Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 541: tacit agreement

This time, the actress' spokesperson for the product chose Taeyeon, which was not suggested by Junxiu, and Junxiu did not have such a big suggestion for the business as the actress' spokesperson. Product endorsement is not the '1+1' model of the show, because the 'endorsement fee' of the product is a large amount, and Junxiu cannot ask the merchant to use who will be the spokesperson of the product.

So after the product comes out, who the merchant will look for, and who will be used in the end, has nothing to do with Junxiu. It is the merchant's decision, and only the merchant can decide. Even Junxiu's suggestion has no decisive effect on the merchant. Besides, this time Junxiu didn't ask anything about the product after he designed the product. He only knew that he had a good product sharing contract.

Why did the manufacturer use Taeyeon to partner with him this time? Junsu, the product spokesperson, really doesn't know. Junsu doesn't know it herself, but Taeyeon does. Because when she and the agent went to sign the contract, the manufacturer said that Junxiu and Aragaki Yui's endorsement products in Japan have shown very good results. Does Junsu and Yui have a scandalous relationship? Or real boyfriend and girlfriend? None of this matters to the manufacturer, they only care about the sales of the product.

The popularity of the "endorsement" also proves that the endorsement has an effect, which naturally drives the sales performance of the product. This is what their manufacturers need! Originally, the propaganda department of the manufacturer also thought about whether to use Yui in this pictorial? However, the staff of the publicity department in Korea said, "There are scandals between Junsu and Yui Aragaki in Japan, so the products they endorse will be topical. But in the eyes of Korean fans, Taeyeon is the one who has always been entangled with Junsu. Since this pictorial is mainly for the Korean market, why not use Taeyeon? ’

Also because of the words of the staff of the publicity department, the manufacturer decided to use Taeyeon. First of all, as the captain of Girls' Generation, Taeyeon has a very strong appeal. In addition, Taeyeon's appearance is also a cute type. Doesn't this match the design of the product?

So Taeyeon also knew that this time she got her first personal endorsement product since her debut, and it turned out to be the problem of Junsu and Yui Aragaki. In fact, Taeyeon was still a little unwilling to think about it, but the amount of signing money eased the resentment in her heart a little.

In the past, Yoona had the most personal endorsements in their Girls' Generation, followed by Jessica. Seriously, they are also very curious, how much is the personal endorsement worth after leaving Girls' Generation?

But the question is related to personal income after all. This is a very private matter, so even if you are curious, you cannot ask. It wasn't until this time that Taeyeon realized that the income from personal endorsements is really "great". Compared with the previous one-ninth, the income from personal endorsements has really increased several times. This is inevitable. If Girls' Generation's amount is one billion, the company will divide it into one-ninth after taking the bulk of it. Now, although she is not as tall as nine people, but after the company draws, the rest is all her own, which is of course amazing.


At noon, the filming entered a rest period, and all the staff began to eat. Junsu and Taeyeon sat next to the cameraman while eating and watching the results, the cameraman kept flipping through the photos for the two of them: "This one is really the most beautiful one in my opinion, you guys The look in the eyes of the two of them staring at each other...that 'love' is too much to steal the spotlight."

It is impossible for a photo that grabs the spotlight to be used in a pictorial, because the pictorial mainly highlights the 'product' rather than the 'love' of Junsu and Taeyeon.

Junxiu smiled and said to the photographer, "The manufacturer of this photo will definitely not use it. How about you pass it on to me in private?"

The photographer glanced at Junsu and then at Taeyeon, who seemed to understand something. He smiled and nodded and said, "OK, but I have to wait until I submit the manuscript." After these photos came out, whether they were "waste" or not, he had to hand them all over to the manufacturer. These photos cannot be leaked before they are handed over to the manufacturer, otherwise the photographer will be held responsible. After he submitted the manuscript for publication, he could pass these useless 'waste' photos to Junxiu for collection.

As a photographer, through the lens, he clearly felt the tacit understanding and the deep love between Junsu and Taeyeon. This love is for actors to perform, and it cannot be performed immediately. Unless it is the kind of old actor who can enter the drama right away, can Taeyeon be called an old actor? The answer is obvious. Besides, her 'tacit understanding' with Junxiu can support her calmly entering the play from the first picture?

Therefore, the photographer concluded that the two of them must not have broken up as speculated on the Internet or in the news some time ago. If it is said that the two really broke up, then the two must have a bit of a psychological barrier when they cooperate. Even if the two have a tacit understanding because of their previous relationship, it is absolutely impossible to act so natural when they start shooting.

Because of the re-cooperation after the breakup, how can you say that this is just a job, but their psychology will also make the performance of the two of them a little unnatural or awkward at the beginning, but they don't have it at all! The most important thing is to really "break up", what photos do you need? So the photographer concluded that the two did not break up as the outside world said, but...

Junsu and Taeyeon had dinner, sat next to the photographer and watched the results of this morning for a while before returning to the lounge. After returning to the lounge, Junxiu said with some regret: "Such a luxury brand rarely invests in advertisements~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you shoot two seasons of advertisements, your endorsement fee will be higher, right?"

Taeyeon's endorsement price this time was asked by Junsu on the day she knew Taeyeon got the contract. Taeyeon didn't hide Junsu's current personal contract price, she told him directly. Of course, in front of Junxiu, her "little money" has no meaning to hide, because no matter how she hides it, she can't be higher than Junxiu.

The manufacturer invites collaborators, of course, according to the different levels, and the endorsement fee is also different. This is something that is clear to each other, and the collaborators will not inquire about each other. But there is no secret of income between Junsu and Taeyeon. Taeyeon is also curious about how much Junsu earns from filming a TV series. Is it like the media said that he is paid 100 million won per episode? So she asked Junxiu curiously, and Junxiu honestly told her that her salary was 100 million per episode, but there was another sharing agreement for overseas copyright.

As long as the drama is exported, Junsu will get another income. This is not the right that every TV star has, but the right to dividends that top entertainers have.

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