Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 489: Is it intolerable?

? Yuyi stood between Junsu and Shungui and smiled so tenderly, watching this pair of brothers and sisters like a quarrel in a Korean drama, chattering you and me. *Su*meng*Xiao* said. Lā Yuyi couldn't understand what the two brothers and sisters were talking about. She showed her splayed eyebrows and opened her mouth slightly, looking at Junxiu curiously. When Shun Kyu heard Jun Xiu's unobstructed remarks, he gave him a depressed look, and she raised her head to look at Yui.

At this time, I happened to meet Yui Aragaki and stood up straight and smiled at her. Shun Kyu blurted out, "So tall, why do I think she is taller than Xiuying? 170?"

Junxiu smiled and translated to Yui, "She said you are taller than Girls' Generation's tallest Sooyoung, she asked if you have 170?" Yui stopped at Shungui and said, "No, no, I only" What time is 169'. Hey, I also wish I was five centimeters shorter." Junxiu finally couldn't help laughing, what time is 169? Isn't that equal to 170?

Then Junsu translated Yui's words to Shungui again. When Shun Kyu heard that Yui's net height was '170', she was even more surprised, looked at Yui, tilted her head and sighed, "Hey, if only she could give me five centimeters shorter."

Shun Kyu is the shortest in Girls' Generation. She is one centimeter shorter than Taeyeon, so she and Taeyeon are both the kind of people who resent their height deeply. Looking at the height of the team, except for the two of them that are over '160', they are really envious, especially when they were filming variety shows before, what kind of diss were they had between long and short ones? It was Cui Xiuying's 'height gesture' that left a strong psychological shadow on their short body.

So when Shun Kyu looked at Yui with a height of '170' and a very comfortable look at this time, her unpleasant feeling became even stronger. After listening to Junxiu's translation, Shungui raised his eyebrows subconsciously to express his unhappiness, but how could she hide Junxiu, who has lived with her for more than ten years, with these small actions?

Junxiu saw Shungui's dissatisfied appearance, he shook his head and said, "Does Yui's height make you so dissatisfied? Or do you hate everyone who is taller than you? Actually, your height is quite good in Japan. !"

"I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm going to rest, I'm tired for a day!" Then Shun Kyu politely bowed to Yuyi and said an English word 'Gu Nai~ (good night)' that Yuyi could understand. One word means her After going to rest, Yui completely understood, and bowed to Shungui in return, "Gu Nai~!"

After returning to the room, Shun Kyu closed the door and leaned back against the bedroom door. She sighed deeply and said to herself, "Hey~~ Am I not suitable to be a bad person? Obviously she mustered up the courage to come here. Talk to Yui about the stakes, but" But when she saw Junxiu's distress and Yui's extremely warm smile, she became unbearable again.

Sometimes the picture of love is too beautiful, so beautiful that people can't bear to disturb it. When Yui came back from the front and Junxiu was chatting with Junxiu on the sofa, the warm appearance of the two of them showed her heart-to-heart state that she couldn't bear to break. Really, can't bear it. She saw with her own eyes that the love between Junsu and Taeyeon has gone through so many twists and turns, and she can naturally imagine that Junsu and her are the same.

It's not that Taeyeon didn't know about Yui's existence, but she didn't take the initiative to say anything, so why did she 'teach' them to fall in love like this? In his heart, Shun Kyu always thought about Junxiu, but if she broke them up, would it be for his sake? Maybe he will become more painful?

Now Shun Kyu is just putting this real-world issue on the 'negotiation table' of the two brothers and sisters, and Jun Xiu looks like he is about to die. One can imagine how painful it would be if they were really separated. And after seeing it with her own eyes just now, she also became unsure whether Taeyeon loves her brother more than Yui?

If he really had to choose, would he choose Taeyeon or Yui? Shun Kyu didn't know either, maybe she voted for Taeyeon when she didn't see that warm scene, but after just a few minutes, the balance in her heart swayed slightly.

Shun Kyu leaned on the bedroom door and said to himself, "Are you observing? Are you talking to him and her tomorrow?"

Although Shun Kyu doesn't speak Japanese, there is a software called 'translator' on the smartphone. She can write what she wants to say on the translator in Korean and it becomes Japanese. So even if she and Yui struggled to communicate, the meaning of the communication was understandable to each other.

After Shun Kyu left the living room, Yui picked up the 'hedgehog' ashtray on the table and poured out the cigarette butts for Junsu, "Even if the translation is very troublesome, you should smoke less cigarettes." Yui thought Junsu was annoying music. The translation work of filling in the words, so I smoke so many cigarettes. Because the last time she accompanied Junxiu to change her words, Junxiu smoked a lot.

Junxiu smiled and nodded in agreement, "Understood, you got off work so early today? Why didn't you tell me, I'll pick you up."

Yui put down the ashtray and sat next to Junxiu, "Don't be so troublesome, it won't take long for the manager to send me back. Girls' Generation has been resting recently?"

"Well, they have been on tour in Japan for more than two months in a row~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are now on a group break. Shun Kyu is here this time because she will host the broadcast next time, and there will be no time by then. I've come to adjust her body and mind. After all, their girls' generation status is hard to have the opportunity to go shopping in Korea. It's much better in Japan. I walked with her this afternoon and I didn't get recognized. It feels pretty good. ."

Yui was very moved when she heard this. She didn't care that Junxiu accompanied Shungui for an afternoon, because Shungui was Junxiu's younger sister, and it was reasonable for him to be a brother to go shopping with his sister. What she cares about is "Girls' Generation has entered a rest period" in Junsu's mouth, which means that Taeyeon is also in a rest period. And Junsu gave up her rest time and Taeyeon, who was also very precious, came to Japan, and of course she was moved.

Although Yui is often reluctant to compare herself with Taeyeon, her "heart" will still become very happy and feel very happy after the current situation.

Looking at Yui's beautiful smile, Junxiu turned her head and kissed her on the corner of her mouth, "Go and change your clothes. Would you like something to eat, I'll make it for you?"

"It's almost ten o'clock. If you don't eat, it's easy to gain weight. The last few days will pass."


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