Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Backstage

? Junxiu was dumbfounded after listening to the last words of the security guard. Do you want to check the phone? Of course, Junxiu can understand the request made by the other party. After all, photography is not allowed in the venue. In order to ensure that you delete all the content in the venue on your mobile phone, the organizer’s request for inspection is also a legitimate request. Uh, this check is for you to check with him, instead of handing over your phone to him and letting him check it himself, these are two concepts.

Junxiu looked at the two security guards in front of him and said without any depression, "No, check the phone? Is this necessary?" Junxiu is not afraid to check the phone, but he has a lot of photos with Girls' Generation, and some with them. A small video that you can capture at will when you are together.

The security personnel at the scene were indifferent to what Junxiu said, and their duty was to prevent any 'shoot thieves' from taking advantage. Looking at their appearance, Junxiu finally compromised. He took out his mobile phone: "OK, let's check, check. However, I have to cover part of the portrait in the photo."

Junxiu took the mobile phone in front of them and opened the photo album. There was no photo similar to the stage in the photo album. Because Junsu's audience seat is not at the front, so he will have a certain 'black blank' when he takes photos, but there is no such photo sample in his mobile phone album, he clicked on the first one where he was holding Taeyeon , but he covered Taeyeon's upper body position.

"Is this the head office? I deleted it when I said it. Originally, I just wanted to take a picture and send it to SNS to help them promote it. Now, forget it." Junxiu shook his head and said a little unhappily: "I can't help publicity because others are asking for help. You are good, but you asked me to delete the photos that I helped promote? Forget it, I can't make sense with you."

However, the two security guards looked at Junxiu like a lunatic, because when Junxiu was not recognized, Junxiu's arrogant words were no different from a lunatic in their eyes. One of the security guards gave Junxiu a look of disgust and turned to leave because he couldn't talk to the lunatic.

However, Junxiu, who was standing in the same place, happened to see the security guard's expression, and he shouted in Korean depressingly: "Wow.. What expression, ah, really, I, you wait. Believe it or not, I can go backstage to take pictures?" Just when Junxiu was chattering in a language that the security guards could not understand, they had already left quickly, leaving Junxiu standing in the same place depressed.

Junxiu, who was standing here, took a deep breath to calm down, there was no way anyone could tell him that he did something wrong. Wrong is wrong, and this mistake has been caught, even if he really wants to promote 'Nogizaka 46', but the way is wrong, he is not a guest today, he is just an audience so he can't be special, since he is The audience, please follow the order of the audience!

After calming down, Junxiu walked towards the entrance and exit of the staff, but the security guard at the door looked at Junxiu and said indifferently, "Sir, it is forbidden to visit here."

"That.. I'm here to find Mai Shiraishi, and Matsumura Sa is justified. I'm their friend."

The security guard said to Junxiu, "Sorry, we don't accept friends backstage." Maybe they thought Junxiu was here to make trouble, and they didn't have the right to let Junxiu enter the backstage.

Junxiu was dumbfounded again: "Uh, don't accept friends? Isn't it? How can you not accept friends backstage at the show? Otherwise, you should ask their agent? I'm really their friend."

Seeing Junxiu speaking so earnestly, one of the security guards nodded and said, "Wait a minute." Then he went in to find an agent.

After a while, the security guard came out with Nogizaka's agent. After the agent came out, looking at Junxiu's dress, he had a feeling that the person in front of him must be an insider. As for who it was, he had not yet recognized it.

Junxiu took the initiative to take off the mask and stretched out his hand towards the agent: "Hello, I'm JS Junxiu."

When Nogizaka's agent saw Junxiu's appearance clearly, it was his turn to be surprised. He became a little stuttering and shook hands with Junxiu: "Jun... Junxiu-sang!"

If Japan has the legendary producer 'Chu Fat', then Korea has 'JS Junsu'. And if Junsu is a producer, he is not only among the top ranks in Korea, but even in the whole world! Among the albums he has worked on are several of Taylor's biggest hits, as well as his own world-class albums. Because he is the only legendary musician in Asia!

The girl group Girls' Generation, Tara, and Kara produced by him are all very good top girl groups in Japan! Nai Tuan can get his favor, which is something that 'SONY' can't invite even with money!

Junxiu smiled at Naiduan sister's manager: "Me, Shiraishi Mai, and Matsucura Saori are friends, can I go in?"

"Of course, of course, please." The agent took Junxiu into the backstage, he thought as he walked, he didn't expect Mai Shiraishi and Sha Yuri to have such a private relationship, and they actually had a personal line like Junxiu in private. ?

Junxiu came to Nai Tuan's lounge, and the items they brought were stacked in the empty lounge. The manager smiled at Junxiu and said, "You can rest for a while, the performance is not over yet."

"Yeah." Junxiu nodded and said, "I just watched it in front of me for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's not bad. The drama mode is much more novel than AKB's song mode, and it can also develop their developmental power."

The agent smiled and said, "Jun Xiusang, what do you think of our children?"

"Their future should be able to share the world with AKB. But now 'A group' can be said to dominate the world, and even many legendary singers can't compare to them in sales. There is still less publicity for them on your side, and they are Unlike the A group, there is a fixed theater for performances every day. Therefore, it takes a certain amount of time and process for fans to accept it. In addition, the A group's model will lose its sense of novelty after a long time, and they happen to be very good. They complement everyone's desire for new ideas, so I'm really looking forward to their future."

"I've borrowed your auspicious words. Junxiu-sang, do you have any suggestions for the children's future development?"

"Me? I don't have any proposals. The music industry in Japan and the music industry in Korea are two different models, so I can't compare to Akimoto Yasushi in Japan in terms of making a girl group. If I make a girl group in Korea, I will let them Practice, practice, practice again, and wait until they reach my practice standards, you know, Korean groups are best at knives dance, and there is only one way to be neat, there is no shortcut!"

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