Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Treat (below)

When Junxiu said that he wanted oolong tea, Sha Yuri looked at him with a smile and said, "Senior Junxiu doesn't drink?" Anyone who has searched for 'JS Junxiu' on the search engine knows that he is a very drinker. artist. Moreover, the Korean media has already reported this matter, and Junxiu himself has said several times on variety shows about his embarrassment after being drunk.

Therefore, everyone who knows Junxiu a little knows that he is a love restaurant, and today, when the love restaurant said that he would not drink alcohol in front of the barbecue, Sha Yuri was very curious, and she only asked this question. Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "I won't drink today. I have something to do later. I will have to drive by myself."

Resolutely not to drive after drinking, this is what Junsu has always insisted on, which is why he wants to buy a bicycle in Korea. The consequences of a celebrity drinking and driving are very serious, especially Junxiu who has recited so many product endorsements. If he violates the law because of drunk driving, the products endorsed by these products will be terminated at that time.

Not to mention the loss of the character that I have finally accumulated, I also lost a lot of endorsement bills. This is also the reason why Junsu gradually began to restrain himself, and it was only after he went to Jeju Island this time that he realized how much he envied Lee Hyori's freedom and freedom. Of course, Lee Hyori's free and easy is because she has nothing to restrain herself. She has someone she loves by her side, and that's enough.

Listening to Junxiu saying something, they didn't ask any more questions. At this time, the fat distribution and the beautiful wagyu beef came in. The beautiful pattern of the beef attracted their attention, especially when the beef was placed on the charcoal grill. When heated, the aroma of beef fills the entire private room in an instant.

Sha Youli's attention was on the beef one second, and the next second she raised her head and looked at Junxiu with a silly smile: "I finally know why Junxiu-senpai is willing to spend a lot of money on delicious dishes, and roasted meat is also a good thing. Depending on the quality of the meat, there are different sights and smells. I can't wait to try this 5A beef."

Junxiu didn't say anything, the waiter who was helping the barbecue next to him smiled and said: "The grade of beef is judged according to the distribution of fat, and the difference in fat determines the tenderness of the meat and the strong aroma of the meat itself. If it is some rice bowls, The level of beef brisket...is impossible to have a milky fragrance. You can try it~~" After the first piece of beef tongue was roasted, the waiter gave Sa Yuri first.

The moment Sa Yuri put it in his mouth, the marinated soy sauce mixed with the aroma of the beef, and the smoky effect of the charcoal fire exploded in his mouth. Her smiling eyes opened and she exclaimed, "Delicious~!"

After Sha Yuri exclaimed, the first beef tongues were cooked one after another. After eating the first bites of beef, the children showed the emotional expressions brought by eating beef, which made Junxiu look at it. Very satisfied. This also reminded Junxiu of Lee Ji Eun at the time, when Ji Eun and Nai Tuan were of the same age, and Min Hyuk took her away from home when she was about 14 years old.

At that time, Li Zhien was a super stubborn little girl. She always thought that she could become a singer. It is understood that she had participated in more than 20 auditions for a brokerage company before coming to JS Entertainment, and in order to become a singer Been scammed out of money. Junxiu also saw the plasticity in her and pulled her back from the elimination. It turns out that Junsu has a good eye!

Zhien, who has now become a national sister, has gotten along quite well in the circle, and she has shown her talents in songs, movies, and variety shows. She stood on the stage at the age of 16 and became a national sister at the age of 18. The ratings of the TV series she is now starring in are also good, hovering around 30% per episode, and she is starring in a long drama! It will be broadcast for half a year, and her drama Dominate the Screen Weekend for half a year will greatly improve her popularity.

Recalling that when Lee Ji Eun ate A++ grade Korean beef for the first time, he had the same expression as them. At that time, Junsu also realized that the conditions of Ji Eun's family were not good at that time, because his father accidentally gave them a guarantee, and others ran away. , their house was closed. Parents who have nothing can only go out to work, and Zhien also stays with her grandmother at a relative's house. On weekends, Xiao Zhien also accompanies her grandmother to sell vegetables. However, in her memory, such a life is not bitter, because she has a grandmother who loves her.


The barbecue has come to the next round, and each table has begun to order by itself. Junxiu also took off his jacket at this time. There was no heating in the room in this weather, but the charcoal fire kept heating up the private room. Junxiu also began to heat up. Junxiu took off his clothes and looked left and right at the hangers where the clothes were hung. At this time, Yuri Sha, who was sitting beside him, took Junxiu's coat and said, "I'll help you hang it."

"Thank you." Junxiu smiled and nodded in thanks. Just when Sha Yuli got up with Junxiu's clothes, she saw the brand logo 'Chanel' written on the back of the collar and she called out: "Huh? ?"

When Sa Yuri said that Junsu was wearing women's clothes, the children present were stunned, because there is another gender in Japan called 'male big sister', and they almost thought Junsu was also..

However, Junxiu smiled and nodded in disapproval: "Well, it's a female model. I went to the airport manufacturer to send it to me today, and let me wear it to the airport. If you like it, I'll send it to you if you like it."

"Huh??" Sha Yuri was dumbfounded again. Because what Junsu said was a gift, not a sponsorship (borrow)?

Mai Shiraishi, who was sitting next to him, laughed: "Have you not read fashion magazines? Junxiu was personally rated as the best-looking male star in Chanel by 'Karl'~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And we didn't think this before. Is there any incongruity with the women's clothing on him? We all thought it was men's clothing, until now we found out that it was women's clothing."

Another child sitting beside said with a smile: "Last year, a magazine was published at the end of the year, and the total sales of Uniqlo products doubled after Junxiu and Gakki were endorsed."

Junsu tilted his head and smiled slightly when he heard himself and Gakki in their mouths. Perhaps it was Yui's name that made the atmosphere of the scene a little ambiguous, and Sha Yuri immediately interjected to resolve the atmosphere: "Senior Junxiu, did you really give me this dress? It's from Chanel. ."

Junxiu nodded and said, "Oh, if you don't mind that I wore it, I'll give it to you. Uh, I just wore this dress today, not the kind that I've worn many times."

"Hee hee~ Just kidding. I can't see your clothes!"

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