Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 539: chick

Because there are too many 'JS Junsu' in the bib account, Junxiu himself used a stupid way to verify his identity. He disclosed all his ticket information in the bib. This disclosure, of course, proved that Bib's account belongs to JS Junsu himself, but it also caused him trouble. Hao Pineapple Xiao Hao said that his itinerary was announced, and now all Korean fans already know that Junsu will return to Seoul today.

Incheon Airport, the airport security personnel who were on the morning shift today, watched from the surveillance video as more and more fans gathered at the exit. They also had a headache. The security captain looked at these dense pick-up people, and he passed the monitor. The screen scolded Junxiu: "Junxiu is deliberately looking for something for us, right? I really convinced him, why do you have nothing to disclose your personal itinerary information? This simply makes our work more difficult."

Although Junxiu said on the scarf that he wanted to 'change the flight', the fans would not believe it, because the fans all understand that the itineraries of the stars are all pre-booked, so you can change it if you want? Once the star changes the itinerary due to his own reasons, it is called a breach of contract, which is a penalty for breach of contract! This is a big loss, so under normal circumstances, celebrities will not randomly change their already set schedule.

After landing in Incheon, Junsu turned on his cell phone just after the plane landed, and more than a dozen text messages rushed into his cell phone, with the scolding of Lee Sooman and Kim Youngmin, 'Oh, you are crazy, what are you doing? Why post your itinerary on the Internet? ' 'You are causing trouble for us. Do you know that the company has arranged ten security guards to go to the airport in order to pick them up? ' 'If you take it once and don't cause trouble, you will feel uncomfortable, and you won't be able to live without trouble, right? ’

'' Junxiu clicked on the picture, and what he saw was a crowd of fans standing at the exit of the airport, holding up a cheering sign of 'Junxiu'. Junxiu held his mobile phone and held his forehead with a headache when he saw all this, because he was in trouble again. Because of his announcement of the itinerary time, it has increased the difficulty of work for the airport.

Junxiu sadly carried his bag and got off the plane with the passengers. After he got out of the cabin, the staff at the airport came over: "Hello, Junxiu, we are the security personnel at the airport. There are too many people who came to pick up the plane today. So I would like to trouble you from today. The VIP channel leaves."

Every airport has a VIP channel, but it is generally not used by ordinary passengers. Incheon Airport also has a VIP channel, but no Korean artist has ever used this channel, so Junsu is the first local Korean star to use the VIP channel. Of course, it is also because the return trips of the artists are quiet on weekdays, and no one has ever made public news on the Internet with great fanfare, and naturally no fans will come to pick up the plane.

So on weekdays, only those reporters squatting at the airport would find out about the artist's return trip, but today is different. It was Junxiu himself who made a fool of himself and posted the ticket on the Internet, causing this kind of thing. The airport also considered that the fans at the door would not cause trouble to the general public, so the airport decided to let Junxiu use the VIP channel to leave quietly after returning.

Junsu has been active for so many years, and has been in and out of Incheon Airport so many times. This is the first time he has gone through the VIP channel. So he was a little sorry at this moment, and also a little curious about the VIP channel.

After coming out of the VIP channel, Junxiu saw his nanny car. After he got in the car, he realized that the person sitting in the cab was not a familiar manager, but a young woman who looked to be about 20 years old. Junxiu was surprised. Looking at the driver's seat, he said, "Who are you?"

"You... hello, I'm Jeon In Na, my manager." This chubby 'chick' manager was suddenly arranged for her to take Jun Xiu to the studio today.

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Oh~~ it's actually 'Little Chicken'. By the way, what about Lao Li."

Little Jizai replied to Junxiu, "Senior Li, I have resigned."

"Resigned? This guy actually resigned? After getting married, he didn't have a good job, so he resigned? Could it be that someone encouraged him to run his own company? A hundred flowers bloomed."

In Korea, there are some brokers from big companies. After they have established their own contacts in big companies, they will choose to form their own companies. Junsu's former manager, Kim Minhyuk, and BOA's former manager, Han Sung-soo, are both representatives of brokerage companies born as managers, and they are the more successful ones.

So Junxiu immediately thought after hearing that his agent had resigned, whether he would also lose his head and run out to set up his own agency. The establishment of the company is very simple, but it is another matter to run the company well, at least he must have the foundation of an artist. Even if he has some connections, he has some affection on the TV station side, but these affections will all run out one day.

Once ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ twice, the TV program team can sell him face. But he can't come up with good artists to support the company, and bankruptcy is a matter of time. Everyone says that South Korea is an entertainment industry like an assembly line, and the same assembly line companies are not a minority of them going bankrupt. That's why Junsu is worried that he is being instigated by someone?

But when Junxiu said these words, the 'little chick' sitting in the driver's seat was stunned. Because she has only recently joined the job, there is no fixed team for her to take care of. Usually, she is basically sitting in the office on standby. She is currently a 'mobile unit' wherever she is needed. However, one advantage of sitting in the company's office is that she can hear some gossip news. Among them, Junxiu's manager resigned and went to '' to be an agency representative. She also heard about it in the pantry.

So at this time Junxiu expressed her unknowing appearance, of course she felt it was very strange. As everyone knows, Junxiu, the management here, is a shareholder who doesn't know what to do. After the establishment and capital contribution, he and Li Xiu shared the shares. They are all made into Korea's top brokerage companies, so with such a strong artist background, wouldn't it be easy for him to manipulate him?

Coupled with the relative relationship between Li Xiuman and Junxiu, he can't possibly cheat Junxiu, right? So Junxiu didn't ask questions after handing it over to Li Xiuman, and it was a hundred and twenty hearts.

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