Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Stylist (top)

?After dinner, I came out of the barbecue restaurant. After I came out of the private room because of the charcoal fire, I suddenly found that the temperature was a little different from the outside. The weather in Tokyo was originally in May. The temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large. time to put on. It was still early after dinner, so the children asked each other to take the tram home. And Junsu and their agent didn't get up until they saw the kids were all gone.

The agent of Naiduan once again said thank you to Junxiu. Thank you for his hospitality tonight. More than a dozen children ate nearly 200,000 yen, which is close to a salaryman's agent. One month's salary. Junxiu smiled and stopped and said, "You're welcome, alright, I should go back." Junxiu stretched out his hand to call for a car, and told the driver his home address.

The manager listened to Junxiu's address and shook his head as he watched the vehicle he was riding in leave. Because many stars live in the Minato area, this also makes many people think that the Minato area is the place with the highest housing prices in Tokyo. Of course, many people also went to the port area to inquire about housing prices, which is really scary enough. However, the highest house price in Tokyo is not the Minato District, but the Chiyoda District in the center of Tokyo near the Imperial Palace where Junxiu lives! The house price here is twice as high as the port area in the eyes of the public!

It's just because all the senior government officials live here, plus the Imperial Palace, Congress, etc. are all here, so the public seldom comes to ask about housing prices. As everyone knows, this is the most expensive place in Tokyo! Also because the house price is twice as high as the bustling port area, it is extraordinarily quiet here. Going out for a run in the morning is pretty good.

So when Naituan's agent listened to Junxiu saying to go home, and inadvertently heard that Junxiu revealed the place name, he realized that Junxiu was already rich to that extent. No wonder he ate more than 200,000 in a meal 300,000, without blinking an eye. If this agent knew that the price of Junsu's house in Tokyo was the same as the price of his large villa in Korea, he would be even more surprised, because Junsu's house price in Korea was exposed!


After Junxiu returned home alone, he changed all the clothes he was eating with barbecue, because the smell of barbecue absorbed by the clothes was too strong, and he drove to pick up Yui in a while, and it was estimated that the whole car would smell of butter. He threw the coat directly on the sofa in the living room and planned to take it to the laundry when he went out tomorrow.

After taking a shower, Junxiu put on his home sportswear and sat on the sofa in the living room. He picked up the magazine on the table and flipped through two pages. Suddenly Junxiu patted his head and muttered to himself. He said, "The stylist for this album.." and Junsu hugged his head and became depressed.

The stylists Junsu has been working with are either from Los Angeles, or from Seoul, but he hasn't worked with people here for a long time in Japan. He usually comes here to shoot advertisements or something. The shapes in those advertisements are provided by the manufacturers, and he is only responsible for wearing them. But the production of the album is different, because V includes stage design, matching of costumes and accessories, and hair design, which have different shapes according to different scenes.

Fortunately, Junxiu is now alone. If it is a group shooting of V, such as a group of people like Girls' Generation, the clothes and styles they use can be regarded as a fashion show! But even if Junxiu is alone now, he still needs a stylist. The problem is that he doesn't know any Japanese stylists right now, and he doesn't think Japanese stylists fit him.

Junxiu wanted to invite a Korean stylist, but it was almost impossible for a big-name Korean stylist to travel for a month or two. Because a big-name stylist and the stars they are responsible for are not one or two, but have a cooperative relationship with many people. If they were in Korea, after taking over their own styling, it would be harmless to occasionally spare a day to style the artists they collaborated with, but the problem is that if they travel to Japan on business, they must temporarily give up their jobs in Korea. No one will take this business, even if the job object is Junsu, it is impossible for them to give up the business in Korea.

And the company's stylist can't come, because the company's stylist has more responsibility, so Junxiu is very headache now. And in the past two years, the difference between Japanese and Korean styles has become bigger and bigger. Junxiu doesn't like Japanese stylists very much anyway. Invitation to come from Korea is not only a matter of business travel wages, but also a language problem, which is the most troublesome.

"Stylist, stylist. And language.. It's too troublesome." Junxiu patted her cheeks depressed and closed the fashion magazine. He lay down on the sofa, picked up his phone and started looking at today's SNS messages.

After swiping on the phone, it was time for Junxiu to go out to pick up Yuyi and get off work. As for the unresolved stylist question, Junsu intends to ask Yui.

Junxiu drove the car towards the TV station. It was also very close to the TV station from Junxiu's house, and it took only half an hour to drive. Soon Junxiu arrived near the TV station, Junxiu did not panic and entered the garage first, UU reading www. uukanshu. com instead stopped by the roadside near the TV station and smoked a cigarette.

The streets of Tokyo at night are very blurred. The drunken tourists on the streets and the red lanterns in the alleys of the izakaya all highlight the beauty of the city at night. Tokyo's daytime is neat and orderly, but at night you can see the city's inversion. The city is the epitome of human beings, and the Japanese are well-dressed and polite when they go to work in the morning. But at night, after three glasses of wine, the people who were decent in the morning instantly turned into 'monsters and monsters'.

Tie on his forehead, standing on the table dancing, originally thought that after drinking this drink will be friends. But no, because the next day you went to meet at the company only to find that he had recovered to be that decent person overnight! Therefore, many people say that if you want to truly understand a Japanese, you will be clear after a drink. Because 'wine' can reveal their true colors!

However, Junxiu is used to this model in Japan, because he has lived here for many years.

Junxiu was smoking a cigarette while thinking about whether he would go to Aihui tomorrow and ask them to introduce a few stylists to talk about. As for the agency, there must be a lot of stylists, and there are so many big-name singers in the company. They must have cooperated with good stylists. When the time comes, I have to go and see if there is anyone who shares his fashion sense.

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