokyo for so many years.

It's all because of the 'order' that the Japanese follow, and the strict supervision of the government's chaos. On the streets of Tokyo, there is a special department that patrols the streets and alleys of Tokyo around the clock. Immediately fines and deducts points for those who park indiscriminately. The effect is immediate. On the road, there is less road-occupying behavior of random parking, and the Japanese observe the order, and there is rarely a situation of random overtaking. When everyone is driving in sequence, traffic jams will naturally become less. At least the street Junxiu in Tokyo really feel that they have achieved civilized driving, which is worth learning from many countries.

The car passed Akasaka on the way home from the traditional market. When passing the Akasaka small theater, Junxiu saw the poster at the door. Today, there is a performance of 'Nogizaka 46'. Junxiu is not familiar with AKB in Japan, but he has met two Nogizaka members who have not debuted for two years. Junxiu checked the performance time, it was still early, so he thought about going home and putting the dishes in the refrigerator before coming to watch their small theater performance.

Their small theater is not a "singing performance" like AKB, but the Nogizaka Theater is a real drama, which makes Junsu even more curious. Drama is a drama mode that most directly faces the audience, and the audience can see clearly and intuitively whether it is good or bad. The talent of acting can also be fully displayed in the drama. Maybe not only fans, but also directors in the circle may watch the performance.


Fortunately, Junxiu's home is only one stop away from Akasaka. Soon, he went home and went out again after putting away the materials he bought today. I originally wanted to go out for a walk in the afternoon, but now I have a performance to watch. Junxiu put on a mask when he went out this time, because there were too many people in the arena, so he was worried that he would be recognized.

Junxiu took a taxi to the performance venue in Akasaka. After buying the ticket, Junxiu waited for the performance to start. At this time, there was still an hour before the performance, and Junxiu found a cafe nearby and sat down. While drinking coffee, he swiped 'SNS' and watched interesting people and things.

When mobile phones entered the smart age, many people became bow-headed people, some were addicted to SNS, some were addicted to games, and some were addicted to all kinds of strange apps. Its appearance can be very interesting. It's good to kill everyone's boredom, but it makes countless young people become silent bowers.

Fortunately, Junxiu didn't become the kind of person who was obsessed with mobile phones. The mobile phone was just a tool for him to pass the time, and it was impossible for him to indulge in it.

Junsu rarely 'likes' others on SNS because his name will appear on other people's accounts after liking, so he is a typical 'watching the hall'. The online world is very interesting. At present, the word 'Internet celebrity' has not appeared, but there are a lot of interesting people and UP masters on the Internet. Junxiu likes to watch some funny videos when he has nothing to do, just like last time he saw a spoof of Taylor. , which he shared with Taylor right away. Taylor was completely dumbfounded after seeing the film. She also recorded a video and put it on her official website, saying that she must find the person who spoofed her.

Junsu, who was sitting in the cafe, watched SNS for a while, and he started sending 'kakao' to Taeyeon: "Are you home yet?"

"Well, here it is. What are you doing?" Because Junsu just arrived in Japan today, Taeyeon knows his virtues and will definitely not go to the company today. That's why she asked what Junsu was doing?

Junxiu sent a ticket to the apartment: "I'm in a bad mood, I plan to go to the performance of Japanese idols."

"Not in a good mood? Why?"

"I heard people laugh at my backpack when I was queuing out of the customs, and I also heard people laugh at my bag after lunch in Ginza. What these people say I have a 'brand-name disease' makes me depressed."

"Hehe, it's normal, who told you to be a bag that was not listed? These brands should thank you for the full score of the publicity effect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can you be depressed?"

"Hey, I'm depressed anyway. I'll ask if there are any brands that want to work with me. I'm going to design a backpack for Zhien as a birthday present."

"You're too partial! Your sister doesn't give it to Zhien? Hahaha, but I can understand."

Junsu loves his baby apprentice beyond imagination. The most crucial point is that Li Zhien is super earning. She will bring Junsu's company at least 15 billion won in pure profit a year, what a terrifying figure. So whether Junxiu is a teacher or a boss, he should love such a person.

"Well, I'll post an SNS to see if any brands come to me."

"Chanel!! Will definitely find you!"

"I'll give it a try." Junsu opened his SNS after posting this message, and he started to leave a message, 'Well, a special person's birthday is coming, I want to give her a very special gift. Well, I plan to design a backpack by myself. I wonder if there are any brands willing to help make it? ’

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