Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Stylist (below)

?The stylist question has been bothering Junxiu since he suddenly thought of it. Now it is no longer the 'cassette' period of the 1980s. At that time, the proportion of styling in albums was not large. Today's album "Styling" occupies an extremely important position. But Junxiu didn't know where to find a stylist, to be precise, to find a stylist that suits his taste. He didn't want the music he worked so hard to ruin in terms of styling.

Let's talk about these headaches tomorrow. Junxiu threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and drove into the TV station's garage, the same as Junxiu and Yuyi got off work before. He sat in the quiet underground garage with the windows lowered a little and glanced at the elevator exit from time to time. Many people say that "waiting" will make people annoyed, but Junxiu feels that if he is waiting for his beloved, his heart will never be irritable, but instead he feels a little excited before meeting.

Perhaps it was late at night, and fewer people entered the TV station. In such a quiet environment, Junxiu tapped the steering wheel rhythmically, and with some excitement before the meeting, he unconsciously hummed an inexplicable rhythm. After a while, a voice finally appeared in the passage, because it was very quiet at night, so Junxiu in the garage could clearly hear someone talking and laughing and came out.

However, although the voice that appeared at this time was a female voice, it was not the familiar Yui of Junsu. After listening to the voice, Junxiu began to pay attention to the person who came out, and when he entered his gaze, a girl in a dress walked in front. When Junxiu saw what this person looked like, he unconsciously laughed, because this girl looked like Yui in Junxiu's eyes, and even Lianyi himself once mistakenly thought this person was her.

Junxiu remembered that he and Yui chatted about this woman, Junxiu said that she was very similar to Yui, and Yui agreed with this statement at the time. She also nodded and said: 'She was the one who was on the cover of a magazine last time, and at first glance, she thought it was herself. But thinking that I have never photographed this magazine at all, I finally read it carefully and found out that this person is Kiritani Meiling! ’

Why did Junsu and Yui talk about 'Tonggu Meiling' because she was listed on the '100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World' selected by an American website!

Today Junxiu sees Tonggu Meiling with her own eyes and still thinks she looks a lot like Yui, just shorter and thinner than Yui. To be precise, she is too thin, she is the same as Yoona, they both belong to the 'Skull Elf' type. Because he didn't know him, Junxiu didn't greet this beauty either, so he just watched her get into the car and leave. Not long after Tonggu Meiling left, Junxiu heard the sound of running shoes clack-clack.

Just hearing the familiar footsteps made Junxiu's mouth rise. Sure enough, Yui appeared at the exit. After she came out, she stretched her neck and looked around like a gopher. Junxiu wanted to honk the horn, but in such a quiet environment, he was afraid of scaring Yui, so he set the car on fire. The sound of the engine starting caught Yui's attention, and when she saw her license plate, she ran towards Junxiu with the same excitement as a high school student.

When Yui opened the passenger car door, she was greeted by a bouquet of red roses on the seat. Yui's face brightened instantly, and she spit out a sentence in Korean: "moya~~? (what

Junxiu listened to the familiar Korean, he smiled and shook his head and said, "The Korean language has become more and more slippery recently, and it seems that she is going to become a Korean daughter-in-law." Junxiu took the bouquet and handed it to Yui who was standing at the door. , Yui looked at the elevator exit, and when the actors in the same group hadn't come out, she hugged the bouquet and sniffed it, and then she jokingly said, "oppa, it's getting more and more romantic now. To be honest, did you buy the bouquet for 'Nogizaka 46' when I went to the performance today, but I forgot it? Just to make me happy?"

Junxiu looked at Yui's smile, and he laughed along with it: "I'm the biggest bunch of flowers for them when I go to the show, and I still need money to buy them? Get in the car and go home. "


Yuyi got in the car and left the TV station without even waiting for the manager who helped her clean up. She sat in the car with flowers in her hands, and her heart was overjoyed.

Junxiu asked Yui while driving, "By the way, do you know a stylist?"

"Stylist? I'm the stylist that the company arranged for me. What's wrong?"

"My stylist for this album has not yet been settled. I haven't cooperated with a Japanese stylist for a long time, so I personally prefer to hire a Korean stylist. But asking them to come on a business trip is a very big language. I'm having a headache right now because of this."

Yui nodded and said, "Do Japanese stylists not meet your album requirements? Also, in recent years, the MVs of Korean singers have far surpassed Japanese singers. You can ask magazines, I believe Those fashion editors would be happy to style your album for you."

"I flipped through two pages of the fashion magazine you put on the desktop. I feel that Korean style and Japanese style have been completely differentiated into two different models recently. Personally, I prefer Korean style."

Listening to Junxiu's words, Yuyi pouted and said, "Korean style, is that what you call Chiguo's upper body?" Because Junxiu's MV for the Korean title song this time was shot by Chiguo's upper body. Muscle lines are also one of the biggest highlights of the MV for female fans.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You haven't heard the title song, do you think that kind of song is suitable for Chiguo?"

Junxiu's title song, Yui helped translate and fill in the lyrics, so she clearly knew the atmosphere of the song, so she said: "This kind of song is most suitable for formal clothes, this, what Korean stylist do you hire?"

"..." Junxiu touched his forehead depressedly, and then he said: "I plan to use the story mode to shoot, you ended up... Besides, I don't plan to shoot just one MV this time, I still plan to shoot it. filming."

"Are you going to be a double-player?"

"Well, that's about it. After all, it's been such a long time since I officially released an album in Japan, so I want to make it as perfect as possible, so it's worthy of the fans' waiting. Stylist.. Korean style that can speak Japanese.. Uh, what did you just say? Editor of a fashion magazine?"

The occupation that Yui mentioned in front of her actually reminded Junxiu of a person who planned to be the owner of fashion products! Although she can't speak Japanese? But she can speak English, and she seems to have friends in Japan who are in the fashion industry. Isn't she the perfect candidate, Jessica! !

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