Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Not even eating breakfast?

? The sun just rose in Tokyo the next morning, and it was only after five o'clock in the morning, and Junxiu had already opened his eyes. He gently took Yui's long legs off his own, then went to the bathroom to wash in his underwear. When he came out, he put on the quilt for Yui with a smile, turned and walked out of the bedroom. I don't know if it was because of Shun Gyu's presence, but Junxiu woke up when he moved her leg today.

And Junxiu's extremely gentle little gesture when she woke up was almost sweeter than the cup of honey water she drank after waking up, and the sweetness in her heart was moistened by unfolding Yui and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. Junxiu saw Yui's 'snickering' and also noticed her waking up, he said to Yui gently: "It's still early, you'll rest a little longer, and I'll call you when I make breakfast, I'll go down to exercise first. ."

Running around the Imperial Palace in the morning is the best way to exercise. After Junxiu left the bedroom, he gently closed the door and went to the cloakroom to change into sports clothes. When he entered the living room from the bedroom corridor, he suddenly saw a woman's figure drinking water in the kitchen with her back to him. Junxiu, who had forgotten Shun Gyu's existence for a while, was taken aback by this scene.

Junxiu's body tightened obviously, and when he saw that it was Shungui who turned his head, he said, "Ouch, you startled me, do you have no sound when you wake up in the morning?" Maybe Junxiu is used to the fact that there are no other people in the family in Japan. The appearance of , coupled with the trouble of lying on the bed for a long time last night, naturally forgot the existence of Shun Gyu.

Shun Gyu drank water with a glass of water. She looked at Jun Xiu with her face turned upside-down and her eyes blank, and muttered, "I'm not a man-eating monster who needs to be startled? Besides, if I make a sound, you are sure you can hear it. arrive?"

"The way you look now is no different from monsters and monsters. After you wake up with short hair, your hair is even more messy, can you tidy it up?"

Listening to Junxiu's adjective being a monster, Shungui shouted at him in a speechless manner: "Ah~~~ how do you talk?"

Shun Kyu's shout made Jun Xiu immediately raise his index finger and make a booing gesture: "Be quiet, she's still sleeping, she's going to shoot in a while. Now that she's awake, are you going to run around the Imperial Palace?"

"Don't you know that women's calves become very developed after running?"

"Okay, go to sleep again, I'll call you for breakfast later."

"Okay, by the way, I eat Korean-style, Korean-style spicy fish soup, fried bean sprouts, kimchi. Don't give me natto, I can't eat that."

"Believe it or not, I bought rice **** at the convenience store for you to eat while I was running? Go, go and rest, really..." It was obvious that Shungui was picking on the thorns. Japanese breakfasts are mainly light, but She took out the Korean habit of eating spicy fish soup. Although Yui began to eat spicy food under the influence of Junxiu, she asked her to eat it as soon as she woke up in the morning? Where can she eat spicy fish soup? Shun Kyu really gave Junsu a problem.


Junxiu went to the market to buy the ingredients for breakfast after running Kimchi is eaten as Japanese pickles (pickled vegetables). So Junsu only needs to make a spicy fish soup for Shungui, and Yui's breakfast is the Japanese style that Junsu prepared for her.

A light Japanese-style breakfast is suitable for Yui who is filming. As she said, it's already the last few days, so let's stick with it. After Junxiu came home, he simmered Shungui in spicy fish soup, and made Yui a light clam and winter melon soup.

At the breakfast table, Yui, Shungui, and Junxiu were sitting together. In front of Yui was light Japanese food, while in front of Shungui was spicy Korean food, one white and one red to the left and right. It was much easier for Junxiu to sit in the middle of the two. He had a cup of coffee, two fried eggs, two sausages, two bacon and some bread. The Three Kingdoms cuisine of the three made Shungui speechless.

Shun Gyu shook his head and said, "Oppa, you are really good in the morning. Three people, three different dishes? After that, the nine of us Girls' Generation will have nine dishes?"

Junxiu took a bite of the bread and responded to Shungui with a smile: "In comparison, your Girls' Generation's breakfast is much simpler, there are only two kinds of Korean food, Western style, at most it is enough to make enough portions. ."

Yui also found it troublesome to see the Three Kingdoms cuisine on the table. She said to Junxiu in a very soft and gentle voice: "Oppa, you should actually cook me Western cuisine, it's much simpler."

"It's okay, don't the Japanese say that breakfast is the source of energy for the day? It doesn't take much time to make these for you. The three dishes, her fish soup, took a little more time, and the two of us could get it done in half an hour. Well, it's okay."

Shun Kyu watched Junsu chatting with her in Korean, while chatting with Yui in Japanese, and there was no problem with the language conversion between the two sides. She pouted and asked Yui in Japanese, "Do you have any kakao?"

When Shun Kyu woke up in the morning, she used her mobile phone to check how to say this sentence, so Yui completely understood her words. She looked at Shun Kyu tenderly and said, "kakao? I use 'LINE' now." In fact, both softwares are produced by 'Tengxun' company as a major shareholder, but one product is suitable for a large number of people in Korea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A product is only for a large number of Japanese people.

"Ah.. Line, I know. I don't have Line, can you tell me your phone number?" Shun Kyu spoke to Yui in Korean mixed with English, and at the same time handed Yui's own phone number and asked her to Record her number.

Junxiu took Shungui's mobile phone from Yui's hand at this moment, and then threw it back to Shungui: "Why do you want her number? Honestly play in Japan for two days and go back, my business, myself Know."

Shun Kyu stared angrily at Junsu and said to Junsu in a high-pitched voice: "You know? You know it won't be dragged to the point where it's out of control today. After your Korean album was released, you know how much the media is paying attention to you. Two, once the two of you are exposed in the reporter's camera, the only way to go is to 'admit'. Then I ask you, what about her who is far away in Korea?"

Yui, who was sitting next to him, was stunned, because Shun Kyu looked like he was arguing with Jun Xiu. It's a pity that she couldn't understand what the two were arguing about.

So Yui said to Junxiu, "Why are you arguing? It doesn't matter if I give her my number? She is your sister, not an outsider."

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