Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 538: registration scarf

Happiness, in fact, as long as two people's hearts are satisfied, that is happiness. This happiness is that the two of them are together, maybe they have a rough meal, or they may be plain, or maybe they are holding hands and enjoying such a daily walk after dinner.

On the contrary, those who talk about pursuing happiness all day long, their so-called happiness is made for others to see. The happiness that must be seen by others is not happiness but face. And this "face project" is actually personal vanity and greed! How powerful is happiness, how much power, and both will be satisfied with it!

What Yui has always pursued is not the "high-class life" in those TV dramas, and she has never envied that kind of life. Instead, she likes life to be plain, quiet, and comfortable. In fact, celebrities all do some "face", and even Junxiu sometimes has to do some face projects, especially when it comes to dressing up, he is even more concerned than Yui.

Yui rarely does these things. The life she needs is low-key and elegant.

Now that she has become a 'super first-tier actress' in Japan, she still won't pay for any luxury goods for herself. If Junxiu didn't give her a brand-name bag last time, there is even a bag at home that can be fashioned at the airport. No. Eh, well, because Japanese stars are not like Junsu and other Hallyu who often run around the world, Japanese stars have fewer opportunities to go abroad, and they don't need airport fashion, so there are no reporters at Japanese airports to shoot clothes.

Then it's just daily life, luxury items, etc. For Yui, it's really unnecessary waste, and Yui is much more economical than Taeyeon. Of course, because Taeyeon is the captain of Girls' Generation, which is being watched all over the world, and South Korea has airport fashion factors, Taeyeon's outfit cost is indeed a big expense.

This is not a question of which side Junxiu prefers, but that different countries have different fashion concerns. Korea pays attention to what celebrities wear, and Japan pays attention to the recommendations in magazines. However, at the time of '2013', Huaxia has not yet paid attention to 'fashion' to the extent that all young people pay attention. For the current Huaxia, when it comes to 'fashion', it is generally still in international cities such as ''''Shanghai'' and 'Yanjing'. Well, it seems that South Korea only has Seoul and Busan. Japan is also Tokyo, and Osaka is about the same. It's just that the proportion of people who care about fashion in China is not as high as in Seoul and Tokyo.


The next day Junxiu got up early and set off, because he was going back to China today, Yui got up early to send Junxiu away. The two hugged a simple farewell, and Junxiu said, "I'll be back tomorrow." After kissing Yuyi, he left the house.

Today Junxiu had an agent to take him to the airport, sitting in the nanny's car Junxiu took out his mobile phone and sent a kakao message to Song Qian, who was far away in China, "V Mom, are you up yet? ’

Why did Junxiu send a message to Song Qian? It's for publicity. Last time Song Qian asked Junxiu to open a 'scarf'. He also responded by slowing down, but now he feels that there is no need to slow down. Because of the Japanese album and the follow-up Korean album after returning to China, if these want to sell well, Junxiu needs the strong support of Huaxia fans.

Huaxia in the world is the place with the strongest purchasing power. Although Junxiu does not have the heart to develop in Huaxia, he also needs the support of Huaxia bosses. Junxiu heard Song Qian say that Huaxia's fan group bought 100,000 SUJU albums at the first opening, which shows that his purchasing power is invincible! So of course Junxiu needs the support of Huaxia fans, which is why he plans to open a 'scarf'.

After Junxiu's message was sent, it was like a rock sinking into the ocean. It took more than ten minutes before Song Qian replied to Junxiu: "Wow.. Junxiu oppa, good morning, why did you send me a message so early?"

"Oh, the scarf you're talking about, can foreigners be registered? It's not limited to Huaxia numbers, right?"

"It is not limited to Huaxia numbers. Overseas numbers can be registered. Do you want to register a scarf? I want to follow you. By the way, do you want me to help you promote it?"

"Wait after I've registered, please, are you in Korea or China?"

"In Korea, we F(x), don't you know? Also, you're busy with your own album in Japan."

Junxiu looked at Song Qian's reply, the corner of his mouth raised and he sent it again, "You are in Korea, I invited you to dinner that night, and I happened to be returning to China today."

"OK, let's talk at night, I have to go to the company to practice."

After chatting with Song Qian, Junxiu downloaded the scarf in the mobile APP market, and then started to register and fill in personal information according to the steps. Just when Junxiu was filling out the application, Song Qian sent the first day scarf message this morning, 'Wow, I got up in the morning and received a message from JS Junxiu's senior, he asked me how to apply for a scarf? It seems that he is going to open a bib account. ' Then Song Qian sent a second message, 'I told him the last time we met that his Huaxia fans couldn't see that the ins messages he posted were all reposted by others. So he planned to open his own scarf to communicate with everyone, 'at, JS Junxiu' can look forward to the opening of his own scarf! ’

Junsu quickly registered his scarf, and the name of the scarf was called 'JS Junsu'. Then after entering the scarf, Junsu started to search for 'JS Junsu' and was instantly dumbfounded, and there were many, many 'JS Junsu' on the scarf.

Junsu had no choice but to post a selfie, a group photo with Girls' Generation, and the two comments were: 'Hello everyone, I'm JS Junsu, please have a lot of viewers. ’

Because of Song Qian's advertisement in front, many Junxiu fans kept looking for the real body in the crowd of 'JS Junxiu'~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finally Junxiu updated the first message and someone left a message saying 'Really ? fake? There are so many people impersonating now, I can't believe it. ’

For the first time, Junxiu replied to fans on the scarf, "This is true, I just asked Song Qian. ’

‘I X, is it fake, Chinese is so good? ' 'Translate the text that was typed for you? ' 'Why didn't Song Qian pay attention to you? ' 'Since it is true, let us see the certification. ’

Junxiu took another photo, holding the plane ticket, "My Chinese is very good. With the time of today's plane ticket as proof, I can be sure that it is true, right?" ’

‘Tokyo to Seoul? ' 'Wow, you dare to announce the itinerary, how many fans do you need to pick up the plane? ''Let's go, wait for Junsu to go to the airport. ’

Junxiu was horrified when he saw the netizen's message, and he sent a message again, "Don't you know there is a function called rebooking? ’

However, the response from the fans was 'I don't believe it, you changed your signature. ’

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