Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 471: embarrassing flash

After Junsu sent such an inexplicable message on his SNS, he ignored it. Even if he read the reply, he still wanted to read it when he got home at night. Junxiu just put down the phone and went into the arena to watch the performance. Nogizaka46's drama performance is of course less professional than professional stage actors, but Junxiu can see from their performances. They have gone through a lot of practice.

While watching the performance, Junxiu followed the regulations of the performance venue and adjusted his mobile phone to silent mode, but he didn't know that because of his SNS posting, the phone was overrun by the manufacturer. Whether it is a big manufacturer, a small manufacturer, or a luxury product, they all called the company and said they wanted to cooperate with Junxiu.

The staff who received the 'collaboration' call at first were at a loss, what cooperation with Junxiu? Manufacturers large and small, as well as some designers have called and expressed their willingness to help Junxiu make products. This matter soon reached Kim Young-min's office, and he was on the phone with Lee Soo-man with a wry smile: "What is Jun-soo doing, he actually posted on SNS hoping that a manufacturer could make the bags he designed? Now Manufacturers of all sizes have come to express their desire to cooperate with Junxiu on this product design?”

Li Xiuman also did not expect that Junxiu's random posting on SNS would attract the attention of so many fashion brands. At this time, he could only smile and say: "I don't know, he went to Japan in the morning. I don't even know what he's doing. Besides, he hasn't caused such a headache once or twice, aren't you used to it?"

Representative Kim said with a wry smile: "Really, at this rate, I want to ban him from playing SNS. Didn't he know that he would be magnified after he posted casually? He was really busy, afraid that he would not cause enough trouble? The public love, what will this post say to a 'special person'? Now there is a discussion on the Internet that Junxiu is preparing a birthday present for Yui Aragaki, and her birthday is next month!"

Li Xiuman said: "Impossible, he can't be so high-profile when he wants to give Yui Aragaki a birthday present. If he is very special to him, it may be Shun Kyu or his student Ji Eun."

"We know what's the use, he's just causing trouble for the company. Does no one know what he's doing now? Why doesn't he answer the phone?"

"I don't know who knows his whereabouts now. I called Shun Kyu just now, and she didn't know either. She asked me to call and ask Taeyeon, maybe Taeyeon knows, you can contact Taeyeon here. ."

"Okay, I'll ask Taeyeon." After Kim Youngmin and Lee Sooman hung up, he called Taeyeon, who was far away in Jeonju, to inquire about Junsu's whereabouts. As a result, he really learned from Taeyeon that he was there. what are you doing. After hanging up the phone, Kim Young-min said angrily: "Wow.. I'm still in the mood to go to the performance of Japanese women's idols after causing trouble? What is he trying to do? Could it be that he wants to recruit artists from Japan? "

Of course, he is very clear about the female idols in Japan as representatives of entertainment companies. For example, those super groups also have a 'trainee' system, but they are called 'graduate students'. And not everyone in the big group has the opportunity to go to the TV show. The only opportunity for them to show is the performance theater. If Junxiu came forward to dig out those potential children who didn't have the opportunity to appear on TV shows, it would be really easy.

However, Kim Young-min didn't know that Junsu didn't go to see the super group, but was watching Nogizaka46, a new group.


Junxiu laughed after watching the performance of Mai and Sa Yuri who he knew, because at this time they were still very immature in their acting skills, and even after practice, their control over the stage was still very weak. Compared to their teammates, there is one called 'Ikuta Erika' who is much weaker.

The performance of the stage play was about to end, and Junxiu took out his mobile phone at this time. He planned to take a photo and send it to SNS. As a result, I took out my phone and saw more than a dozen missed calls displayed above, including a call from Li Xiuman, a call from Jin Yingmin, and a call from my own agent. Looking at so many 'misses' Junxiu muttered in his heart: "What the **** is it, you are looking for me in such a hurry?"

Junsu didn't even think about how much of a storm his SNS post would cause on the Internet at this time. After seeing so many 'misses' Junsu decided to leave the venue and call back, because it's best not to call in public performances or movie theaters. Phone so as not to affect the viewing experience of others.

So Junxiu ignored the missed call for the time being. He turned on the camera function of his mobile phone and 'clicked' a picture of them on the stage. This shot of Junxiu attracted everyone's attention, because he forgot to turn off the flash application of the mobile phone, and it is now in an "automatic" state. So when he took a photo, the dark audience area lit up with a flash.

The ticket for the performance theater clearly states that no camera equipment can be brought in, and no photos can be taken. Of course, the management of the theater for taking pictures is not very strict. As long as you don't turn on the flash, you won't be told. Of course, if you turn on the flash like Junxiu, that's another story.

Theater performances and concerts are two different things. Taking pictures is allowed at concerts, but video recording is not allowed, so at concerts you can often see flashes in the auditorium.

But the problem is that it is expressly banned in the performance hall. After Junxiu's flashlight is turned on, it not only affects everyone's viewing, but also challenges the rules here.

When the flash came on~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu was stunned for two seconds, and when everyone's eyes were turned on him, the temperature of his cheeks rose rapidly, he was really embarrassed at this moment and wanted to find a crack to dig in. .

Just when Junxiu was embarrassed, a staff member came towards him. After inquiring, they found out that the man with the hat was taking pictures, and then they whispered in Junxiu's ear: "Sir, please come with us."

Junxiu was so embarrassed that he wanted to leave, so he went out with them. Junxiu thought that after going out, he would just delete the photos of the performance.

Junxiu kept saying "sorry" to the people next to him and left the venue. After exiting the gate of the venue, Junxiu said, "I will delete the photo, I will delete it, okay?"

Junxiu picked up the phone and started to delete the photos. In fact, the effect of turning on the flash in a dark place is not good, so it is better not to turn it on. Junxiu neatly deleted the photo of the flashing, flashing flowers, and then he put the phone in his pocket.

But the staff saw that Junxiu only deleted one photo, and they said, "Sir, please take out your mobile phone and we will check it. If there is no photo, we will let you leave."

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