Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 542: They never broke up!

Taeyeon did not leave after the filming of the collaboration between the two, and the staff at the scene were also very curious, why didn't she leave when she could get off work, and was still waiting for Junsu to shoot on the set? In the end, Junxiu told the film crew when he was changing clothes that it was because his agent had resigned, and he was going to be active in Japan next, so the company has not yet decided on a replacement agent, and he has to pick him up today. Taeyeon's hitchhiker.

The film crew can also understand, after all, Junxiu's role of 'agent' will definitely make many people in the company compete for it. Moreover, he is not active in South Korea for the time being, so the company will definitely be undecided about this candidate for a while. After all, the choice of the agent has to be run in with Junxiu in the end. If the run-in is not good, they still have to be replaced.

Since Taeyeon and Junsu both came to shoot today, they are in the same company, and their relationship is so close, it is normal to take a ride. And isn't it rumored that Junsu and Taeyeon have broken up all the time? If two people ride in the same car today, go out to eat together and appear in the public eye, will this rumor be broken again?

The crew of the photography crew are very gossipy. They chatted quietly during the filming. Is the company deliberately arranging such a ride-hailing scene as a hype for Junxiu's upcoming Japanese album? Because Junsu and Taeyeon are photographed in Korea, they will definitely be on the hot search during this time, and Junsu's album is ready to be released, this is a good pre-hype.

Yes, Junsu chose to take Taeyeon's car today on purpose, otherwise he wouldn't have let his 'chicken' leave first. Some time ago, he broke up with Taeyeon, and it was rumored that his lover was Yui Aragaki. What he needs to do to continue shooting today is to confuse the public. The news, the Internet, aren't they all saying that they broke up with Taeyeon? He made it out for you to guess if it was a breakup?

What if this time when the wind of public opinion is in favor of Taeyeon, he is waiting for him to go shopping with Yui Aragaki after returning to Japan to be discovered? His purpose is to confuse fans and the media, so that they can't guess who they are really in love with. In short, it is impossible for the public to guess that he is so blatantly in love with the two at the same time, right?

Inherent thinking, if Junsu shows his 'love' with Taeyeon, then Yui Aragaki will naturally be a friend. After he showed his 'love' with Yui Aragaki again, everyone thought, 'It turns out that neither of them is! ' After all, in everyone's thinking, 'splitting' is impossible to be blatant!


Taeyeon stood in front of the computer and looked at Junsu's personal shooting results. I have to say that Junsu's personal shooting was much smoother than hers. Although they have also shot a lot of pictorials and advertisements in Girls' Generation, they are much less familiar than Junsu. Junxiu is like a professional model, she knows how to show her products and at the same time she shows herself.

After finishing work, Junsu and Taeyeon told everyone, "It's hard work" all the way, and then the two got into Girls' Generation's car one after the other. The staff at the scene watched the departure of the two and could finally gossip: "Didn't you say that Junsu and Taeyeon broke up? Does this look like a breakup? When leaving, Junxiu arranged Taeyeon's hair tenderly, you Tell me that this is a couple that has broken up? Hehe..."

The most gossipy makeup artist said: "I felt it when I was putting makeup on them. The two of them didn't break up at all, so I took the time to use my mobile phone to watch "RS" where Junxiu participated. He has always been He never said that he broke up with Taeyeon. He just said that the song "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" was created because of Taeyeon. Maybe they did break up before, but now they are definitely reconciled."

"In love, it's normal to be on and off. In retrospect, Taeyeon and Junsu have been involved since their debut, haven't you found out? There is no news about the brothers and sisters of Shunkyu and Junsu, yet Taeyeon and Junsu have not. There's a lot of news."

"Brother and sister and lover are two different things of course. And Shun Kyu himself said on the show that he didn't want everyone to mention him and the first reaction was 'JS Junsu's younger sister'. Fortunately, Girls' Generation was very successful. So now When people talk about Shun Kyu, the first thing they say is Girls' Generation, and then they say Junsu's younger sister."

The gossip that appears on the set will not spread to the public's ears, nor will it spread to the Internet. This is a kind of professional ethics. Of course, it is possible that these news will spread to the ears of some reporters. As for whether the reporters can follow the "news" or not, it depends on their ability. After all, the gossip news of 'Junsu and Taeyeon' is still worth a lot to the reporters.

For example, in a situation like today, if you sell what you see to a gossip reporter, you can get at least 200,000 won in news fees. The paparazzi choose targets to follow from the gossip they hear from all directions. As long as they follow the news, so much investment will be earned back.

Otherwise, do you think that celebrities are so easy to be discovered by paparazzi when they are dating in the car? They also have to get the gossip before they follow, otherwise they will run after a certain artist when they are full for one day? Unless the artist offended the gossip club.

At this time, Taeyeon, who was sitting in the car, listened to the songs of the Japanese album produced by Junsu with headphones. She had only heard one title song, and she had never heard of the songs created later. Now that it's all done, she'll be the first listener. Although I can't speak Japanese, the melody still feels like Taeyeon.

After the three songs ended, Taeyeon took off her earphones and said, "I like the one you put at the end the most. What's the name of the song?"

"The part of the chorus of "Fireworks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is translated as 'Bah, the fireworks take off'"" After Junsu said the lyrics, Taeyeon nodded, because the singing of 'Bah' seemed very awkward when entering the chorus. Heavy.

Taeyeon nodded and said, "The female voice is that one from Japan...a member of Nogizaka46? Her voice is not bad, eh, why are you blushing, what are you doing wrong?"

It has been reported that Junsu chose Nogizaka's Mai Shiraishi to cooperate. Because on the last day of shooting the MV, he uploaded a photo of himself and Mai Shiraishi wearing a Japanese yukata on SNS. This incident was naturally reported by the Japanese media. Of course, the media suspected Junxiu and Shiraishi Mai's relationship, and Shiraishi Mai took the initiative to say that it was a song with Junxiu, and the photo was taken when the MV was filmed.

This made fans curious about the cooperation between the two, and also made Ma Yi-like a hot search in South Korea. Taeyeon naturally knew this person, but her praise for Mai-like 'singing' made Junsu blush.

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